Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
21 -May-2009
25 JUN 1969
TO : Mr., Harold K. Evan-aer
THROUGH: Chief, Supply Division, OL
Chief, SD/OL
Although the attached letters of commendation and appreciation speak
for themselves, I too would like to express my thanks for the fine contribu-
tions you have made. This is a reflection not only on you but also the entire
Logistics Career Service. Please keep up the fine work.
2 4 JUN 1969
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Logistics
SUBJECT : Appreciation - Messrs.
and Harold Evanger
1. It always pleases me to receive information as contained in
the attached memorandum from the Acting Chief, Technical Services Division,
that the "can-do spirit" of Support personnel continues to make itself felt
throughout the Agency.
2. Please extend to the two officers named my appreciation and
congratulations for their performance meriting the attention of Mr.
Would you also see that copies of this commendation are placed in the
Official Personnel Files.
L. erman
Deputy Director
for Support
19 June 1969
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Logistics
THROUGH: Deputy Director for Support
SUBJECT: Letter of Appreciation
1. Our office has generated a requirement to modify a few
typewriters to perform upon demand in a specified (though
normally undesirable) manner. Details of this requirement will
not be given here, but have been orally specified to your typewriter
department at the As well as specific
modifications, ideas for future use were also solicited. In short
both mechanical and creative work were requested.
2. I would very much like to express my thanks for the very
cooperative atmosphere and sincere efforts to help demonstrated
by your shop - specifically by and Harold
Evanger. I would also commend the technical ingenuity of Mr.
Evanger who satisfied our first requirement almost immediately
and who quickly and enthusiastically grasped the nature and
purpose of the request and promptly furnished some additional
creative ideas. The efforts of these men are greatly appreciated.
3. We have a continuing need for ideas of the type Mr. Evanger
can furnish and it is hoped his efforts will continue.
Acting Chief
Technical Services Division