Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
27 January 1976
Mr. Carl L. Duckett
Deputy Director for Science To
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D. C. 20505
I cannot depart without recording my deep admiration
and appreciation for your help to me and your contribution
to the Agency and to -nerican intelligence over these years.
Your vision into new reaches of technology, your brilliance
in articulating impossibly complex problems so they could
be dealt with at the policy level, and your loyalty and sup-
port to me have all been magnificent. Perhaps the most
satisfying and supportive statement, however, was your
magnificent remark to George Bush that the Agency is com-
prised of professionals who will serve with full loyalty to
the man appointed by the President. You have given me
this in full measure, I know you will give it to George Bush,
and it certainly reflects &11 1 had hoped to do in this post.
Thank you for everything else too, especially the
warmth of your friendship, and take with you my best wishes
for future success.
W. E. Colby