Approved For Release 2000/08/11 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000700300001-7
accompanying episodes of peak performance in sol-
diers and athletes were identified through two
major sources. Information was obtained from
literature reviews of data bases dealing with peak
performance in the military, sports,
psychology/medicine, and biological sciences as
well as from interviews conducted with athletes
and members of the military.
Findings: The examination of episodes of peak per-
formance indicates that three cognitive com-
ponents enable these episodes: psychological readi-
ness, information processing, and endurance
management. There is also evidence indicating
that endorphins underlie these processes. Accord-
ingly, performance can be enhanced through two
strategies; one approach for future development is
teaching self-regulation of endorphin levels. The
other more immediately available solution is to
use contemporary sports psychology training tech-
niques to optimize the psychological processes un-
derlying superior performance. With either
strategy, superior performance will result from an
enhanced cognitive ability to cope that is specifi-
cally and continuously tailored to meet the condi-
tions and demands of particular activities.
Utilization of Findings: This report identifies the
scientific basis for several training strategies that
can be developed for enhanced Army perfor-
mance. These training approaches will help to
meet the ARMY 21 goal to accomplish more with
less manpower. - DA
4 9. _ Ark grim, Michel-An =e. the uarullws-oTter-
reassessment o n ra e s (1984) monograph.'
'"56(820), 193-207. 42 refs
A presentation is made of an RSPK investiga-
tion conducted over several years in the suburbs
of Sao Paulo, Btazi1:> A monograph describing the
case and interpretations of the phenomena was
published in Portuguese by H. G. Andrade and his
collaborators at the IBPP, in 1984. Based on the
phenomena reported during the interviews of
family members and other witnesses, Andrade in-
terprets the case in terms of discarnate agents and
black magic rites. The purpose of the present ar-
ticle is to describe the Guarulhos poltergeist in
some detail and to explore an alternative inter-
ppretation of the phenomena, one based upon the
living agent hypothesis, and related factors, such
as religious context, expectancies, and possible per-
sonality disorders. - DA
04420. Bender, Hans. A poltergeist case in Alsatia.
Zeitschrift fur Parapsychologie and Grenzgebiete der
Psychologie, 1984, 26(1-4), 65-80. 2 illus; 8 refs
A physicist of the Institut Universitaire de
Technologic in Mulhouse (France), Dr. Serge Jac-
quey, in 1980 reported unusual phenomena that
had been a constant source of disturbance and
alarm to Carmen S., to her husband, Jean, and to
their little son Michel. Dr. Jacquey hoped that col-
laboration with the Freiburg Institute might be of
help to those concerned. Obviously, this was a
rare case of poltergeist disturbances which subse-
quently were investigated by the author in
several interviews, lengthy tape recordings, filmed
reconstructions, and the provocation of RSPK
phenomena under hypnosis. The focus person was
the Spanish-born wife of a technical designer; even
in her youth, she seemed to have triggered RSPK
phenomena. She produced drawings automatically,
and apparently she was the leading force in
automatic spelling with the ouija-board method.
The poltergeist manifested itself over the years in
well-known uniform patterns: beds were moved
about, pillows and covers were pulled off, locked
doors were inexplicably opened, the contents of
cupboards were found to be in disorder, objects
disappeared and reappeared, sounds were
mimicked, penetration phenomena occurred, and
so on. Conspicuously, many of the incidents were
aggressively aimed at the focus person. The
psychological motivation for this could only be
speculated about. Thorough psycho-diagnostic and
depth-psychological examinations were planned
but could not be carried out because the family
was about to leave for Guadelope in order to es-
cape the poltergeist. In their new surroundings
they found peace, although even there they ex-
perienced strange phenomena such as rosaries fall-
ing from the sky. The latter events will be
reported in detail elsewhere. - DA/G.H.
04421. Gerding, J.L.F., Krom-Marks, J.C., and Zorab,
G. The Socrabaja poltergeist. Tijdschrift voor Para-
psychologie, 1989 (Dec), 57(4), 2-27. 3 illus; 4 ref
The paper deals with a poltergeist case in
Soera.baja (Java) in 1950, which was earlier
described by Zorab in one of his books about
paranormal phenomena. One of the authors of the
present article (Krom-Marks) was a direct witness
of the phenomena in Soerabaja. The article
provides Zorab's earlier description of the case.
Thereafter Krom-Marks compares Zorab's conclu-
sions to her own ideas about the causes of the
phenomena. She also adds new data and slight cor-
rections to Zorab's earlier accounts. - J.A.G.M.
04422. Irwin, Harvey. The Guyra gliost. A.I.P.R. Bul-
letin, 1989 (Jan), No. 13, 8-13. 3 illus; 12 refs
The Guyra Ghost is a famous Australian polter-
geist case that took place in 1921. This article
describes the disturbance, including a chronology
of events, its social context, and the attempts to
explain it. The events were centred on a young
girl, and mainly involved rappings and stone throw-
ing. They occurred at a time when interest in
spiritualism was high, soon after a visit by Sir Ar-
ur Conan Doyle to Australia. Many Australians
today believe the Guyra Ghost to be one of our
great unsolved mysteries. Certainly the story now
has become part of our folklore. - DA
04423. Lignon, Yves. A recent case of R.S.P.K. Revue
Francaise de Psychotronique, 1988 (Apr-Jun), 1(1); 11.
This is the third poltergeist study (since 1924)
made at the Parapsychology Laboratory of
Approved For Release 2000/08/11 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000700300001-7