/o-ppxome.ale~oQ .Reloasat2GGG/9SJ414"1bZIA-RDR9 mO&MRG94 f 9 periment with
fiir Demoskopie," Allensbach (Lake of Constance) on the at- the sensitive O. demonstrates sue a dreamy a structure and
titudes of the adult population of Western Germany towards the method of its interpretation. Psychometric object was a
astrology. Whilst about half of those interviewed deny any rela- marriage-ring.
tion between human destiny and the stars, approximately 30% It became evident that the material elaborated in the telepath-
believe it to be a fact and to the rest it seems not impossible. is assertions had its origin in the conscious and subconscious
More than half of the population sympathizes more or less with memory of two persons: the owner of the ring and his wife.
astrology? but in most cases this attitude is derived exclusively In this case the telepathic communication appears as a texture
from acquaintance with popularized "horoscopes" of the of relations, with a marked preference for affectively accentuat-
newspapers. Only 7% know their individual horoscopes, but ed material.-DA
69% the sign of the Zodiac corresponding to the month of their 114. Neuhausler, Anton. Precognition, time and
birth. The sympathizers are classified according to different freedom. Zeitschrift fur Parapsychologie and Grenzgebeite
points of view: sex, schooling, belief in series of luck and ill der Psychologie, 1957158, 1 (213), 189-201.-If we acknowledge
luck, sensitivity to meteorological influences etc. The investiga- the existence of precognition, the idea of a fixed future is con-
tion shows that the belief in astrology which is widespread in all nected to it. This would entail a denial of freedom as ability to
classes of the population presents an important problem of men- determine what is not yet determined. The elimination of time
tal hygiene.-DA from reality, however, is impossible. Whenever there are
110. Jung, Carl Gustav. An astrological experiment. material quanta (mass, energy) existing in different states ex-
Zeitschrift fur Parapsychologie and Grenzgebiete der eluding each other-e.g., a house that is both in an intact and in
Psychologie, 1957, 1 (2/3), 81-92. 2 refs.-This paper follows a demolished state-then there is time as mode of succession. In
from the second chapter of the author's book, Synchronicity: An the case of a sensitive foreseeing a future event -e.g., the crash
Acausal Connecting Principle, in which he describes a statistical of the house-he is in fact not able to see the real crash of the
investigation into the relation of factors of the horoscopes of real house. He can only see an image of the future event. The
married people according to the notions of traditional astrology. conception of ideal images of the future does not include the
The total results exceeded chance and are interpreted by the condition of their coercive power. They can be outruled by fac-
author as synchronicity; that is, a significant arrangement in- tors not contained in the determining structure. Human
duced by the expectations of the experimenter based on ar- freedom would be such a factor. The decision for or against
chetypal conditions. His intention has often been human freedom lies beyond the acceptance or refusal of
misunderstood. It was not a question of an astrological research precognition. - DA
of marriage but of a work on the behavior of figures to which a? 115. Servadio, Emilio. Parapsychology and the reaction
certain autonomy is due. In situations stimulating an ar- of incredulity. Zeitschrift fur Parapsychologie and Gren-
chetype--and astrology belongs to them-figures under the in- zgebiete der Psychologie, 1958, 2 (1), 1-9. 3 refs.-Parapsychic
fluence of an arranging may correspond to the emotional expec- phenomena differ from recognized and familiar experiences
tation. Synchronistical events of this kind have a range of through their irrationality, through their divergence from the
acausality, freedom and meaningful in nature as their ordinary patterns, through their improbability and their relation
background which is complementary to coercion, mechanics, to mythical and magical positions in the history of the mind.
and senselessness.-DA Analyzing the reaction of incredulity towards parapsychic
111. Gauquelin, Michel. The influences of the stars and phenomena, the author introduces a psycho-dynamic concep-
statistics. Zeitschrift fiir Parapsychologie and Grenzgebiete tion: Rational thinking having superseded the magic mentality
der Psychologie, 1957, 1 (213), 102-123.-Describes his with difficulty, is defended to-day by a well-functioning mental
statistical experiments on the influence of the stars on humans. apparatus whenever stimulated, to the effect of a regression to
He intends to put the controversy on the reality or illusion of former levels of conscience. Parapsychic phenomena in their
astrology on a scientific level. mostly archaic structure are taken as a threat to the very basis of
On the one hand, his experiments led him to the conclusion the individual personality. These mechanisms of denial have to
that astrology as such has no objective reality; on the other be recognized in the same way as the opposite tendencies of an
hand, however, he found results in a definite astronomical field, uncritical credulity. It is only in this way that an approach to
namely the daily revolution of the stars, which forced him to scientific objectivity is made possible. - DA
recognize, nevertheless, the existence of a connection between 116. Tenhaeff, Wilhelm H.C. On the practical use of
human beings and the stars. paranormal faculties: Performances by sensitives when
The author not only discusses the investigations which led used by the police or for other purposes. Zeitschrift fur
him to such conclusionns, but also the criticism provoked by his Parapsychologie and Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 1958, 2
statements and his answers to these objections.- DA (1), 10-29.3 refs. - The author discusses a series of cases concer-
112. Bender, Hans. Parapsychic phenomena as a fron- ning the use of sensitives by the police or for other practical pur-
tier problem of the mind. Zeitschrift fu"r Parapsychologie poses. Apart from the relatively, rare cases in which complete
and Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 1957/58, 1 (2/3), 124-154. success was obtained, there are many where the statements of
15 refs.--This paper was given as a lecture at the University of the sensitives were of no practical value but proved to be of
Freiburg in a series of conferences on the "Concept and function parapsychological interest. The contribution deals mainly with
of the frontier in the universities." He surveys parapsychology the depth analysis of such failures. The author follows up the
as the "Frontier Science of the Mind." The historical develop- motivation of the paranormal impressions in connection with
ment is outlined from qualitative material (regarded as evidence the sensitives' history of life. Affective factors often seem to
by Bergson) to quantitative-statistical research, the procedure divert the sensitives from the task in question. Laymen should
and results of which are described. The author points out the not consult sensitives for only experts can make allowance for
bearing of the theory of probability and the importance of spon- the many sources of errors (e.g. telepathic transference of ex-
taneous phenomena and qualitative mediumistic material as a pectations). - DA
necessary background for the interpretation of statistical 117. Binski, Sigurd. Performances by a single subject in
results, and as an indispensable approach to analyzing the exploratory PK experiments. Zeitschrift fur Parapsy-
nature of paranormal phenomena. Finally the relations of chologie and Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 1958, 2 (1), 30-40.
parapsychology to other branches of science and the elements 11 refs. - The author briefly reports two series of exploratory PK
of current hypotheses are dealt with. - DA experiments carried out at the Psychological Institute of Bonn
113. Uslar, Detlev von. On the dreamlike structure of University. In the first series, 153,000 coins were thrown in
telepathic assertions. Part I. Zeitschrift fur Parapsychologie tosses of a hundred at a time. The subjects tried to determine in
and Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 1957/58, 1 (213), 166-188. 1 advance the side onto which the coins fell through psychic in-
ref.-Images induced by telepathy for the most part do not fluence (by willing it). In the second series, the subjects tried to
represent reality in a distinct and conscious way, but rather real direct 26,200 balls to the targets `black" or 'red' of a roulette
facts are elaborated in .a dreamlike way. In verifying these im- wheel. The total results were not beyond chance expectation
ages we have to use the experiences and methods of dream- but one subject went considerably beyond the conventional
psychology. chance limits especially in the first series. This confirms some
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