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The President's Daily Brief
January 27, 1975
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January 27, 1975
Table of Contents
Lif_s_LLEEmt: Foreign Minister Gromyko's trip to
Cairo next week appears intended to prevent
further deterioration of relations. (Page 1)
Oil: The final communique of the OPEC ministers'
meeting indicates that their approach to future
talks will be one of cooperation rather than
confrontation. (Page 2)
Portugal: Politically motivated street violence is
expected to continue this week; rumors of coup
plots are circulating. (Page 3)
Vietnam: Vietnamese communist commentary on the
second anniversary of the Paris cease-fire
agreement predictably blames Saigon and Wash-
ington for the continued warfare. (Page 4)
Cambodia: A convoy carrying much-needed petroleum
and ammunition arrived in Phnom Penh on Satur-
day. (Page 5)
Ecuador: Four US tuna boats were seized Saturday
for alleged illegal fishing in Ecuadorean
waters. (Page 6)
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Foreign Minister Gromyko's trip to
Cairo next week appears to be intended
to prevent further deterioration of So-
viet relations with Egypt.
The Soviets, irritated by President Sadat's
renewed public criticism of the USSR, are probably
concerned by the threat he made in a Le Monde in-
terview last week to abrogate the Soviet-Egyptian
friendship treaty. Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmi
indicated Saturday that Gromyko's visit is the re-
sult of continuing exchanges between General Secre-
tary Brezhnev and Sadat.
? The Soviet foreign minister will probably seek
a reading of the state of Egyptian-Israeli disen-
gagement talks while he is in Cairo, particularly
in view of reports that Secretary of State Kissinger
plans to visit the Middle East next month. Gromy-
ko's visit will give international and home audi-
ences a picture of active Soviet involvement in
the region.
The contentious subject of Soviet arms supplies
is certain to be raised during Gromyko's visit.
Only one Soviet ship carrying military equipment
has arrived in Alexandria since Fahmi visited Mos-
cow in late December. At that time, the Soviets
pledged to supply Egypt with the weapons it had
ordered prior to the October 1973 war.
No new date for a Brezhnev trip is likely to
be set, in view of the strains in relations and
Brezhnev's uncertain health. A Soviet press officer
recently told a US embassy official that he did not
expect Brezhnev to go soon to the Middle East,
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The oil, finance, and foreign minis-
ters of the members of the Organization
of Petroleum Exporting Countries concluded
their session in Algiers yesterday with a
call for meetings of the OPEC chiefs of
state, and between oil exporters and im-
porters. From the importers' point of
view, the outcome of the conference prob-
ably was as good as could be expected.
The final communique was moderate, and
various participants indicated that the
prevailing approach would be cooperation
rather than confrontation.
The OPEC summit, scheduled for sometime between
February 21 and March 8, will focus on developing
a coordinated position for discussions with oil im-
porters. The ministers agreed that the meeting
with importers should follow the pattern proposed
by the French, who want representation from devel-
oping as well as industrialized countries.
a preliminary
exporter-importer meeting could be held in late
March to set an agenda for a full-scale conference
at an as yet undetermined time and place. At the
OPEC ministerial session, the Algerians proposed a
continuation of the freeze on oil prices through
1975. Price increases were urged for 1976 and 1977,
correlated with the rate of inflation.
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Politically motivated street violence
occurred in Portugal over the weekend, and
more is expected this week. Rumors of
coup plotting, meanwhile, continue to cir-
The forced cancellation of the first congress
of the Social Democratic Center Party by radical
left-wing groups bodes ill for free and orderly elec-
tions this spring. Leaders of the Social Democratic
Center, dubbed "fascist" by the left, had anticipated
violence; groups of extreme leftists had ransacked
their headquarters and broken up a party youth rally
late last year, and the far left had said it would
prevent the congress from taking place. Extremist
groups calling for the dissolution of the Social
Democratic Center held another demonstration in
Oporto yesterday with security forces present. Dem-
ocratic Center leaders reportedly are considering
disbanding; if they do, no right-of-center party
worth mentioning will participate in the constituent
assembly elections.
The Communists, meanwhile, have announced they
will hold a demonstration in Lisbon on Friday to
compete with one already scheduled by the Socialists.
The Socialists have called for their demonstration to
show continuing opposition to the unitary labor law
approved by the cabinet last week. The Communists,
who reportedly believe the Socialist rally will be
successful, hope to draw off some of its support.
Tensions are rising and a clash between the two
groups could become serious.,
a coup is being planned by
left-wing members of the Armed Forces Movement in
cooperation with the Communist Party.
The Communists may believe their fortunes have peaked
with their labor law victory and may, therefore de-
cide to take steps to preclude a moderate reaction
against them. Their counterdemonstration could be
a cover for a coup attempt. Radical officers also
might try a coup because of disagreements among the
military over the labor law. In this case the Com-
munists might play only a supporting role.
reportedly are circulating stories-of leftist plots,
perhaps to provide an excuse for taking action them-
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Vietnamese communist commentary on
the second anniversary of the Paris cease-
fire agreement predictably blames Saigon
and Washington for the continued warfare
in South Vietnam.
The Viet Cong's Provisional Revolutionary Gov-
ernment on January 17 repeated its statement of last
October which demanded the resignation of President
Thieu and the cessation of all US aid to South Viet-
nam before serious consideration could be given to
resuming negotiations. The Viet Cong have also is-
sued a lengthy "white paper" which details alleged
US and South Vietnamese cease-fire violations over
the past two years. The North Vietnamese yesterday
reiterated their support of the Viet Cong position.
The communists have reacted strongly to your
statement that you will request supplemental mili-
tary assistance for the Saigon government. In an
authoritative article in their party daily, the
North Vietnamese vigorously attacked the aid request
as an indication of the US unwillingness to imple-
ment the cease-fire agreement. The article at-
tempted to portray continued US assistance to Sai-
gon as ample justification for the communists' cur-
rent military campaign in the South.
The communists have also given prominence to
UN Secretary General Waldheim's recent decision to
allow the Viet Cong to open a liaison post with UN
humanitarian offices in Geneva. They have pointed
to the description of "two South Vietnamese parties"
in the Paris Agreement as tantamount to recognition
of the Viet Cong's Provisional Revolutionary Govern-
ment as a legitimate and co-equal South Vietnamese
governmental entity. Communist stress on this line
is intended to support the Viet Cong's efforts to
gain at least observer status to other UN forums.
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Cambodia: Lower Mekong
Pochen tong A irpo
Prey Veng.
Pre k T
Government positions
Neak Luong Navy Base
Heavy cofroentrations
of Communisrforces
557211 1-75 CIA
. .
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A tanker and two supply barges es-
corted by 18 naval craft arrived in Phnom
Penh Saturday night carrying much-needed
petroleum and ammunition. This was the
second convoy to arrive in three days.
A second tanker was delayed by communist at-
tacks, but arrived in Phnom Penh late yesterday.
The success of these two convoys will provide a
psychological lift to the Cambodians, whose Mekong
lifeline has been cut since early this month.
Intercepted messages indicate that the Khmer
communists intend to continue their interdiction
effort. Orders are being issued to construct more
river barricades, lay additional mines, and retake
shore positions lost last weekend.
Communist forces are also continuing rocket
attacks on Phnom Penh and nearby Pochentong air-
field. They may be trying to get close enough to
the airfield for more accurate rocket and howitzer
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The navy seized four US tuna boats
Saturday for alleged illegal fishing
within Ecuadorean waters, the first
seizures since the 1972-73 fishing sea-
Navy headquarters in Guayaquil announced the
boats were seized "40 miles off the coastline."
This formulation may be deliberate; it gives Ecuador
the option of treating the matter as a simple case
of unlicensed fishing within Ecuador's 200-mile ter-
ritorial limit or, more seriously, of fishing in the
40-mile prohibited zone along the coast. The first
case would probably mean heavy fines. The second
case could mean confiscation of the fish catch and
the boats, and even jailing of the crews, in addi-
tion to fines.
President Rodriguez has recently charged that
the new US Trade Reform Act discriminates against
Ecuador because it is a member of the Organization
of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Ecuador may take
a strong initial position in dealing with the boat
crews, their parent companies, and US consular of-
ficers. By pegging the seizure to the far limit of
?the 40-mile zone, the government may, however, be
suggesting a willingness to temper enforcement to
match US flexibility in bilateral relations.
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Top Secret
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