Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
13 C1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600300001-7
21 MAR. 1962
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 :? CIA-RDP79T00936A000600300001-7
Ej =31 F 1r1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600300001-7
1, Argentina
a. Frondizi gained at least a
breathing spell by yesterday's tenta-
tive agreement with armed forces
leaders calling for a military-civilian
coalition cabinet, strong measures
against Communists and Peronistas and
ouster of supporters of Frigerio, ,his
controversial adviser. Disagreements
over specific points of the agreement
and its actual implementation could'
rekindle the crisis. There is still
considerable sentiment within the
armed forces for a military govern-
ment and Ambassador McClintock re-
ports Frondizi has suffered a serious
loss of public confidence.
b. The threat of violence con-
tinues as Peronistas await orders from
Peron in Spain and clarification of
the government!,s intent on allowing
them to take office on I May. Frondizi
has asked us urgently to try to get
Franco to persuade Peron not to incite
his followers in Argentina to resort
?to violent action. (See Documents
of Interest)
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600300001-7
2. Syrian-Israeli
tensions remain high
3. Laos impasse
I -1
There were two Syrian-Israeli
firing incidents on Lake Tiberias
yesterday. Both sides are determined
to maintain their claimed prerogatives
in the area and appear preparing for
further action. Ambassador Knight
suspects the Syrian government believes
the "battle of the water" has already
begun and is gambling to forestall
the Israeli Jordan River diversion
by escalating tension to a point where
the UN, led by the US, would step in
and force Israel to abandon the project
to avoid war. 50X1
?b. Sarit, has expressed his alarm
at Phoumi's stand and emphasized his
willingness to do everything he could
to bring Phoumi to a Bangkok meeting
with Harriman and a compromise settle-
ment. He has sent General Wallop to
Savannaket in a last ditch effort to
bring Phoumi around. Sarit sees Phoumi
as now tied up in a matter of "face"
and cautions that he will require
"skillful" handling.
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F1 1
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.4. -Berlin
c. King Savang, in his favorite
role of detached observer, told Ambas-
sador Brown on Monday that he can see
no solution for the "great and tragic
drama" in Laos. Brown sums up the
session: we can expect no help from
the King; his sympathies are already
with Phoumi.
a. Eight Soviet transport flights--
two Ottbound and two inbound in both
the Central and northern Berlin cor-
ridors--were scheduled this morning
between 0420 and 0709 Washington time
at altitudes from 2,500 to 7,500 feet
A total Of Six Western flights in the
northern and Seven in the southern
corridor were also scheduled during
the period. As of 0830 no incidents
or harrassmeht of Western flights have
been reported and all flights proceeded
on schedule.
b. Yesterday our autobahn convoy.
experienced a two-and-half hour delay
at the East German border. .The Soviet
officer ascribed the delay to our
failure to give advance notice of the
convoy's arrival and requested that
such notice be given in the future.
This is the first such Soviet request.
c. Recent crossing point_activi.ty
suggests the East Germans may be pre-
paring to impose on West German Visitors
to East Berlin the same custom Controls
now exercised over foreign nationals
entering the Communist sector.
I Am.
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5. Guatemala
Surface calm has been restored
in the capital and the strike is sub-
siding. The students have called off
their street fighting tactics but an-
nounce they will continue anti-govern-
ment agitation. Behind-the-scenes
jockeying among the military continues
and Ambassador Bell describes the
situation as still uncertain and
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A test vehicle was launched from the Soviet Tyuratam missile
rangehead yesterday but apparently failedinJflight shortly atter
firing. It was intended to impact on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
B. Saigon officials are still reassuring us that Madame Nhu's
speech did not reflect government views. Diem, somewhat
embarressed by it all, has told Ambassador Nolting her re-
marks were "politically stupid."
C. Both Qasim and the Kurdish rebels seem to be cranking up for
a renewal of hostilities. Qasim is als0 increasing diplomatic
pressures on those countries still recognizing Kuwait.
D. Precarious internal security, political infighting among the
tribal factions and African static in the UN are combining
to 'give the Belgians a rough go in setting tip their Ruanda-
Akundi trust territory for independence this summer.
E. In the wake of the Algerian cease-fire, Egypt may resume
diplomatic relations..with France and Nasir
merely expel the French SAY trial defendents
embarrassing De Gaulle.
to avoid further
F. The Egyptians are sending a delegation to Moscow to procure
from the USSR more raw materials and Semi-processed items now
obtained from the West. *a. suspect the move stems from pressure
on Nasir to alleviate EgyWS serious; foreign exchange difficulties
and his probable disappointment at advice from Western experts
to cut his overambitions development program if he wants to
qualify for stabilization aid. 50X1
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600300001-7