Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
=3 LE = 3=3 = 31 fit3
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/08/06: CIA-RDP79T00936A000600180001-1
7 MAR. 1962
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1. Berlin
a. The Soviets scheduled the
highest number of flights yet in the
Berlin corridors for this morning.
Five outbound flights have already
been completed, and five inbound flights--
one coinciding in time and altitude
with a scheduled Panam flight--are
due to take place at 20-minute intervals,
ending at 1005 Washington time. This
latest variation, affecting both the
northern and southern corridors, is
a step in the direction of flooding
b. The East Germans were busy
yesterday shifting barriers around
at the Friedrichstraste crossing point
into East Berlin (the only one open
to non-Germans) to make room around
the sheds they set up there last
December. The present lay-out could
easily be turned into a passport--; and
visa-checking station.
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2. Congo
a. Tshombe has publicly an-
nounced that he is satisfied with UN
security guarantees and that he plans
to go to Leopoldville on March 15,
but Hoffacker reports mounting resistance
to the idea among Katanga extremists.
b. There has been no repetition
of Monday's skirmishing between Katangan
and UN elements near Kamina, but the
incident has put a scare into top UN
people in both New York and Leopold-
ville, and they are now looking on an
Adoula-Tshombe meeting as an urgent 50X1
c. A number of the radical
nationalists in Leopoldville are deeply
disgruntled over their place in the
Adoula government and are eyeing Stanley-
ville as a base for another separatist
effort with a Lumumbist slant.
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3. Indonesia
a. The cabinet reorganization
carried out by Sukarno yesterday.ik
the name of tighter administration,
marks a clear gain for the moderately-
inclined military in their-tug-of-mar
with the extreme left for influence.
General Nasution stays on as both
Minister of National Security and
Army Chief of Staff and seems to
have succeeded also in engineering
the demotion of several cabinet mem-
bers unpalatable to the military.
c.. Sukarno is slated to give a
major address tomorrow in which, besides
New Guinea, he will probably go into
the matter of the domestic economic
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4. Anti-Chinese theme
showing through at
Soviet party meeting
5. Laos
Embassy Moscow, which now has
the text of Khrushchev's opening
speech to the Central Committee
meeting as published in the Soviet
press, notes a distinct USSR-first
motif and believes that many of its
arguments are directed tacitly but
blatantly against Peiping. Among
the jabs are references to "our
opponents" who are likened to early
Christians and ascetics and to
"vulgar theories" which aim at an
equalization of poverty. However,
by not naming names, Khrushchev
has, in effect, put the ball back
in Peiping's court.
Phoumi is scheduled to return
to Vientiane today, but there is no
word yet as to whether he has yet
left Bangkok or as to what effect
the latest US representations to
him may have had.
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6. German sidelights
a. A check in Bonn on what
Ambassador Kroll actually said at
the meeting with journalists--the
meeting which touched off West Ger-
man press charges against him--
points to considerable exaggeration
in the allegations. One account
indicates that some of the positions
attributed to him were lifted from
his outline of what he thinks are
the Soviet goals vis-a-vis Germany.
He apparently did say, however, that
the Oder-Neisse line could be recog-
nized if something in return were
obtained and that Moscow might be
interested in a West German loan.
b. There are indications that
the Soviets may make a pitch for
having both West and East German
representatives on hand for the
Geneva meeting.
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Algiers and Oran are moving
decisively toward anarchy.
B. Moscow transferred nearly $3.8 million in US dollars to Cuba's
account late last month as part of their sugar deal. The amounts
of money and sugar involved in this particular transaction, taken
together with other evidence, makes us think that Havana is
getting as much as $50 million annually in convertible US
currency under a soecial provision of its sugar agreements with
the USSR. 50X1
C. Embassy Buenos Aires believes that Frondizi has regained his
momentum through intensive politicking over the last two weeks.
E. The Ecuadorian military, still disturbed at what they consider
to be Arosemena's persistent leftward drift but so far unable
to get together on countermeasures, may have their mettle tested
when the President tries to remove the chief of the general
F. The EEC subcommittee working on a political statute for the
community has wound up with a document which counterposes the
French position on major questions to that of the other 5 mem-
bers. The job of bridging the gap is being bucked up to the
foreign ministers' meeting scheduled for later this month.
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