Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000700310001-6
square to Wales, the C group consisting of the rest (21 sequences). 01418. Dialog with the reader. Revista de Parapsicologia. 1973,
The same analyses as the above revealed as follows: (3) The score /(3), 25-27. 2 illus
was higher, as the above, in the MF than in LF group and also A philosophical/theological discussion of Father Oscar Quc-
higher when the magnitude of increase in skin resistance during vedo's position, on the one hand, that the self-proclaimed "healers"
trials was smaller than when greater than the average. (4) These are sociopaths and especially dangerous when they deceive client.
results did not support, therefore, the author's predictions that the with their "healing, and, on the other hand, Christ's commandment
score would be lower in the M F than in the LF group and far higher (from Quevedo's own religion) to "go and cure the sick." Quevedo
when the magnitude of increase in skin resistance was smaller than responds by distinguishing the intentions of Christ and the apostles
when greater in the higher score group. The findings revealed that from those of modern day "healers" and by arguing that Christ
when the frequency of calls was higher, the response was likely to never ran mass "demonstrations" of "faith healing" nor engendered
have been more automatic and less vulnerable to resistance, and mass emotional hysteria as do modern "healers." - P.V.G.
thereby to have facilitated the interaction of the response with the
ESP process. - DA 01419. Anteuas, Joaquim. Facts of real life. Revista de Parapsic?o-
logia, 1973, 1(3), 28-29. 1 illus
Brief description of four dramatic spontaneous cases is presented
with their spiritistic or superstitious interpretation by the experients
and alternative "parapsychological explanations" (i.e., potential
normal and psi-based explanations). -- P.V.G.
(Editor: Patric V. Giesler)
(Editor: Carlos S. Alvarado)
01414. Quevedo, Oscar G. The problem of healing: Part I. Revista
de Parapsicologia, 1973, 1(3), 4-11. 7 illus; 13 refs
This is the first in a series of 15 articles in which the author
describes and evaluates the techniques of specific healers including
"psychic surgeons," healing rituals and practices, and the related
claims of extraordinary cures. The topic of healing is introduced in
this Part I with a brief sketch of famous healers around the world.
The author suggests that Biazil leads the world as a source of
healers and healing sects. Emphasis is given to spiritistic healing
groups and their beliefs. The author concludes that the healing
beliefs and practices reviewed induce hypnotic states and reactions
that bring about the highly acclaimed "cures." - P.V.G.
01415. Friderichs, Edvino A. Witchcraft and "the evil eye."
Revista de Parapsicologia, 1973, 1(3), 12-17. 5 illus; I ref
Examples of witchcraft and their popular interpretations are
given and discussed in terms of their overall prejudicial effects on
practitioners and believers. The witchcraft, when effective, may be
properly explained according to the author by fundamental
constructs in parapsychology. For example, a victim's subconscious
picks up the ill intentions of the witch telepathically and is received
as a negative suggestion; the victim's misfortune is then a
consequence of his or her own negative autosuggestions. Such
cases require a certain predisposing psychological instability. The
author concludes that one's own faith in one's stability is the best
defense against "evil eye" and other witchcraft; in the case of
possible psychokinetic effects, the author claims that these do not
influence humans (poltergeist objects not hitting victims is discussed
to support this contention). - P.V.G.
01416. Lomparte, Victoria V. Biographies. Revista de Parapsico-
logia, 1973, 1(3), 18-19. 2 illus
Three short biographical sketches are presented: of Jesuit expert
on Brazilian spiritualism Edvino Augusta Friderichs; author-
lawyer and researcher of French occultism Maurice Colinon; and
the famous physician and originator of the "magnetism" concept
and associated techniques Friedrich (Franz) Antonio Mesmer. -
01417. Doceste; Salvador Garcia. Our opinion. Revista de Para-
psicologia, 1973, 1(3), 22-24. 2 illus; 8 refs
Indian parapsychologist Hemendra Nath Banerjee's best'proofs"
of reincarnation (past-life memories, unusual birthmarks cor-
responding to the fatal wounds of the deceased, and mediumistic
"spirit communications") are described and evaluated critically in
terms of what the author feels are superior alternative normal
and/or super-psi explanations. - P.V.G.
01420. Alvarado, Carlos S. Joseph Banks Rhine (1895-1980):
Pioneer in experimental parapsychology. Psi Comunicackm, 1980,
6(11/12), 9-18. 54 refs
An historical review of some aspects of J.B. Rhine's work in
parapsychology. Emphasis is placed on (I) early psychical research
activities such as a seance with Margery and initial contact with
McDougall and Prince, (2) early research at Duke University. and
(3) controversies concerning Rhine's ESP work in the 1930s. It is
argued that Rhine established an experimental paradigm in which
problems were investigated in a systematic way and standardized
tests capable of quantitative evaluation were used in ways that
changed the field of parapsychology. Rhine's work is considered to
have been influenced by his early nonexperimental activities. -
01421. Jordan Pena, Jose Luis. "Poltergeists," an elusive phe-
nomenon. Psi Comunicacion, 1980, 6(1 1 / 12), 19-24.
It is very difficult to form an idea of the nature of poltergeists
without understanding diverse physical parameters of the building
or place where the disturbances occur. It would be useful to have a
mathematical model of the "behavior"of parts of the structure such
as pillars, walls, and foundations created by means of a net of
phonometric sensors connected to a computer. The role of normal
vibrations and acoustic effects then could be assessed. A case
investigated by the author is briefly described. It developed in a
beauty parlor and involved movement, breakage of objects. and
the turning on of electrical message equipment. The phenomena
were so elusive that no conclusion about their nature could be
reached. - C.S.A.
01422. Bardisano Rubio, Jose Luis, and Arano Bermejo, Begoiia.
The significance of "psi" phenomena: Theories on its nature. Psi
Comunicacion. 1980, 6(1 1 / 12), 25-30. 32 refs
A brief review of theories of psi is presented, classifying them as
(I) physical models (electromagnetic hypothesis. field effects,
psychic energy and resonance, quantum mechanics): (2) mental or
vitalistic models (collective unconscious, psychoanalytic ap-
proaches, Roll's psi field theory); and (3) noncausal models (svn-
chronicity). None of these theories are considered satisfactory. It is
emphasized that it is important for theories to generate research.
Physical models are preferred for this reason. --- C.S.A.
01423. Grau Martinez, Joaquin. Man and his beyond. Psi Conuaai-
cacion, 1980, 6(11/12), 31-37. 30 refs
The concept of an integral reality is presented in relation to the
human mind's way of perceiving reality. It is known that we
Approved For Release 2000/08/11 : CIASRDP96-00792R000700310001-6