Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
F-1 r---1 1-1 F?I r"--1 r---1 1=1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600120001-7
28 FEB. 1962
T ? ?P--51" 50X1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600120001-7
; 1 171 L?A
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600120001-7
F 1
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1. Berlin
a. Yesterday the Soviets filed
flight plans for the southern corridor
today: four outbound and four inbound.
The last flight is scheduled to start
at 0941 EST. An interesting innovation
is 'that morning and afternoon flights
begin and end, respectively, in the
Berlin end of the north corridor. One
French, one UK and two US flights were
scheduled to fly round trips in the
corridor in the opposite direction
from the Soviet flights during the
periods scheduled. No incidents were
reported by 0830 EST.
b. .A.mbassador Thompson believes
that the Soviets, having met Western
firmness on the. air corridor question,
are likely to shift probes to another:
access question, potpibly. autobahns.'
He feels the Soviets, may believe the
West is prepared in the final analysis
to accept, the East Germans as agents
of the USSR and will not therefore
react decisively .to partial steps in
this direction.
/the:Communists 50X1
have put themselves in:a more favorable
position to harass rail and water
traffic if they choose to do so. They
have removed one .traCk of a double
track line between Berlin and Potsdam
and are engaging in repairs on important
locks in the Berlin Canal System. ,
TL-. T-- C__L
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I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600120001-7
2. Laos
3. Food shortages in
North Vietnam
a. We have no reports on the
Souvanna-Sou hannouvon talks.
They are most severe in the north-
west highlands of North Vietnam where
there have been requests for permission
to sell rice to the hungry. Seed rice
has been consumed and peasants are
arriving at storage points without
having eaten for four or five days.
Two years of bad crops and a faulty
distribution system have also con-
tributed to food problems throu hout
the remainder of the country.
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t21 Li r--) 1771 r i r:77-1 ri Li I i ri r7-7 r=1 t_
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4. Indian attitudes on
North Vietnam
5. South Vietnam
assassination post
Indian officials, in discussions
with Ambassadors Bowles and Galbraith,
expressed the belief that Hanoi is
concerned over the ascendancy of Chi-
nese influence arising from the situa-
tion in South Vietnam. According to
this view, which reflects the thinking
of the Indian ICC chairman, North
Vietnam sees itself the loser in any
expansion of conflict and if a Laotian
settlement is reached might agree to
some approach through the Indians for
a settlement in South Vietnam. We
suspect that fear of an expanding
conflict in Vietnam is leading the
Indians to be over optimistic regarding
North Vietnam's willingness to pull
in its horns.
they believe they were part of a larger
plot in which a military uprising of
some sort would accompany their attack
on Diem's palace. There have been.
arrests of persons implicated by the
captured pilot, but details are not
yet complete.
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r7-1 1'771 r-17-1
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A. In a restricted meeting with US press-correspondents French
Premier Debre, who is reported planning to seek leadership
of the political right after the Algerian settlement, was
strongly critical of American policy in general, particularly
towards underdeveloped countries and on nuclear questions.
B, Afghanistan has relected a Pakistani proposal.
for a settlement of their difficulties by mutual
recognition of one another's territorial integrity. This would
have reauired the Afghans to give up their claims to Pushtoonistan.
C. Brazil is formulating a plan
for "federal participation" in telephone service throughout
the country.
D. Guatemalan President Ydigoras yesterday announced his intention
to visit Miami and Washington in mid-April.
E. The Burmese politely declined an Indonesian invitation to meddle
in U Thant's conduct of West New Guinea negotiations. 50X1
F. UN Secretary General U Thant plans to attend the 18-nation
disarmament conference if it is a heads-of-state meeting; other-
mise he will send hr Under-Secretary for Political Affairs--
'Louth of the UAR. 50X1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600120001-7