Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
r?, r=:1 17-1 1==1 tt=24 t==i
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000500380001-0
14 FEB. 1962
-TOrtEefitE-T-- 50X1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000500380001-0
1=11 I -1 ; r71r1r1rIEg
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000500380001-0 1
1. Berlin air corridors
?The Soviets again scheduled use of
the northern and central corridors up
to 7,500 feet for their military transports
between 0415 and 0630 EST this morning.
The Soviet controller at the Berlin Air
Safety Center also warned that our fl*ghts
in the reserved altitudes would be con-
sidered trespassers "with resulting
consequences." Scheduled allied flights
all arrived safely. However, one British
commercial flight was escorted to Berlin
by Soviet MIGs and Soviet fighter aircraft
made identification passes at two allied
transports. Only a few Soviet military
transports were noted active in flight
patterns within the restricted areas.
After the restricted period had
ended, the Soviets lodged at protest
at BASC claiming that five allied
aircraft had flown in the northern and
central corridors during the restricted
period without having filed flight plans.
He said such violations could lead to
undesirable consequences responsibility
for which would rest with the Western
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2. Latin American cross-
a. Castro's reported "get Betan-
court" order to Venezuelan Communists
produced few results yesterday. The
bomb detonated during the President's
Caracas speech caused no injuries and
Betancourt came through with flying
colors. His speech was in effect an
acceptance of Castro's challenge before
a Havana mass ieeting early, this month
where he "dared" any of the presidents
of the 14 Latin American countries voting
for Cuba's OAS exclusion to appear before
a similar public assembly in their coun-
tries. The government, aware of reported
Cuban assassination instructions, had
earlier alerted the armed forces against
possible extremist action.
b. Even the Brazilians may be due
for second thoughts on Cuba.
c. Rebel activity in Guatemala
continues. They now claim a strength
of 500 with "more joining every day."
President Ydigoras has sought HonduraS
assistance in denying the insurgents use
of the border area and has asked that US
forces patrol the coasts and air space
against Itoateigm assistance to the rebels.
Cuban and Communist:. 50X1
interest in exploiting the situation. ,
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3. Laos
4. Rebels resume large
scale attacks in Angola one engagement with a 300-man rebel
force and we believe there may have been
? others of similar magnitude last week.
? These are the first attacka,on this
scale we have seen since last summer.
The Salazar regime, its colonial
back to the wall, can be expected to
take vigorous countermeasures against
the rebels and their outside sources
of support. /
Souvanna Phouma now has the King's
permission for an audience in Luang
Prabang and suggests it be scheduled for
Friday. Phoumi will go to the Royal
capital if and when invited by Souvanna.
Phoumi shows no evidence of relenting in
his opposition to Souvanna and his asso-
ciates in Vientiane continue to push his
"solution" that the King himself organize
a coalition government. They appear to
be lining up support in the National
Assembly for some sort of resolution
along this line.
Sarit, charging that Thailand's
security is jeopardized by Communist
military a9tivity in Laos, yesterday
ordered troops deployed along the
Laotian border. We suspect Sarit's
gesture will encourage Phoumi's
intransigence in negotiating with
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5, De Gaulle-Adenauer
to meet
The French have informed Ambassador
Gavin in strictest confidence that De
Gaulle is planning to meet Adenauer on
Thursday somewhere in Germany. The
French say De Gaulle wants to iron
out differences over the latest French
draft for political union among the EEC
countries. Gavin suspects that De Gaulle
also wants to dramatize Franco-German
solidarity in the face of the US-UK
initiative for high level discussions
with the USSR on disarmament. De Gaulle
may also wish to buttress Adenauer's
position against separate German-Soviet
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A. Qasim, already domestically pre-occupied with Arab opposition elements
and suppression of the long-festering Kurdish revolt, is now _tangling_
with the Iraqi Communists. They are opera* and sharply criticising
him and have engaged in violent anti-government demonstrations.
B. The disturbances in Nepal have subsided. The government, expressing
a desire for improved relations-with New Delhi and hoping to end
India-based rebel activity, has stated it would welcome "anything
the US might be able to do to further this end."
C. Tshombe has indicated willingness to meet with Adoula's repre-
sentative at Kamina on February 24th to discuss Katanga's future
relations with the central government. 50X1
. ?
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