Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Response to Secretary of State Cohen Query on Libyan Support to Liberian
Rebels: -
1. Given a successful takeover of Monrovia, what would, be the response
from Libya?
they took Monrovia. Limited material support is also likely.
Libya probably would recognize and politically support the rebels if
If the tiby3n s believe the rebels will v-n, they prnbibly would
increase clandestine support to them even before they' reach the capita).
2. Would Libya support the rebels even before they. reach the capital?
We do not think Libya expected.Taylor to be successful and Tripoli may
.ot have thsught out wt,at to du iii that uvetit. I. seems rea;onable;ty
assume, however, they will increase or at least continue aid to Taylor when
he is a winner since they helped him when they had little hope for his
assistance was provided--military training, funds, possibly arms.
Tripoli concluded it had little to lose. We believe only moderate
Libyan actions in Africa are aimed primarily at countering Western and
Israeli relations there and undermining modcroe African regimes. We
believe Tripoli began aiding Charles Taylor in late 1987 with these goals
in mind. Tripoli had doubts about Taylor and viewed him as little more
than an opportunist. Assistance was continued, however, probably because