Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
1. I acknowledge that by virtue of my duties I have been exposed to or the recipient
of classified information, which, in itself, or by the implications drawn from it, is highly sen-
sitive and its unauthorized disclosure or negligent handling could adversely affect the interests
of the United States. I am aware that the unauthorized disclosure of classified information
is prohibited by the Espionage Laws (18 U.S.C., Sections 793, 794 and 798) and that a vi-
olation of these laws may subject me to prosecution by the U. S. Government.
2. I hereby reaffirm my pledge that I will never publish or reveal by any means such
information. I agree further that I do not now, nor will I ever, possess any right, interest,
title or claim whatsoever to such information. I recognize the full and vested property right
of the United States in such matters.
3. I certify that I have surrendered and no longer have in my possession or custody any
classified information or material acquired as a result of this association.
4. I further acknowledge and agree that I have a continuing individual responsibility
to the United States Government for the protection of such information and that the termina-
tion from this relationship with my employer and/or the United States Government does not
relieve me of my obligations under this oath or any other previously executed Secrecy Agree-
ments. I understand that I will not be relieved of these obligations except when specifically
advised in writing by the sponsoring activity of the U. S. Government.
5. I understand that this oath may be retained by the U. S. Government for its future
use in any manner within the scope of this oath.
6. I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion
and in the absence of duress.
NAME OF WITNESS (Type or Print)
NAME (Type or Print)