Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP96-00792R000700950001-6
Parapsychology Abstracts International
ted one session
aitoring of the
I-second epochs
-indomly chosen
-mm, was given
-count of move-
-,rce of activity.
-: given and no
it of activity in
tired by Mann-
-d the resulting
-'aluate the ex-
lbjccts were to
.erbil in an ac-
:reated a click
result for the
(p = .10, one-
:cd subjects (p
by E.R.G. In
:cd as the ani-
I box. Subjects
activity. Both
ied marginally
which pooled
a counterpart
tested for a
lack that had
e experiments
vho was not
ack. The ex-
activity wheel
is for the co-
;periments to
a subject on
icipating in a
not aware of
s blindfolded
within a pad-
1h of a light
ic subject. In
ease contem-
suits for the
at p