Approved For Release 2001/04/02 :CIA-RDP96-007928000700350008-5
(2) of Josh Pedro de Freitas ("Ze Arigo), the famous
Brazilian medium of but elementary school education,
wltose spirit personality, "Adolfo Fritz;' performed- in-
numerous invasive surgeries, and who engendered con-
siderable controversy with Brazilian medical associations. -
03141. Anicvas, Joaquim. Notes and notices. Revista de
Parapsicologia, 1974, 2(7), 16-17. 4 illus
Five brief notes and critical comments on (1) the dis-
cussion of divination and De Gaulle's use of it in the
Brazilian Spiritist newspaper, O Clarim; (2) an encounter
between the Maharishi Mahesh and Illinois Governor
Walker; (3} the prohibition of a "parapsychology/occult"
convention in Madrid, Spain; (4) the discussion of a solely
materialistic parapsychology in the Spiritist newspaper,
Reformador; and (5) Hiroshi Motoyama's International As-
sociation of Religion and Parapsychology and his work
with the Philippine "psychic surgeon;' Tony Agpoa. -P.V.G.
~F~'' j~j,~r E.A. -Our opinion. Revista de Para=
of gra, 1974 2(7), 18-23. 4 illus; 1 ref
Friderichs reports on his investigation of the 12- ea~r-
old Margarida Araujo of Paraquacu, Minas Gerais, _ rB azilT+
who claimed to see and talk with an apparition
Roman Catholic Virgin Mary. Friderichs concludes that it
is a case of "an exteriorization of an intense subconscious
desire" (p. 20). -F.V.G.
03143. Dialogue with the reader. Revista de Para-
psicologia, 1974, 2(7), 24-27. 4 illus; 2 refs
Four questions raised by readers are answered and
discussed by two Roman Catholic priests/parapsychologists
and C.L.A.P. staff members. The questions were (1) Are
the claims of Tibetan monks such as Lobsang Rampa a
farce or reality? (2) Is it necessary to reincarnate several
times for a personality to mature? (3) Can dreams reflect
a reality not known by the dreamer? (4) Does precognition
preclude free will? -P.V.G.
03144. Anicvas, Joaquim. Facts of real life. Revista de
Parapsicologia, 1974, 2(7), 28-29. Z illus
Two spontaneous cases are described and evaluated:
(1) a commentary on a case of 'Tiptology" (table-tilting and
raps) reported in Journal of the Society for Psychical
Research (March, 1973). The author argues that the case
did not merit the attention given by the ,journal because
the conditions of observation were poor and there were
outstanding indications of fraud; (2) a poltergeist case in
"Brusque" (Sao Paulo?) in which strong, rapid bangs on
windows were reported in an old house with a tradition of
hauntings, The case attracted a great deal of attention.
Many held vigil around the house to "catch" the window
knockers. Unfortunately, the author argues, it is difficult
to demonstrate that the bangs, which occurred only when
the focal person was alone, were not due to fraud. -P.V.G.
03145. Quevedo, Oscar G. The problem of the healers:
Part VI. Revista de Parapsicologia, 1974, 2(8), 4-13. 9
illus; 21 refs
In this sixth article in a ,series of IS articles on heal-
ing, several techniques and theories of psychic diagnosis
are discussed and critically evaluated. These are primarily
radiesthesia, the perception of diverse cerebral radiations
which are believed to correspond to diverse states of
health; diagnosis by dreams (oneiromancy); and diagnosis
by hypnosis, where the hypnotisand perceives (both close
by and at a distance) a client's health problems, sometimes
by "acquiring" the client's problem and exaggerating the
symptoms. -P.V.G.
03146. Lamparte, Victoria V. Biographies. Revista de
Parapsicologia, 1974, 2(8), 14-15. 2 illus; 4 refs
Two biographical sketches are given: of William P.
Blatty, Jesuit-trained army intelligence officer turned part-
time author, whose work The Exorcist became a psychic
thriller in the U.S. and which, Blatty claimed, was based
on his own experiences of an extraordinary case of
demonic possession in Washington, DC while he was still a
student at Georgetown University; and of Carl Gustav
Jung, Freud's protege, a professor of psychiatry and
clinician, who advanced various theories of psychic
phenomena and their role in therapy and psychological
development. -P.V.G.
03147. Our opinion. Revista de Parapsicologia, 1974,
2(8); 16-23. 8 illus; 4 refs
A hodgepodge of notes, announcements, and opinions
on 5 subjects: (1) counterarguments to a Spiritist
newspaper's position on abortion; (2) the fallacious reason-
ing of adherents of reincarnation; (3) the inadequacy of
certain representations of Brazilian parapsychology at inter-
national conferences by the engineer Henrique Rodrigues,
whose Spiritist biases, the author argues, permeate his
presentations; (4) a summary, critical evaluation, and rein-
terpretation of the 1971 Angolese case of a 12-year-old
girl's demonic possession and concomitant psychic
phenomena, including unusual spontaneous scarification of
her skin; (5) an argument by the Jesuit E.A. Friderichs
that the existence of a "non-physicalist" psi-gamma faculty
contradicts the Communists' purely physicalistic cosmology,
thereby undermining the philosophical premises of its
political system. -P.V.G.
03148. Dialogue with the reader. Revista de Para-
psicologia, 1974, 2(8), 24-29. 5 illus
Four questions raised by readers are answered by the
Roman Catholic priest/parapsychologist Oscar G. Quevedo:
(1) To what degree may the phenomena in William Blatty's
book, The Exorcist, be held to be true? (2) Why may a
Jesuit priest practice exorcism in one case and not in
another? (3) How does parapsychology interpret the well-
documented Argentine case (Mrs. A.R.K. of Rosario) of a
detailed dream regarding an accident that occurred the fol-
lowing day? (4) How does parapsychology interpret the
case of the French 10 year old, Frances Burns, whose ab-
dominal cancer, spreading to the brain and elsewhere, was
thoroughly documented by physicians and given a prognosis
of certain death, who was cured during a visit to Lourdes?
(Editor: Larissa Vilenskaya)
03149. Iotov, Ivan N., and Godeanu, Mariorara. New
discovery in the pyramid. Proceedings of the Sixth In-
ternational Conference on Psychotronic Research
(Zagreb), 1986, 92-94.
The authors (a sensitive/healer from Bulgaria and a
biologist/researcher from Romania) describe their observa-
tions and studies of changes in the development of living
systems placed inside a pyramid. The pyramid, constructed
in Bulgaria, is made of glass and concrete, and it is a
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 :CIA-RDP96-007928000700350008-5