Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
REGRADFIL .1 $ J ~ by the,&. CON i.~pendix ": t7
by A.R. Stirling, CW0,W-4 USA .1
30IFR }!r
Person litiee in, or connected with, Gen E. 1. PIT0VRL1c0V's
The follaaxbig personalities have been traced since the issue of reports
based on source infoxia.ticn prior to December, 1955.
hLTUKHOV bnstolii KuDti.h
Crossed the Polish-Gertaenfrontier "over
the bridge" on Monday, 5 Dec 55, at 1)400.
hours, with one teen, at Fft KFURT/Oiler.
Escort to FF',1 'URT/Odor was Maj E llumuK0.
The request for the opening of the frontier
was made by Col GOLOVKOV to Gen t1:LYI,
(Chief, Frontier Control Dte, HQ, GSFG) on
or about 4 Dec 55.
: ERiu,OV
ESaUINK0, iaj
IciRtC.NOV, aj
ZUEV, Vladimir haksiEn ch
Traced on or about 14. Mar 56 as DO.
Sac Capt LLTLRHOV, above.
Crossed the German:-0zoch frontier at 1200
hours on or about 29 Dec 5_5, at SCIN=,
in a car driven by SVI."TC , in order to take
one s n and then return. The request for
the openin of the frontier was made by
PC,TRfl V, (Dop to Col GCGO KOV) , to Gen
MLLYT, Chief, Frontier Control Dte, HQ,
Stated on or about 14. h r 56 to have siined
passes valid. for crossing the DD; fronteors;
passes were also signed by Gen PlTOVRi.NOV
and. Col GOLOVKOV.
Chauffeur. See Maj Kt:RMtN0V.
Crossed the German frontier on 4. Jan 56 at
SCH ttLK'i, at 1400 hours. Request rrode by_
Col GOLOVKOV to Frontier Control Dte, HQ,
GSFG to facilitate this movement.
hob 5-60l- '=-
gQ 902d CIC Gf
oats-~ Personalities in Col SiikLLOV'a organisation
ARTCMs oV, Capt
~l BLRYSH1 V, Lt
Ih ANOVL:, Tanya
On 13 Jan 56 Lt BARYSHEV informed Col
SIIhT'S.OV that he had left all documents
with Cupt ARTEt EV. On 15 Feb 56
PRI Li OV was informed that Capt AThI1C
had arrived.
Left for good for unknown destination
on 16 Jan 56.
Rank unknown. Traced as assi.^tant DO
at SFU_TT. LOV' s HIQ; received query from
Capt N~.-20LOV for . Lt Col SPIVi.KOV as to
when the unit allocations would be sent
out; it transpired that they had been -
scnt long ago.
Rank unknown. Traced as DO at SFILT.',LOV's
HQ. Informed Capt EFLIGL NOV of arrival of
Copt LRThEV above and of P,i.VLOV below.
Traced as DO at SI TL,LCV' a PQ. Spoke
with Capt TRENIM on 31 Jan 56 when he took
dawn some data and was told that Lt Col
TJJ HOV was caning to EEATE.LOV.
Traced as DO at SHITJLOV's HQ. On 30?
Jan 56 informed Capt TEENIN that Col
SI1'2_T1 LOIV had left for the HQ and that
IPJ N 3J would accompany him to POTSDI.i:_, to
TSI EV, the next day where there would be
a party meeting when directives would be
discussed and . naaers should be prepared
to speak.
Traced as DO at Sii TLLOV' s HQ. Was
reported on 9 Jan 56 to be giving a
lecture next day.
Spoke with Maj FROLOV on 24 Jan 56 from
On 31 Jan 56 he was stated to be Dep to
Col m