Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
9 June 1958
.2ORANDGM FOR: Director of Personnel
SUBJECT: Request for Personal Rank Assignment
REFERENCE: CIA Regulation dated 29 Nov. 1956
1. In accordance with para. l of the referenced regulation,
it is requested that a personal rank assignment be approved for
Mr. Fred G. Albrecht, GS-13, Intelligence Officer, in the Western
Division of the Office of Current Intelligence to occ a GS-12,
Intelligence Officer, oposition
2. Assignment of Mr. Albrecht to this position will not only
put the most highly qualified candidate in the job but the experience
will enhance Mr. Albrecht's future value to the DD/I area. This
assignment is considered as part of the candidate's training
program and upon his return to Washington he will again be reassigned
to a GS-13 or higher graded -position.
Office of the DD I
DATE: 05-Aug-2009