Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
(b) (1) (b) (3) 1 April 1974 i I RMA ':~i1T File Copy "DO NOT REMOVE APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: MAR 2008 Weekly Surveyor SE WEEKLY SURVEYOR OSI-WS-13/74 1 April 1974 Directorate of Science and Technology This publication is intended to furnish the intelligence community with a timely survey of significant current scientific intelligence. The items herein are based on selected incoming reports of all kinds received during the previous week. The com- ments represent the views of the Office of Scientific Intelligence and the Office of Weapons Intelligence and are coordinated to the extent possible in the time available within CIA but, being based on the material at hand, are subject to change on receipt of further information or analysis. We caution against action taken solely on the basis of the preliminary evaluations herein. Substantive questions concern- ing items in this publication may be addressed directly to the Surveyor Staff, OSI, CIA Headquarters, Langley. Questions concerning dis- tribution should be forwarde roug appropriate departmental channels. Page No. Eurodif Talks of Increasing Its Planned Uranium Enrichment Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 France Decides on Greatly Expanded Nuclear Power Program .. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Weekly Surveyor CONTENTS (Continued) 1 April 1974 Page No. Weekly Surveyor 1 April 1974 Eurodif Talks of Increasing Its Planned Uranium Enrichment Capacity: Eurodif, the French-led European effort to build a gaseous diffusion plant, is now talking of increasing the size of its plant from 9 million separative work units (SWU) per year to 12 million SWU per year. The 12 million SWU plant is presently projected to reach full capacity about one year after its startup in 1979 or 1980. Eurodif says the reason for increasing the capacity is the flow of orders, letters of intent, and the pile up of potential business over the last few months. Comment: When Eurodif first announced its intent to buid la diffusion plant of 9 million SWU capacity, there was speculation in Europe that the output of such a plant, when combined with that of the planned Urenco centrifuge plant, would swamp the European market for enriched uranium. have indicated, however, that Eurodif has had considerable success in getting commitments for enrichment services. It seems that the recent energy crisis has had a heavy impact upon nuclear power production programs world-wide, greatly increasing the demand for enriched uranium to fuel power reactors. Eurodif obviously wants to take advantage of this increased demand; however, the projected 1980-81 full-capacity date may be a bit optimistic. France Decides on Greatly Expanded Nuclear Power Program: On 1 March France announced the concluding of an agreement with the Framatome - Creusot - Loire Group for the con- struction of twelve nuclear power reactors and an option for four additional reactors. Framatome is a Westinghouse licensee which builds pressurized water reactors. This action comes as a result of the French decision to accelerate greatly its nuclear power program. Such an acceleration will require either a considerable expansion of production facilities or an increase in importation of components. II Comment: This large contract agreement seems to commit France to an enlarged pressurized water reactor (PWR) program at a time when the French have been advocating diversification of types. Such action will tend to strengthen native French efforts in PWR research and greatly enhance French chances for future exports. This greatly CRET Weekly Surveyor 1 April 1974 expanded nuclear power program may be an important factor in the recently announced plan for an increase in the size of the Eurodif diffusion plant