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The President's Daily Brief
November 6, 1975
ret 25X1
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/14 : CIA-RDP79T00936A012900010005-9
_ _ _ _ _
November 6, 1975
Table of Contents
Angola: The fighting has escalated dramatically.
(Page 1)
Lebanon: The security situation in Beirut has im-
proved enough to permit the resumption of some
vital services, but the city remains extremely
tense. (Page 3)
Bangladesh: The situation remains unsettled follow-
ing General Musharraf's seizure of power Mon-
day and President Mushtaque's resignation yes-
terday. (Page 4)
Spanish Sahara: Spain and Morocco have reached an
understanding designed to reduce the threat of
a major clash during the march of Moroccan
volunteers into the colony. (Page 5)
Argentina: President Peron announced last night
that she does not intend to resign or ask for
a leave of absence. (Page 7)
(Page 8)
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A. A-
The fighting has escalated dramat-
ically. The Popular Movement for the
Liberation of Angola reportedly has lost
the major rail and port complex of Ben-
guela-Lobito and is under heavy attack in
Cabinda by forces of a Zairian-backed Ca-
bindan separatist group.
The joint military force of the National Front
for the Liberation of Angola and the National Union
for the Total Independence of Angola, supported by
South African and former Portuguese army advisers,
reportedly captured Benguela early this week after
encountering only token opposition from the Popular
The Popular Movement apparently fell back to
concentrate its forces in defense of Lobito, the
territory's major port and the Movement's key resup-
ply point in central Angola. As of yesterday, how-
ever, Popular Movement forces were reported to have
been pushed out of the port city after heavy fight-
Heavy fighting also broke out yesterday in Ca-
binda between the Popular Movement and the Front for
the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda, a small
separatist group which has been supported by Zaire
for the past year or so. Troops from Zaire, and
perhaps from Congo as well, may be involved in the
Press reports out of Brazzaville indicate only
that Congolese forces are mobilizing to defend Ca-
binda from an invasion by mercenaries. Zairian
news reports claim, however, that the fighting
broke out following a Congolese "invasion" of the
enclave. The Zairian government announced that its
own military forces along the Zaire-Cabinda border
have been placed on alert.
Zairian President Mobutu
intervene in Cabinda for some
force the Popular Movement to
fore independence.
has been planning to
time in order to
give up Cabinda be-
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Zaire may be using a Congolese "invasion" as a pre-
text to justify its own involvement.
The Popular Movement has about 1,500 troops in
Cabinda, a force probably about equal to that from
Zaire. In addition, the Movement has the support
of several hundred Cuban personnel, reinforced with
armor, who arrived in the Congo last month as part
of a larger force and were sent to Popular Movement
bases on the Congo side of the border with Cabinda.
Portuguese troops in Cabinda, who number only about
100, will not be able or willing to stop the fight-
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The security situation in Beirut has
improved enough to permit the resumption
of some vital services, but the city re-
mains extremely tense.
Security forces have made some progress in re-
moving barricades from city streets, although their
task has been complicated by the efforts of warring
factions to improve their positions. Christian and
Muslim militiamen are still occupying areas of the
hotel district where only a tenuous truce is in ef-
fect. For the first time in several days, fuel and
food supplies are being replenished. Some banks
are scheduled to open today, which should encourage
citizens to respond to government calls for a re-
turn to normal business activity.
A meeting on Tuesday between Prime Minister
Karami and Interior Minister Shamun is receiving
wide publicity. The feuding leaders apparently
have agreed to cooperate in the interest of public
security. The uneasy reconciliation will ease the
task of the cabinet in dealing with immediate prob-
lems, but rivalry between Karami and Shamun will
continue to impede efforts of the national dialogue
committee to find political solutions.
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The situation in Bangladesh remains
unsettled following General Musharraf's
seizure of power Monday and President
Mushtaque 's resignation yesterday.
A. M. Sayem, the chief justice of the Supreme
Court, has been named to succeed Mushtaque. Sayem,
a respected non-political figure, presumably will
be a figurehead, with real power wielded by Mushar-
raf and other officers on a "military council" re-
portedly being formed.
Mushtaque had come under considerable criti-
cism because of the killing of five to ten impris-
oned high-level officials of the late president
Mujib's government. Most of the killings apparently
were perpetrated early Monday by military followers
of Mushtaque who were involved in the coup against
Mujib in August. The deaths triggered a partially
successful protest strike in Dacca yesterday.
Reports that troops loyal to Musharraf's main
rival, ousted army chief of staff General Zia ur-
Rahman, were moving on Dacca have not been confirmed,
but Zia retains considerable popularity within the
armed forces.
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Spain and Morocco have reached an
understanding designed to reduce the
threat of a major clash during the march
of unarmed Moroccan volunteers into Span-
ish Sahara, which begins today. Even so,
some violence is likely.
Prince Juan Carlos told Ambassador Stabler yes-
terday that Madrid and Rabat have agreed that the
marchers will come only a few miles into Spanish
Sahara and stay only a short time in the border area
from which Spanish troops have been withdrawn. The
Prince added that a token delegation of some 50 Mo-
roccans will be allowed to go on to the territorial
capital of El Aaiun.
The area beyond which the marchers are not sup-
posed to go is delineated by clearly marked mine-
fields, according to another Spanish official. Juan
Carlos said Spanish forces will use every means at
their disposal to prevent the Moroccans from moving
beyond the agreed area.
King Hassan made no mention of the agreement
with Madrid during his short speech yesterday an-
nouncing that his green march would proceed today.
At the same time, he gave no indication of how far
into the territory the marchers will proceed, sug-
gesting that he may intend to honor the agreement.
Hassan stressed the need for order and disci-
pline during the march and told the Moroccan volun-
teers to be "hospitable" to any Spaniards they en-
counter. Hassan did not threaten to use force if
the Spanish put up armed resistance, but he assured
the marchers that if "anyone else" fires on them
the Moroccan army will defend them. He was obvi-
ously referring to Algeria and the Polisario Front,
a pro-Independence group of Saharans backed by Al-
Once the marchers cross the border, the situa-
tion could easily get out of control.
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The pro-Algerian position Moscow recently has
adopted toward the Spanish Sahara dispute has led
to a deterioration in Soviet-Moroccan relations.
In the UN, the Soviets have sided with Alge-
ria's view that the Spanish Sahara question should
be resolved by granting self-determination to the
colony's inhabitants./
King Hassan has shown his displeasure with
Moscow's position by canceling the visit of a So-
viet delegation that was to put the final touches
on a major Soviet-Moroccan phosphates agreement.
This agreement is important to Moscow because the
Soviets want improved access to develop Moroccan
phosphates to supplement the USSR's sagging domes-
tic production.
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President Maria Estela Peron an-
nounced last night from the hospital that
she does not intend to resign or ask for
a leave of absence. Nevertheless, her
emotional state appears to be deteriorat-
ing rapidly and her political position
seems all but lost.
The President reportedly has responded to the
defection of her last strong supporter--labor leader
Lorenzo Miguel--by isolating herself in a Buenos
Aires clinic, apparently refusing to meet with any-
one except her physician and her private secretary.
Sources of the US embassy say she has hada special
telephone line installed so she can talk directly
with her former mentor, Jose Lopez Rega, now in exile
in Spain.
There seems no hope for any arrangement that
would allow her to remain in office, even as a
The generals are waiting in the wings in the
hope that civilian leaders can come up with a solu-
tion. Peronist labor leaders and politicians have
been meeting since yesterday trying to agree on how
to get the President out of office and what to do
after that. Many observers expect Senate President
Italo Luder, who was acting chief executive during
Peron's vacation last month, will again become in-
terim president until an election can be held.
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Top Secret
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