Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
WEEKLY SURVEYOR 15 March 1971 (b) (1) (b) (3) 11,1~f r~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: MAR 2008 Directorate of Srisnce and Techno!ocy This publication is intended to furnish the intelligence community with a timely survey of significant current scientific intelligence. The items herein are based on selected incoming reports of all kinds received during the previous week. The com- ments represent the views of the Office of Scientific Intelligence and the Foreign Missile and Space Analysis Center and are coordinated to the extent possible in the time available within CIA but, being based on the material at hand, are sub- ject to change on receipt of further information or analysis. We caution against action taken solely on the basis of the preliminary evaluations herein. Substan- tive questions concerning items in this publication may be addressed directly to the Surveyor Staff, OSI, CIA Headquarters, Langley. Questions concerning distribution should be forwarded through appropriate depart- mental channels. Page No. France Plans an Increased Nuclear Power Program o 1 Weekly Surveyor CONTENTS (Continued) Page No. Weekly Surveyor France Plans an Increased Nuclear Power Program: The French Council of Ministers has decided to increase the total nuclear electrical capacity to be placed under construction in the Weekly Surveyor 15 March 1971 next five years to 8,000 MWe (8-10 new plants). These will be light water reactors, both pressurized water and boiling water, using low enriched uranium fuel. The fuel for th e first States of these reactors will be toll enriched in the Uni but French officials say this cannot continue in- ted definitely. Comment: France has already started one PWR at Fessenheim and has dicated that its new power reactors would be light water moderated but not necessarily pressurized water cen e cou e oDtaine tor use o I If-- Ci L; L Ur 011110 ogy. However, French industry wants to become independent of buying US components. France has a uranium isotope enrichment plant at Pierrelatte but the product from that plant is too expensive to use in power reactors. France is trying to create enough interest among the European countries to warrant the construction of a new gaseous diffusion plant for producing low enriched fuel for power reactors.