Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700080001-1
6?'R. 1962 50X1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700080001-1
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23: CIA-RDP79T00936A000700080001-1
1. Syrian revolt
a. After army commanders else-
where in Syria declared against them,
the Nasirite officers in Aleppo
accepted a compromise which had been
worked out earlier. This agreement'
calls for restoration of civilian
government under President Qudsi, exile
(coupled with a substantial pay-off)
for several of the most violently
anti-Nasir officers, and a plebiscite
on reunion with Egypt. The army,
however, is left under the control of
officers opposed to Nasir. We do not
anticipate a restoration of the UAR as
it was prior to September, but the trend
for the moment seems to be toward a
gradual improvement of relations which
could lead to some form of looSe,associa-
tion between the two countries.
b. Nasir apparently weighed his
chances of successful intervention and
decided against. His last face-saving
statement pledges "himself, his mind
and nerves in the service of whatever
effort may save Syria and save every
drop of blood in it," but only if all
parties concerned agree.
c. These developments greatly
decrease the chance of Jordanian inter-
vention against the pro-UAR forces
/and virtually rule
out the possibility of an Israeli move.
Declassified in Part - Sanitized?Cop?ylApp?roveCI 'for Releasle 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700080001-1
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3. West New Guinea
Neither side has yet responded to,
Ambassador Bunker's formula. The initial
reaction of the Indonesian representative
was positive, however, while that of the
Dutch was strongly negative De Quay
and Luns took a similar attitude toward
the President's letter, saying that if
the proposal meant that Indonesia would'
take over the administration before the:
Papuans had a chance to express a...choice
"we will have none of it." On the military
side, no major new developments have been
Declassified in Part - Sanitized?Cop7App7roveCI for Rereas.e 201-6/07/13 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700080001-1
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4, Berlin
5. Soviets bring up
satellite issue in
Outer Space talks
6. Argentina: temperature
begins to drop
East German police yesterday morning
began picking up permits for entry into
East Berlin presented by both West Ber-
liners and West Germans without permitting
them to enter, but later in the day backed
off again. While the pretext is the
planned replacement of old permits, we
suspect this activity is the beginning
of a softening-up process for implementa-
tion of the new customs law, which is
apparently to come into effect on 30
April. No corridor flights have been
scheduled since last Thursday.
They refused to accept the US list of
specific topics unless a joint declaration
against use of such satellites was in-
cluded. We do ,not know whether they will
make such a declaration a precondition
for progress in cooperative space programs,
but the groundwork has at least been laid
for renewed propaganda exploitation of
.the "spy-in-the-sky" theme.
The armed forces, recognizing the
threat that their removal of Frondizi
poses for future political stability,
are making conciliatory noises about a
"national unity" cabinet under Guido.
Although elements of Frondizi's party
are still demanding his return, its
national committee is backing Guido.
The Peronistas, however, are threatening
"popular insurrection" if their election
victories are invalidated.
r? ? I I rf.
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11= E=i E=1 f!L EEM 1==1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700080001-1
7. Mexican approach to
Cuba on prisoners
The Mexican'Ambassador in Havana
has been authorized to urge the Cuban
government to commute any death sentences.
The Brazilian request for postponement
of the trial 50X1
was not accepted by Castro on the grounds
that his public announcement of the trial
had earIpplpd his earlier exchange offer.
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11-11-11I r i r=--3 _
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A. The Soviet missile range ships in the Pacific have turned north
and Appear headed for Petropavlovsk. They were apparently routed
south of Japan because of ice.
B. Ecuador broke relations with Cuba yesterday.
British Guiana has provisionally agreed to purchase $600,000
worth of agricultural processing equipment from East Germany,
its first such deal with any bloc country.
French officials responsible for the Sahara are unhappy over
agreement with Algeria, which they say will give the Algerian
government, after the initial six-year period, "in practice,
last word."
One consequence of the Algerian cease-fire has been a sudden
improvement in relations between Guinea and France.
A meeting of the French African states has strongly rebuked
Youlou of the Brazzaville Congo for his support of Tshombe.
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E=I E=3 E=1 EM3 r-1 F-1 P-1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000700080001-1
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