Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
20 Anril 1949
SUBJECT: Foreign Activities In the Field of Biological Warfare (BO*
The attached report is in fulfillment of a request to nrenare
a study of activities in,
the USSR with.resnect to:
a, the history of BW organization, nlanning and research
since the beginning of World War I
b. the national policy governing research on, and emnloyi.
meat of biological weanons,
the current status of the BW nrograms.
d. each country's military evaluation of this weanon from
the standnoint of strategic imnoitance and strategic
*NOTE: Since October 194.1 the Biological Warfare Intelligence Committee
of the Central Intelligence Agency, comnosed of representatives of the
CIA, the Denartment of the Army, the Department of the Air Force and the
.Department of the Navy has held frequent meetings to discuss developments
in Biological Warfare intelligence. This Special renort is .a nroduot of
their joint varticination, with added assistance from members of the
Masearch.and.Devalonment Board,
I,71 -12LAIL,A4 c_mtomms
No country .in the world is now known to be nrenared to use Biological
Warfare openly.. No country will admit intention to use BV as a weapon'
of offense, excent in retaliation. Any country willing to" sanction sub-
versive, undercover use of BO can ernloy it at any time without fear of
initial hindrance. Although untried, BW is regarded in all informed
circles as a notentially nowerful weanon.
Biological Warfare was recoplized as a notential method of warfare
during World War I, bitt no known organized efforts were made by ark`V
nation to develop t until after its use had been interdicted. by inter4,,
rtational agreement. The League of Nations document of 1925 was ratified
by 42 countries, but not by the United. States or Janan.
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A. 2racultrattaa
Limited information
the Russians began conducting BW research
sources indicates that
some tine in the middle 19301s.
The Germane were clnvinced that the USSR had BU installations on Gradoara
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Island. in Lake Seliger, Vosroshdeniya, Island in Lake Aral, and at
Schlueselberg. The Japanese mentioned Illadivostock and. Rhaberovsk.
None of these locations has yet been -Proved to have BI1 installations.
? Recent renorts from a
indicate that
the Red. Army has at least one BO research group located. at Enibyshev
under the direction of Col. N. U. Ginsburg. It is believed that the First
Chief Directorate of the USSR under Beriya, may be assisting the Red. Army
in :procuring sunnlies for FM develcoment.
B.kesuited tl,?4,1111.Destimatta
=Watt There is no definite knowledgs of the kinds of research end
develonment new being undertaken by the USSR; it is certain only that te?;.',.
search on Di is in -Progress. Russian scientists have -published 'nurely
scientific remorts on every nathegenio microorganism and toxin that could.
'possibly be used. as a RV/ went; therefore, Rd research of any kind. may
conceivably be in progress. Soviet interrogations of German and Jemanese
scientists demonstrated. the Russian interest in -plague, anthrax, and. the
intestinal diseases. The most reliable indication of current Soviet interest
is derived from a report of Soviet experiments on the disinfection of wells.
Some of these wells had been deliberately contaminated by an agent causing a
violent and. fatal intestinal disease. A recent unconfirmed. renort states that
the Soviets have bombs for dissemination of biological agents. It is too
soon, however, to assert that the Soviets are ready to use al as a military
Wimp Practically nothing is known about Soviet research and
development on defense against BW. Of course all usual medical reiearch on
infectious diseases and on -public health facilities for controlling them may
he f.tnnlied to IU defence.
There is only a rumor of the .existence of military training for Bia.
No -Arms for civilian training are yet known.
O. 2.411142111-111UX
Nothing is known regarains nolitical or military nolicy with reenect
to WC of BW.