Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
13 1=1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700130001-5
9 APR. 1962
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700130001-5
Em 1=1 r---1 6-1 IF= =1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700130001-5
1. Moscow postpones Our Embassy suggests that the
Supreme Soviet delay (from 10 April to the 23rd) may
meeting have been caused by difficulty in
making key appointments connected with
the agricultural reorganization started
in March, lack of information about
the Chinese Communist Congress, or a
desire to hold the session closer to
the time we resume nuclear testing.
Khrushchev's reported illness may
also be a factor.
2. Netherlands-
a. The Dutch cabinet did not
take up the Bunker formula at its
Friday meeting, but will probably
do so today.
b. ?Sukarno has publicly reiterated
his intention to gain control of West
New Guinea this year by whatever means
necessary, but he accents the peaceful
approach. Subandrio has again assured
Jones that Djakarta will do everything
possible to avoid increasing tensions
and has asserted that orders have been
issued to stop military actions and
Tifte. Dv.ftel'eLftwhe rtnisi?Tr?os ete?anekil?
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1 1
3. Disarmament
4, Laos
F 1
a. Ambassador Dean reports that
the Soviets are trying to exploit their
advantage in being the only nation to
have a complete draft of a disarmament
treaty on the table at Geneva. He also
says that the eight neutral nations are
"beginning to ask pointed and pertinent
questions" whether we have lost interest
in the conference.
b. Krishna Menon intends to submit
a plan--a variation of the Swedish
proposal presented last week--which calls
for a detection system located On neutral
soil. The ranking Indian delegate in
Geneva claims that the plan has been
endorsed by the nonaligned members of
the conference.
c. ?We expect the neutrals to
apply increasing pressure for a post-
ponement of the US test program and
they may ask for a conference recess
should we proceed.
a. The Soviet ambassador in Laos
is sticking to his plans to take an
extended vacation beginning later this
month. He has intimated that there is
nothing to worry about in the immediate
b. Souvanna has accepted an in-
vitation to meet with Gavin next
c- TL- T.
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5. Summit meeting
Despite Soviet statements to us
they have been 50X1
telling the Indians and other neutrals
in Geneva that a heads of government
meeting will, in fact, take place. They
mention the third week in May.
6. De Gaulle-Fanfani De Gaulle showed some give on
talks on European the question of linking European
Confederation defense to NATO and on the economic
powers of the EEC. He remained
standoffish, however, on the issue
of providing for increased political
integration later on.
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F U I E---- Fi 1 1 U=1 ELQ U
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A. The total turnout of voters in the French referendum (75.62%)
barely met the minimum requirements set by De Gaulle as a
satisfactory expression of national 'support for his policies.
A decision whether to dissolve parliament and hold elections
presumably awaits complete analysis of the returns, and may
be thrashed out in the cabinet meeting scheduled for Wednesday.
B. The present outlook still favors the return of deposed President
Qudsi to head up a new Syrian government. The army has an-
nounced that the new regime will be composed entirely of civilians,
but named no names.
C. The uprising in Ecuador, led by pro-Castro elements, has been
suppressed. Security forces, however, remain on the alert
against the possiblity of new outbreaks, and are deployed in
the main cities as well as several provincial towns.
D. Reports from Buenos Aires indicate that the military have
prevailed on Guido to ban the Peronists, but there is still
confusion and uncertainty in the armed forces on what action
to take if Guido fails to win political backing at home and
acceptance abroad.
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