Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
=1 r-1 t2 '
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600170001-2
6 MAR. 1962 50X1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600170001-2
[Jr if If fiIIR
in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600170001-2
1. Souvanna and
have agreed on a
cabinet list
Souvanna, as premier, would hold
the controversial posts of Defense
and Interior as well as Social Action;
Souphannouvong as deputy premier would
hold the portfolios of Sports, Youth,
and Information. Phoumi would also
be a vice-premier and have the post
of Finance. They agreed that Phoumi
must participate in the government,
but that prior to presentation of
the proposal to him the US must
approve it. Ambassador Brown's
first reaction to Souphannouvong's
holding the Ministry of Information
is that it is wholly unacceptable.
He adds that most of the important
ministries with direct contact with
the people (Information, Sports, and
Youth, Social Action, Prevoyance
Sociale) were in the hands of the
Pathet Lao or Xieng Khouang
personalities, and that three out
of four Vientiane neutrals are total
nonentities. Phoumi is meeting
Admiral Felt in Bangkok today and
plans to return to Vientiane tomorrow.
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L -1
I -1
, F-771
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2. Khrushchev's agri-
culture program
His marathon ?address yesterday--
seven hours--was limited to agri-
culture. 2ointing to past failures
he proposed an elaborate structure
of area and national committees,
calculated to tighten management '
controls and procedures:. Cultivated.
acreage is to be increased by
55,000,000 acres by planting about
half the land presently held in
grass or fallow under crop rotation
procedures. He referred to the need
for investment in fertilizers and
machinery, which we believe essential
if the short-run gains from planting
grasslands do not have long-term
adverse effects. He also emphasized
the lack. of adequate incentives for
the individual. The party central
committee today began discussion
of his report.
Syrian military.
They have been increasingly dis- 50X1
restless with
satisfied with its compromises and
Although a military take-over is
always possible, key army leaders
are more likely to exert behind-
the-scenes pressure for a change
in the Dawilibi cabinet.
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4. Betancourt loses con- Loss of the leftist faction from
trol of the Venezuelan his Democratic Action appears to have
Congress cost him his majority in the lower
house. An opposition alliance,
which functioned against him in
the congressional election on 2
March, could have a majority of
10 or 12 that might try to block
both his reform programs and the
ratification of US development loans.
5. East Germany
a. The USSR yesterday granted
East Germany a credit of $325,000,000
and agreed to increase trade between
the two countries by 12 percent in
1962. This was a timely gesture
of support for Ulbricht on the eve
of East-West negotiations, as well
as a needed boost for its economy.
b. Ulbricht has proposed talks
between East and West Germany at the
disarmament conference.
For The President Only?Too Secret
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600170001-2
6, Congo
a. Katangan and UN troops
clashed yesterday near Kamina, in
central Katanga. Tshombe charges
that 1,200 UN troops attacked Kamina,
the UN states that a routine patrol
of ten men were fired upon and that
a reconnaissance plane was hit; we
believe the UN version.
mounting tension and
hostility towards the UN among the
Katanganese and estimate that "Round
Three" could start at any time.
b. Tshombe, seeking guarantees
for his safety, has added Kasavubu
and the parliament to his list of
requested guarantors. He still vows
that he intends to meet Adoula in
Leopoldville on 10 March "if ar-
rangements can be made." The UN
representatives believe he is sincere
and are trying to obtain acceptable
the Shah is considering
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ELZ! E3 t=9
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A. The USSR scheduled two flights in the southern corridor for
this morning, one out and one in. The latter was to leave
the corridor about half way to Berlin, at 0843 EST, No West-
ern flights were scheduled during this period.
B. The return of former president Quadros to Brazil this week
is causing apprehension in political circles. Regaining
popularity since his resignation last August, he is expected
to re-enter politics; but we have no knowledge of his exact
A Puerto Rican airline C-46, en route from Haiti to San Juan,
was forced to land at the Dominican Republic international
airport by two P-51s, apparently because its flight plan
had not been forwarded. Its cargo was meat.
F. The Communist-backed Popular Movement for the Liberation of
Angola has scored a significant success by winning over to
its side the Chief of Staff of Holden Roberto's Angolan
People's Union, Marcos Cassanga. Roberto's hold over the
rebel movement in the North will not be weakened, but he
will be hampered in his efforts to expand southward where
Cassanga is strongly extrenched.
C-- TL-
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600170001-2