Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23: CIA-RDP79T00936A000700030001-6
28 MAR. 1962
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700030001-6
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700030001-6
1. Syrian military coup
The Syrian army command assumed
power this morning.
/The hard line toward
Israel will probably continue.
2. Argentine crisis Frondizi's time seems to be
at the breaking point running out. Late press reports in-
dicate that the armed services, in
the face of his refusal to resign,
have rejected various compromise offers
and plan to move against him today.
3. Laos
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4. West New Guinea
5. Algeria
The Dutch decision yesterday to
send troop and naval reinforcements to
West New Guinea will probably confirm
Sukarno's belief that the Dutch are
unwilling to transfer the territory to
Indonesia. Prospects for an early
negotiated settlement now look dim, and
Indonesia may be expected to accelerate
military.preparations and carry out
new infiltrations in the West New
Guinea area.,
Selection of Abderrahamne Fares,
a respected Moslem and former president
of the Algerian Assembly, to head the
provisional government until the
referendum, improves the prospects for
successful implementation of the
accords. Meanwhile, despite continuing
incidents and strikes, Algiers and Oran
were relatively calm yesterday and last
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6. Common Market reaction
to US tariff moves
7. Cuban leadership
The angry reaction in the Common
Market to the US tariff action on
carpets and glass will probably lead
the Council of Ministers at their
4 April meeting to discuss the Whole
question of US-Common Market trading
relations. The issue has become a
"community" rather than a purely
Belgian matter and the Council may
consider taking retaliatory measures
against the US which could seriously
affect US exports to the entire EEC
Castro's public attack on
veteran Communist leader Anibal
Escalante (and his subsequent flight
from Cuba) confirms that there is
conflict within the top Cuban leader-
ship. Castro charged Escalante with
following a "non-Marxist and deviation-
1st line" and building a personal empire.
The details are still not clear, but
there is no evidence that Castro's
position is jeopardized or that he is
in conflict with the most influential
Communists, Blas Roca and Carlos
Rafael Rodriguez.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700030001-6
8. Berlin
a. Soviet flights are ,scheduled in
the corridors during darkness this
evening (between 1355 and 1646 EST),
six in the northern corridor, two
in the central corridor.
b. The Soviets have in effect
rejected our protest against the firing
on the US military mission car.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700030001-6
A. After several false starts and a two year hiatus, Communist
China's National People's Congress met yesterday.. Early
news releases indicate that the first order of business was
B. The pending nomination as Spanish ambassador to the US of
Antonio Garrigues?a pro-American monarchist?is a further indi-
cation of Franco's desire to facilitate renegotiation of the
base agreements that expire in 1963.
C. A Middle-East plague of locusts threatens the crops of Jordan,
Israel, Iran, Syria and possibly Turkey and the Sinai Peninsula
during the next several months. Some damage has already been
reported in Saudi Arabii, Yemen and West Pakistan.
D. a Soviet Northern Fleet submarine
launched a missile on 26 March, and that additional launchings
may take place. There is no clear evidence linking this to
other activities in the area, some of which appear to be
preparations for nuclear testing.
E. Brazilian president Goulart's advance agents are cranking up a
publicity campaign in the US for his visit ?here at the same
time the Brazilian Communist Party plans a campaign to force him
to cancel the trip on the grounds of "repeated attacks against
Brazil by US government officials and by the US press!' Goulart's
press secretary, who will accompany him, is an avowed Communist..
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