(b) (6)
TO Assistant for Personnel via AGDh
DATE: October 27, 1970
FROM Director of Personnel via Presiden REF. No. PI\,-DP-70/:2358
D WAS NOV 21970
SUBJECT ; Maurice H. Cocchi - Manager of Crew Schedulers
i; F. PND-DP-70/1378 dated July 6, 1970
This is to advise that we have employed sir. Cocchi as Manager,
Crew Schedulers effective September 9, 1970. We enclose
herewith a copy o j-" the letter of employment (PND-DP-70/1994
of September 9, 1970) for your information and files.
MVir. Cocchi's employment has been charged against a vacancy in
the field.
h/f ile
DATE: JAN 2008
Field Executive Office
Box 20010
APO San Francisco 96239
c/o 824th Hq. Sq.
September 9, 1970
Kr. Maurice H. Cocchi
Udorn, Thailand
This letter constitutes an offer of employment in the position of N1gr.,Crew Schedulers
at a monthly salary of $880.00 . This offer is subject to the following
terms and conditions:
1. Your possessing the necessary qualifications in our opinion for the above
position being offered.
2. Completion to the satisfaction of the Company of such personal history
checks as it may deem necessary or desirable.
3. Your satisfactorily passing a physical examination and meeting the physical
requirements as set forth by the Company for the position offered to you.
4. Reporting for Duty:
a. You will report to Air Asia Company Limited, an associated Company, at
its offices located at 108 Chung Shan North Road, Second Section,
Taipei, Taiwan, for further employment processing on or before 9 Sept. 70
or at such other place as you may subsequently be notified.
b. As you will travel by air and will have to adhere to the prescribed
passenger baggage weight limitations, the Company will pay for the
transportation by surface shipment of up to 3,500 lbs. of your
personal effects from your bona fide home or place of employment to
your station of assignment. Any duty or customs fees on the shipment.
to or importation into a foreign country of your personal effects must
be borne by you.
Your salary will conmence the day you start your travel en route to the
place stated in paragraph 4.a. above, provided no undue or voluntary delays
occur en route. Salary will be paid by U. S. dollar check once a month.
3. // / 4/ / 7,2
6. Term of Employment:
Subject to your satisfactory completion of the probationary period, as set
forth in the Company's Personnel Manual, herein identified as Personnel
Manual For American Employees, your employment will be for an indefinite
period. If you fail to meet at any time any of the conditions set forth in
paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above, or if your services become excess'"to the needs
of the Company, and your services are therefore terminated by the Company,
you will be given two weeks advance notice, or pay in lieu of such notice,
with return passage to Monson, Massachusetts . If your services are
terminated by the Company for any other reason you will be given return
passage to Monson, Massachusetts . If, however, you resign prior to
completion of at least three years of service the Company will not be
responsible for return passage for you or your dependents to Monson, Massa-
chusetts or for the repatriation of your personal property.
7. Assignment to Associated Companies:
In accepting this offer, you will evidence your agreement to any assignment
to perform like services for any associated company at the Company's election,
as long as the terms contained herein are met. When so assigned you may
receive a salary based upon the local value of your services directly from
the associated company, in which event that amount will be offset against the
amount payable by the Company. Any difference between any such salary payment
and your agreed compensation will be paid by the Company. No such assignment
shall operate to dissolve the employer-employee relationship herein created
nor to release you from your obligations hereunder and you will continue to
hold yourself available for services on behalf of the Company upon its request.
By the same- token no such assignment shall relieve the Company of any of its
obligations to you except as stated above.
. 8. Transportation for Dependentss:
Transportation for your dependents will be provided by the Company upon
certification by your Supervisor that you have successfully completed a
probationary period of such duration as the Company deems necessary to
evaluate your performance and suitability, however, if you wish to bring
your dependents with you, you may do so at your own expense. You will be
reimbursed by the Company for dependent travel only after certification by
your Supervisor, as provided above, that you have successfully completed
your probationary period. In either case, only travel by Company authorized
route will be provided or reimbursed and reimbursement will be only at
authorized Company discount fares.
9. Company Personnel Manual:
The terms, conditions and benefits governing your employment with the
Company are set forth in the Personnel Manual identified in paragraph 6.
above, and shall be controlling unless expressly provided to the contrary
10. Personal Conduct:
We expect that personal conduct of our employees will reflect no discredit
upon themselves, upon their fellow employees, or upon the Company. Exces-
sive or even considerable use of intoxicants will not be-permitted.
An employee's dependents for purposes of Company afforded travel referred to
herein are his wife and children under eighteen years of age.
This letter constitutes the only authorized offer of employment to you from or
on behalf of the Company. We have attempted to cover the general terms of your
employment and some of the benefits which will result from your employment. As
provided above, it is understood that the Personnel Manual (as it presently
exists and as amended from time to time) is the final authority on details. It
is an employee's privilege and responsibility to familiarize himself with the
Company Personnel Manual and the benefits provided therein.
If this offer of employment is acceptable to you, please indicate your acceptance
by signing the attached copies hereof, as provided below, and return them to us.
This offer of employment shall remain in effect only for a period of thirty (30)
.days from the above date unless extended by written notice from me.
Very truly yours,
I have read, understand, agree with, and accept the above offer of employment
this day of 1970.