Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
LEM LZa laa .1;1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600250001-3
15 MAR. 1962 50X1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600250001-3
LJ - LJ L1 r=71 L I F - 1 T1 1_ f I r----71 LT1 (77:1 17:721
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600250001-3
1. Laos
2. Algerian cease-
fire talks continue
There are indications that a
power struggle is taking place within
Souvanna's neutralist following at
?Khang Khay and that left-wing elements
are gaining the ascendancy. The
Communists appear apprehensive over
Souvanna's recent contacts with
-Western ambassadors and may fear that
he will reach an accomodation with
the Vientiane leaders that would be
unacceptable to them. If pro-Pathet
Lao elements should in fact achieve
dominance in Souvanna's neutralist
group, it is doubtful that Souvanna
could resist Pathet Lao pressures after
a political settlement.
There are conflicting reports that
the agreement would be signed today
and that the talks had run into new
problems. Looking ahead to an eventual
cease-fire French officials in Algiers
are expressing more confidence in
their ability to reestablish control 50X1
if the OAS takes over after the cease-
,,/The government expects
"spectacular" OAS terrorism in France.
In this context the matter of De Gaulle's-
personal security becomes more acute,
particularly in the public appearances
this week related to the visit of the
President of Chad. 50X1
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E= cma L=1 cm =
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3. Guatemala
Student demonstrators have
paralyzed key areas of Guatemala
City. The Communist party--boasting
that it supplied the leadership for
the students--claims to have won a
great objective in forcing the govern-
ment to fire on the students.
the government has reported
a clash with a small band about 20
miles from Guatemala City. A curfew
and news blackout waedeclared last
night and the army has seized the
railroads, which are tied ?up by a
strike in support of the students.
The Communist Party of Guatemala is 50X1
believing it has the
momentum to carry through and over-
throw the government. This may be
over optimistic but the situation
definitely is precarious.
saw I Ns. s . I sls .
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1;1 1=3 IME3 E3 11 Ef
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4. Berlin
5. Libya
a. Four Soviet flights scheduled
for last night were rescheduled for
Friday. No reason was given; weather
did not appear to be a factor. Six
flights were scheduled for this morning
in the southern corridor--three in
each direction--at the same time as
ten Western flights. There are no
reports of untoward incidents.
b. There was a repetition of
chaff-dropping in the southern
corridor yesterday afternoon.
c. Yesterday the rotation--by auto-
bahn--of the US battle group in Berlin
was completed without incident.
'd. The US Mission in Berlin
reports growing concern among the
West Berlin leadership over Soviet
air corridor harassment and the
Western response to it. Awareness
of the population that the full
story has not been made public,
combined with incidents such as
the shooting of a British military
driver, are reported as contributing
to an atmosphere of uneasiness.
Busairi Shalhi, the Royal Chamber- 50X1
lain, previously reported as planning
a coup, is unlikely to move overtly
to seize power prior to the death of
the King, unless the King's increasing
senility makes the succession of the
Crown Prince imminent, or Shalhi's
present strong position begins to
deteriorate. Shalhi hesitates to move
against the respected King, but would
expect no popular opposition to his
preventing the succession of the Crown
" .
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r- F-71c I iT.- ? 4 1iii r =1 I-1 1=1 r.
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6. Congo
7. Sino-Indian relations
? With Tshomb4 due in Leopoldville
today, Adoula left town to fly to
Coquilhatville in Equateur Province.
The reason for the timing of the trip
was not apparent, unless it is part of
some sort of gamesmanship. Adoula
plans to return tomorrow. We are not
too hopeful of agreement on basic issues,
but there is room for improvement in
technical fields such as rail, air and
telecommunications links between
Leopoldville and Elisabethville.
We see little chance for a meet-
ing of minds if India sticks by its
conditions for negotiating
the boundary question with Communist
China. India wants China to publish
the full text of the joint boundary
commission report (which India be-
lieves supports its claims), to vacate
the posts found at the 1960 Rangoon
meeting to be in Indian territory,
and declare the end of further en-
croachments. India also wants China
to admit its error in building a
road on land claimed by India.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23: CIA-RDP79T00936A000600250001-3
On the basis of findings by its Witch Committee, the United
States Intelligence Board concludes that:
No Sino-Soviet Bloc country intends deliberately to initiate
direct military action in the immediate future.
BERLIN: Soviet harassing and probing tactics against Allied
access to Berlin will continue, especially in the air corridors.
Bloc military activity suggests that the Communists do not expect
their actions to provoke military confrontation in the immediate
LAOS: Limited objective attacks by both sides continue, although
neither isattempting to achieve a military decision at this time.
The increased tempo of Communist airlift support suggests stepped
up logistic preparation for resumption of major operations should
negotiations for a coalition government be terinated. The neco-
tiations, however, are expected to continue. 50X1
SOUTH VIETNAM: Despite vigorous government military operations,
the Viet Cong continue to launch company and battalion-size attacks
against lines of communications and isolated guard posts. Bloc
propaganda against US assistance to South Vietnam and Communist
logistical improvements in North Vietnam continue.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600250001-3
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