Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Romania views itself as an island of stability in the Balkans, threatened by violent regional
conflicts and at the mercy of powerful European states such as Russia and Germany. Bucharest's
Hungary: The Regional Rival
Most Romanians consider Hungary the primary threat to their country.
Bucharest is suspicious of Budapest's intentions regarding Transylvania,
home to some 1.6 million Hungarians and the site of ethnic riots in 1990.
A bilateral friendship treaty remains stalled over Romania's insistence on
explicit border guarantees and Hungary's demands for guarantees regarding
the treatment of Romania's Hungarian minority.
Romanian-Hungarian military relations reportedly are good, however, and the return to
power of Hungary's ex-Communists following last month's election may pave the way for
improved political ties.
Leaders of the two former Communist parties met amiably in southern
(b) (1)
Hungary prior to the election, and the Hungarian Socialists have signalled
that they will take a less confrontational approach to supporting the
(b) (3)
Concern over Balkan Crisis, Fear of Germany
The violent disintegration of Yugoslavia has presented Bucharest with a sobering worst
case scenario for Romania's own ethnic problems, especially the Hungarians. Furthermore, the
perception that Germany played a role in redrawing borders, by pushing for the premature
recognition of Slovenia and Croatia, has awakened memories of Romania's treatment during
World War H.
While Romanian officials generally discount Hungary as a military threat,
they remember that Hungary used Germany's backing, to force Bucharest to
surrender northern Transylvania.
Bucharest has used Western interest in the enforcement of economic sanctions against
Serbia and Montenegro to upgrade ties to Western institutions.
This me orandurn was Drenared by the Office of Eurooean Analysis. Comments and queries
are welcome
Romania approached the US, NATO, and the CSCE to invite international
monitors to monitor Romanian compliance with the embargo and is
cooperating with a WEU mission monitoring compliance on the Danube
Nevertheless, Bucharest views Serbia as a key regional econo
and is likely to quietly encourage efforts to have them lifted.
Relations with Russia, Moldova
Romanian officials perceive Russia's continued presence in Moldova and Moscow's
reemergence as champion of the Serbs as evidence of continued imperialistic designs,
Senior MFA officials protested in early April that the latest Russian
proposals for solving the conflict in Moldova were aimed at ainin
permanent basing rights there to pressure Ukraine.
Bucharest, feeling the absence of security guarantees from the West, is seeking to improve
relations with Moscow.
To gain international support in its regional disputes, Bucharest has focused on improving
relations with the United States and Western economic and security institutions.
-- Bucharest has endorsed Partnership for Peace, viewing it as an acceptable
compromise providing Romania an opportunity to work towards closer ties
with NATO.
Romania signed an association agreement with the EU last year committing
both parties to harmonize trading regulations and economic policy during a
10-year integration period.
Romanian officials obtained most-favored-nation status from the U.S. in
late 1993 and received a commitment for a $50 'Ilion Romanian-
American Enterprise Fund.
Bucharest remains concerned, however, that Romania will be relegated to a second tier of
East European countries. In particular, a Hungarian success in joining NATO ahead of Romania
would be viewed as a major setback, one President Iliescu warned would destabilize Eastern