Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
NOV-03-2005 THU 06:26 PM FAX NO, P. 02
5NOV-7 AN it: 42
President Cheney and his aides.
F-ate oc~
555 IZ- treet.
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20004
Date; 11/3/2005
This is a request filed under the Freedom of
Information/Privacy Acts.
I am requesting a copy of the 9/11 report by I.G. John
Helgerson; and any and all I.G. reports or other documents
relating to investigations of "rendition" and the treatment
of post-September 11 detainees anywhere in the world by CIA
employees or contractors.
I am also requesting any inter- or intea-Agency cables,
emails, memos, notes or other communications, including
memorializations of phone calls, on these topics. i also
request any and all documents such as but not limited to
the genres of documents referenced abo a mentioning Vice
information and Privacy coordinator
central intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Dear FOIA Coordinator:
Wilson's trip relating to it.
I am also requesting copies of any andlall reports relating
to the Niger-Yellowcake matter and fo er Ambassador
and this request is made as part of nes gathering for TIME
Magazine and not for a commercial use. Thus, I request a
waiver of all fees for this request. D sclosure of the
requested information to me is in the public interest
because it is likely to contribute significantly to public
understanding of the operations or act vities of the
government and is not primarily in my ommercial interest.
If this is not granted I am willing torpay fees for this
request up to a maximum of $200. If yo? estimate that the
fees will exceed this limit, please co4.tact me by phone to
discuss it first. II
I also request that you forward me any all documents
recovered under this request on a pied meal basis, rather
than waiting for the entire search to }~e conducted.
In order to help to determine my status to assess fees, you
should know that I am a representative of the news media,
NOV-03-2005 THU 06:27 PM FAX NO.
I also request copies of any of these terns which may be
being produced under any prior FOI/PA requests, and that
they be delivered to me concurrently with any document
delivery made under other FOI/PA requests, and I request
copies of those requests themselves.
Thank you for your consideration.
S' cerely,
- 07) and U.S. Mail
Via fax (703-613
P. 03
NOV-03-2005 THU 06:26 PM FAX NO. P. 01
TIME Magazine
555 12th Street, NW
Suite 600N
Washington, DC 20004
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