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The President's Daily Brief
July 1, 1976
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July 1, 1976
Table of Contents
Lebanon: There was more sharp fighting in Beirut yesterday.
Syria is still playing along with Libyan Prime Minister Jal-
lud's mediation attempts and with the Arab League mission in
order to minimize its continued involvement in the fighting
and consolidate its military positions. (Page 1)
Europe-USSR: Presidents Tito of Yugoslavia and Ceausescu of Ro-
mania and several West European communist party leaders gave
speeches pt the European communist party conference that
underlined their independent positions. (Page 3)
Puerto Rico Summit: European reactims th-u=s- far to the recent
economic talks have been favorable. (Page 6)
Notes: USSR-China; Egypt; Peru; Rhodesia (Pages 7, 8, and 9)
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LEBANON: Heavy fight-
ing continued yesterday
in Beirut in the central
portion of the city, in
the port area, and in
the vicinity of the air-
Libyan Prime Minister
Jallud is still in Da-
mascus negotiating with
President Asad, even
though Jallud announced
on Tuesday that he was
ending his mediation
Residential areas of west Beirut
suffered another day of bombard-
ment as the exchange of artillery
fire between the eastern and west-
ern sectors of the city continued
its gradual escalation. The US
embassy reports that shortages of
food and water are becoming serious
in many areas of the capital. We
cannot confirm Palestinian charges
that Syrian forces have joined the
Christian offensive in Beirut.
In eastern Lebanon, Syrian forces
in the Bekaa Valley have tightened
their encirclement of Balabakk and
nearby leftist positions and are
advancina westward. Elsewhere.
Syrian units surrounding the south-
ern port city of Sidon launched a
heavy artillery attack there yes-
terday. The Syrians' principal
aim is to tighten the blockade of
the port area to prevent seaborne
deliveries of arms to the Pales-
Asad apparently has convinced Jal-
lud that Syria is still willing in
principle to withdraw its forces
from key Lebanese cities.
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T' 1\T ,77 T, Tar, 'CTT'7tTr 7tTT IT
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Syria also authorized
its representative at
the Arab League foreign
ministers' meeting that
ended yesterday to say
that Damascus is now
ready to facilitate
the transport of the
Saudi and Sudanese con-
tingents to Beirut to
take up their duties
as part of the League
security force.
Damascus has been playing along
with Jallud and with the League
mission to buy time and forestall
added Arab political pressure.
Both missions have provided a use-
ful facade for Syria's efforts to
minimize its continued involvement
in the fighting and to consolidate
its military positions. The cease-
fire called for last night by the
League is not likely to have any
immediate effect on the fighting.
Although the Syrians may temporar-
ily mollify some of their critics,
the other Arabs will not be misled
for long. Libyan President Qadhafi,
for example, is increasingly im-
patient with Syria and may order
Jallud to cease his tacit coopera-
tion with Damascus.
Recent information indicates that
the disease may have been brought
into Lebanon by Palestinian troops
who previously had been stationed
in the vicinity of an outbreak of
plague in the Suez Canal area. We
have no further evidence of plague
in Lebanon, but there is a good
possibility that it has broken out
there. The breakdown of sanitary
services in Lebanon provides ex-
cellent conditions for prolifera-
tion of infected rats and fleas
that transmit plague to man.
Troops entering Lebanon from other
Arab countries could spread the
disease to those countries when
they return home.
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7, 7-1 P-77 ri T-1 ("TT T",? /-1 T 7X7
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President Tito and Ro-
manian President Ceau-
sescu delivered, as an-
ticipated, the two most
independent speeches by
ruling party leaders
heard at the European
communist party confer-
Tito stressed that Yugoslavia op-
poses any form of interference in
the internal affairs of other par-
ties. In a thinly veiled reference
to the Soviet Union and Bulgaria,
he asserted that the failure of
Yugoslavia's neighbors to recog-
nize national minorities and their
rights is directly contrary to
both basic human rights and Marx-
ism, and undermines lasting peace
and cooperation in Europe.
Ceausescu defended "socialist pa-
triotism" and the role of the na-
tion in international affairs. He
called for effective safeguards
against interference in Romania's
domestic matters, and declared
that the inevitable differences
among parties--read, among others,
the Soviets and Chinese--should be
solved in a "principled spirit"
via private, bilateral sessions.
Polish party chief Gierek took a
cautious stance and placed more
stress on the solidarity of the
communist movement than on Poland's
role. Warsaw is billing as more
important a speech Gierek is to
give tomorrow in Katowice, a key
Polish industrial city.
Among Moscow's allies, Bulgarian
leader Zhivkov declared that a
party's attitude toward the USSR
and the Soviet party represented
the "most reliable criterion of
loyalty" to the communist ideal.
In condemning anti-Sovietism and
Maoism, Zhivkov stressed that when
inevitable differences between
parties emerge, they should be re-
solved in a spirit of "proletarian
internationalism," thereby assert-
ing that the Soviet party is the
first among equals.
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Speeches by the major
West European leaders
reasserted their inde-
pendence from Moscow
in no-nonsense terms.
Czechoslovakia's Husak, East Ger-
many's Honecker, and Hungary's
Kadar, although supportive of Mos-
cow, did not go as far as Zhivkov.
Italian party chief Berlinguer
said the development of Marxism
had not kept pace with the reality
of the world today. He also re-
stated his party's intention to
pursue an autonomous line without
foreign interference and "within
the framework" of Italy's interna-
tional alliances--a reference to
the party's acceptance of Italian
membership in NATO and the EC.
French party leader Marchais em-
phasized his party's adoption of a
more independent stance by noting
that it recently had discarded
the concept of the "dictatorship
of the proletariat." In addition,
he came down hard on those parties
in power which, in the name of peace-
ful coexistence, cooperate with
governments in the West to the
detriment of the local communist
party. The French Communists have
long believed that Moscow's rela-
tions with Paris have worked against
their own interests.
In the most strongly worded speech,
Spanish Communist leader Santiago
Carrillo underscored his party's
independence from Moscow with a
demand that diversity be accepted,
and a warning that failure to do
so would result in a schism. With
an eye toward his party's current
struggle for legalization in Spain,
Carrillo asserted that full democ-
racy is essential for all "social-
ist states" and pointedly observed
that socialism in Western countries
would be brought about by pluralism
rather than dictatorship.
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Cuban Commercial Air Routes to Africa
rHavana ? ,
,Vor I h
?I l la oI ir
tIci, 11
' Bridgetown
ou t h
I la n
559998 6-76
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Havana's regular com-
mercial air service to
Africa began on sched-
ule on Tuesday.
Flights will leave Havana for Lu-
anda, Angola, twice a week. The
Bristol Britannia aircraft used
on this run will be configured to
carry 92 passengers. The twice-
weekly Aeroflot flights between 25X1
Havana and Luanda via Conakry by
IL-62s are continuing.
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L./ix /LE, I 1?1,d i Li V .1 LJIVLj
EC foreign ministers
meeting in Luxembourg
on Tuesday reacted pos-
itively to the results
of the economic summit.
The ministers regarded the dis-
cussion of the general economic
situation in the West as particu-
larly useful and noted their sat-
isfaction with talks regarding
East-West relations and relations
with the developing world. Initial
press coverage from European capi-
tals on the summit also has been
generally favorable. Most com-
mentators say it provided Western
leaders a good opportunity to work
out a general strategy for control-
ling the economic recovery.
The Italian press has given the
summit heavy play, noting the
willingness of other participants
to express support for Italy. The
need for Italy to adopt stringent
economic austerity measures within
the framework of greater political
stability also has been emphasized.
In West Germany, Chancellor Schmidt's
argument that only a few developing
states would benefit from a common
fund for raw materials evoked con-
siderable interest. One leading
newspaper noted that the US and
West Germany have reached agreement
on this issue, but that a common
approach to developing countries
was not worked out in Puerto Rico.
Press commentary on the summit from
the UK, France, and Canada thus far
has been sparse.
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V 2V A A A A. A. V J-J X-, A. L./ .L V A. .1.
General Secretary Brezh-
nev and other Soviet
leaders who were in Mos-
cow on June 18 report-
edly signed off on the
draft proposal to China
that the two countries
make a joint declara-
tion on principles of
mutual relations.
Brezhnev apparently was concerned
that the proposal not be presented
to the Chinese until after Mao's
death. He approved it when as-
sured that it would be held until
that time.
Politburo consideration of the
subject suggests that Soviet prep-
arations for the post-Mao era have
accelerated. Moscow's awareness
of coming change in China also is
reflected in Soviet propaganda,
which largely has avoided criti-
cism of China's new premier, Hua
kuo-feng, and has focused instead
on Mao as the prime source of
China's anti-Soviet position. Re-
cent Soviet propaganda has com-
mented approvingly on policies al-
legedly advocated by moderate mem-
bers of China's leadership opposed
to Mao.
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SU-20 Fitter C
A Peruvian air force
purchase of Soviet
fighter-bombers on ap-
parently generous fi-
nancial terms may be
near completion. Peru
previously has purchased
only equipment for its
ground forces from the
This would be the first introduc-
tion of this aircraft in the West-
ern Hemisphere; Cuba does not have
this model in its inventory.
The purchase, coupled with other
unconfirmed reports that the Peru-
vians also are buying Soviet sur-
face-to-air missiles, suggests
that additional Soviet technicians
and advisers will be arriving in
Peru in coming months. In addi-
tion, it raises questions about
Peru's intentions in acquiring so-
phisticated weapons that far ex-
ceed its reasonable defensive needs.
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A A ALI- .1 A A\LIA...I.J.L. .1-14. 7 J. VA V A./
The guerrilla war is
beginning to erode the
morale of Rhodesia's
The attack by insurgents last 25X1
April on motorists on the main
highway to South Africa, combined
with other recent incidents, has
white civilian popula-
So far, however, most
alarmed white civilians
whites still appear to
support Prime Minister
travel in Rhodesia.
Ian Smith, and the Rho-
desian army apparently
has not yet been ad-
versely affected by
In addition,
among the reserve forces
morale problems. edly has dropped as the
are called away from their civil-
ian pursuits more frequently and
for longer periods.
In April and May Rhodesia suffered
a net loss of 1,460 whites through
emigration, its highest since 1965.
The government is trying to prevent
the exodus of young whites due for
military call-up.
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Top Secret
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