Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
I- 1 r 1 r i r 1 11 ri r
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700020001-7
27 MAR. 1962
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700020001-7
1- IFR FA I I r 1
r 1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700020001-7
?l. Laos
2. West New Guinea
a. With Phoumi and the King still
standing firm after their talks with
Secretary Harriman, the three Western
Ambassadors in Vientiane have decided
that all they could do for the moment
was to give the Thais more time to work
on Phoumi while continuing direct
representations to the Vientiane leaders
and Souvanna. While a few RLG leaders
show some signs of give, Phoumi is
still intent on completing his re-
inforcement of Nam ma and Secretary
Harrtman describes his two hour visit
with the King as "futile."
a. Subandrio told Ambassador Jones
that Djakarta has decided not to send
Malik back immediately but will do so
if they get Dutch assurance of willing-
ness to work out a plan resulting in
ultimate Indonesian administration.
Once given this the Indonesians could
readily meet the Dutch problem of
interim arrangements, saving Dutch
face and taking over Dutch commitments
to the Papuans including self-deter-
? b. Subandrio seemed particularly
exercised about alleged Dutch intent to
establish a new Papuan state on April
5. Dutch Foreign Ministry officials 50X1
deny any such design.
c. Meanwhile the military tempo
quickens. 50X1
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3. Frondizi still hangs
on, but barely
4. Berlin
He steadfastly refuses to resign
despite intensified pressure for his
ouster and rapidly dwindling support.
General Aramburu, while continuing his
mediation efforts with the armed
forces chiefs, has requested he step
down and militar atience is wearin
E. 1
a. Soviet military transport 50X1
flights are scheduled in the Berlin
corridors today 50X1
Several are again scheduled at the
higher altitudes normally used by
Western commercial carriers.
b. Two Soviet flights yesterday
violated safety procedures by reversing
course and maintaining the same altitude
for short distances before exiting the
southern corridor.
c. The East German People's Chamber
meets tomorrow for final action on the,
new customs law, thus setting the stage
for formally converting the East-West
Berlin sector border into a state
frontier. ,We cannot yet say whether
?Ulbricht intends immediate and full
scale or piecemeal implementation of
the law. In any case, we anticipate
new controls on West German and possibly
Western civilian traffic to and from
West Berlin.
Prsr Ti-t= Prcic;ri=rif nen I,_ cc+
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700020001-7
5. Syrian cabinet resigns
6. South Vietnam
Pressures' from Syrian army leaders
in their chronic 'feud with the politicians
finally forced Dawalibi out yesterday.
Said al-Ghazzi, a political neutral and
compromise candidate acceptable to the
army, has been asked to form a cabinet.
His prospects are not bright as army
factions continue pressing for parliament
dissolution and rule by Presidential
decree. The outlook is for continued
political instability and we expect no
change in Syria's belligerent attitude
toward Israel.
a. Radar reflections of suspected
Communist air drops in South Vietnam,
previously reported for 20 and 21 March,
were also noted on the two following
nights. Attempts by friendly aircraft
to make visual contact have thus far
failed. Cm the basis, of available data
and past Communist practice, we speculate
that there could have been some air
drops by Communist AN-2 light transports
operating either. from Dong 110i in
southern North Vietnam or Tchepone in
southern Laos.
b. We are still trying to pinpoint
the location of the probably highly
mobile Communist communication facilities
reported Saturday as along the Cambodian-
South Vietnam border. A subsequent and
still tentative fix on at least one of
the elements involved placed it in South
Vietnam at a point south Of last
week's location approximately 3 kilo-
meters from the Cambodian border.
C- TL-.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700020001-7
7. Kurdish rebellion
on the rise
c. Ngo Dinh Nhu, President Diem's
brother and political advisor, is sharing
his wife's vendetta with the foreign
press. He says journalists must learn
to abide by Vietnam law if, they want
to remain and proposes the government
"stop being nice" and restrict informa-
tion available to them until they see
the light. Meanwhile, Madame Nhu is
preparing to visit the US, probably as
a member of Saigon's Parliamentary dele-
gation; we don't have details yet on
her proposed itinerary.
?Fighting is spreading in north and
northeast Iraq near the Turkish and
Iranian borders. Several government
security units have been repulsed with
heavy losses and Qasim is moving army
reinforcements to the area,for a major
campaign against the rebels.
' 50X1
r TL. J - r1._ I.. r,_ C_
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r-1 1 E=1
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8. Congo
A. At Tshomb4's request, the talks
with Adoula are still going on; there
was another meeting last night. Tshomb4
is putting on an appearance of patience
and reasonableness--he has evidently,
backed doWn from his previous insistence
that his Parliament must ratify any
agreement reached with Adoula--but he
is not yet making enough concessions to
dampen Adoula's growing impatience for
concrete results.
b. The UN is considering our
proposals for further pressures on
Katanga should the current talks fail.
c. The Czechs are complaining
about Adoula's negative attitude
toward Bloc aid offers. He has rebuffed
unilateral approaches and is even stalling
on their proposals made through the UN.
They suspect Western pressure on both
him and the UNmay be behind it all.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700020001-7
E 1
A. De Gaulle's appeal in yesterday's address for full support against
the OASr
/suggests that a showdown in Algeria is imminent.
B. The Chinese Communist are conducting a propaganda campaign in Hong
Kong against the US action restricting textile imports from the
colony and are reportedly offering financial assistance to
distressed textile companies.
C. Chinese
leaders are "eager" to buy Japanese generators for the Sanmen
Gorge Dam--one of the most publicized of the major Soviet aid
projects. Japanese Conservatives, however, are wary of the bid
until they can get it through non-leftist channels.
D. Greek-Turkish Cypriot tensions have revived following Sunday's 50X1
bombing of two Turkish mosques. Further incidents may occur
next Sunday - the seventh anniversary of the opening of the
Greek Cypriot violence campaign against the British.,
E. We suspect Quadros' broken-field running is confusing his
constituents as much as it is us. He now says he is back in the
Sao Paulo governorship race.
F. Communist China is now training Cuban military personnel, including
pilots. 50X1
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