Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
F' 4 r--,
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24: CIA-RDP79T00936A000700120001-6
7 APR. 1962
Declassified In Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700120001-6
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700120001-6
1. General Clay sees
easing of Berlin
2. Argentina
As evidence of a 'relaxation of
the Soviet posture he cites: a) cessa-
tion of corridor flights; b) the agree-
ment on military missions; c) overtures
to break the impasse on intersector
visits by the Berlin commandants, and,
d) the outward friendliness of Soviet
representatives. Looking ahead, he
forecasts that, if and when pressure
is renewed, it will be directed against
the West Berlin economy rather than
against the Allies.
a. Special Argentine envoy Manrique,
who saw President Betancourt on Thursday,
seems to have run up against a stone
wall in trying to get Venezuela to
relax its attitude toward the Guido
government. Nhnrique is due next in
Washington with a letter to the Presi-
dent from Guido.
b. Guido completed his cabinet
yesterday, without succeeding in put-
ting together a representative group
of prominent political figures. He
is still caught in a squeeze on the 50X1
question of invalidating the Peronists'
electoral victories, with the military
ranged on one side and the principal
non-Peronist parties on ?the other.
Prsr Tket Dreieleimn+ C---??????si?
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3. Soviet satellite
4. Congo
5. London to make major
move on EEC membership
Data acquired so far on Sputnik .
XIV, launched yester- 50X1
day from Kapustin Yar, suggest that
it is closely akin to Sputnik XIII
which was put up on March 16. However,
its times of passage over the US make
it less suited for photo-reconnaissance.
a. Brussels and Leopoldville
yesterday announced resumption of
diplomatic relations.
b. Adoula, who has yet to show
any readiness to get down to specific
cases with Tshombd on reintegration,
is now talking about an extended visit
to Stanleyville.
A British statement, designed to
speed up the lazy pace of negotiations
on British admittance to the Community,
is scheduled for next Tuesday at a
meeting of Western European Union mem-
bers. It is expected from information
gleaned by Embassy London that the
British wilt call for linking EEC
defense policy to NATO along the lines
favored by everyone but the French;
shade themselves toward De Gaulle's
thinking on the question of supra-
nationalism; and steer a middle course
on other questions. London now hopes
to have a basic agreement with the
EEC countries worked out by July or
August, a Commonwealth conference in
September, and then full-dress parlia-
mentary debate in November or December.
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6. Indonesia-Netherlands
7. Shah's visit
8. Dominican government
beset by political
There is no word yet from The
Hague on yesterday's cabinet discussion
of the Bunker formula.
a. A close scrutiny is being kept 50X1
on the situation in Iran against the
possibility that the Shah's impending
absence might provide the signal for 50X1
new turbulence, the conglomer-
ate nationalist opposition is capable
of stirring up violence on a moment's
notice 50X1
b. Both the Iranian Embassy here
and Tehran are somewhat apprehensive
over the possibility of embarrassment
to the Shah arising out of his scheduled
meet ha's with Ira Ian students in the
US. 50X1
With its members finding it hard
to pull together, the governing Council
of State is making little headway in
building public confidence. Its
problems seem likely to be soon com-
pounded by a widening split within
its principal political bulwark, the
National Civic Union, between go-slow
elements and those demanding more haste
in removing the traces of Trujilloism.
Meanwhile, there have been scattered
public disorders provoked by the Castro-
inclined 14th of June party.
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9. New Delhi
Fnr Tkp Prpcirlpnt nnlv?Tnn Sprrpt
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A. There has been a clash between Ecuadorian security forces and
alleged pro-Castro elements in an area about 50 miles from Quito.
Fragmentary information so far available indicates that the
government has imposed a state of emergency on the region.
B. We look for the Chinese Communist congress, still going on behind
closed doors, to ratify a distinct shift in economic policy in
the direction of retrenchment. Evidence that a major purge of
the leadership is in the making remains, however, entirely
C. An outbreak of dysentery, which has hit several East German
s near epidemic proportions: in the Berlin area.
The rumor mill in East Berlin is blaming the
rou e on contaminated butter from Communist China,
D. Iraqi forces, showing no stOmach for the campaign against the .
rebellious Kurds, are taking a licking in fighting-in'the north.
MoresetbaOks could Very Well rock,Qasim'S position;
Khrushchev is evidently down with the flu, the second time this
Year. He has been particularly prone to this ailment, but
Ambassador Thompson has recently noted signs of general wear-
G. Algiers and Oran are exceptions, but elsewhere in Algeria there
are signs that the Europeans' resistance to the cease fire and
the provisional executive is beginning to wear away.
Fnr Thp Prpciripnt nniv?Tnn cprrpt
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H. The Ne Win government in Burma, continuing to move toward
authoritarianism, has abolished the country's independent
court system. The regime is also putting a distinct socialist
stamp on the domestic economy, but we see no signs of drift
away from a neutralist foreign policy.
I. Cairo will probably announce shortly that the defendants in the
French "spy trial" are being amnestied. A recommendation from
Algerian rebel leaders has figured in the decision.
For The President Only?Too Secret
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700120001-6