Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
AFSN PM0505140992
DDAT 920505
SLIN Moscow ROSSIYSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 5 May 92 First Edition p 1
SUBS [Unattributed report under "News" rubric: "Space Studies and UFO's"
SUBJ NASA Expert on Lecture Tour To Newly Open Urals City
Full Text 5uperzone of Message
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2 [Text] Richard F. Haines, the well-known U.S. specialist from NASA, began
public lectures yesterday in Chelyabinsk, which until recently was dosed
to foreigners. He acquainted his audience at a downtown lecture theater
with the subject "Man and Space." The second topic on which Mr. Haines
intends to speak in the Urals is equally fascinating -- "Technical Review
and Testimonies on UFO's." This has aroused particular interest since a
UFO was observed quite recently over Chelyabinsk. (endall) 5 may
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