Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000500620034-8
In Search Of Nikola Tesla, David Peat, 1983
The Zapping of America, Paul Brodeur
Operation Mind Control, Walter Bowart., Dell, 1978, ISBN 0-
440-16755-8 (especially Chapter Nineteen)
Danger from electricity and electronics
"An Electrifying New Hazard," Horizons section, P.72, US
N ws & World Report, March 30, 1987
"Illegal Soviet Microwave Beams Blamed In Death," Rowland
Evans and Robert Novak, Dec. 16, 1986
"Suits Target High-Tech Radiation," Andrew Blum, The
National Law Journal," July 4, 1988
Soviet experimentsin.electronic warfare
"The Zap Gap," Chuck de Caro, The Atlantic, March 1987
"Soviet Electronic Aggression," C.B. Baker, Youth Action
News, September 1979
Electronic surveillance
"The Warchers," Richard Kelly Hoskins, The Upright Ostrich,
July 1987
Harassment by electronic. dew .,?s
Zapped L i i i
Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000500620034-8
Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000500620034-8
rce Accused of
L 1 ~.n ote t r
rnc,; ; cue csmpers at Greenham
:n U;1J, claim that they are
by the US electronic
,,'l},,ns p. -; !thin the US airbase there.
,1,: ilc . e that some form of elec-
tr. }vave or other signal is being
~Irec!e:J a! [hem and is responsible for a
nunth r of illresses they have suffered
sf,:, r list year.
n, ,,,,:tts range from mild headaches
-iJ drowsiness to bouts of temporary
?!vy:::. an':. in one case, an apparent
:i;rv !aiiure which required emer-
ir;;:,a;lan!.. Women have also com-
u; slap pains and problems with
p .c is cnclydin:uion. A team of doct
;.; the h.ciical Campaign Against Nuc-
:;,, :;pans are compiling a report on the
;,,?.i ;on of the women affcct.d.
first noticed a pattern of
se, chic r ir,g in 1984. They dis-
t:,:;!12t~Cf Icx:d ,,r water poisoning as a cause
to suspect interference from
!h- They found that women at
;(' ;rr! ..,;fl1 ;criUnd the camp appeared
tert(Xel similar syinpton-is at
when they were not in
.v_ trK:n: is a dclibc!ate intent
(} rox'ave tower uwued by the U.S.
Arliiy'('ulnlnuitie, Li 'n r.',nu111aud.
M~l.e'u11. Vilgiilia. 1'1111111 I{}' K,Il,lti I'llt,til'K
to make life difficult for them :utd so drive
them away: Some of the worst affected
women now find it impossible to stay
around Greenharn for more than a short
period of time.
Electronic weapons are known to have
been used by security forces on a number
of occasions. The Americans are reported
to have used ultrasound to disorient and
demoralise their enemies during the Viet-
nam war and a number of American police
trials with.infra-sound generators mounted
on the back of trucks. The high intensity,
low frequency pressure waves these pro-
duce are.said to cause vomiting, nausea-
and a range of other disturbances and to
induce figs in those who are subject to
them. Ariierican medical groups have pro-
tested against the proposed use of these
weapons for urban riot control.
Nlicro 'ave radiation is also believed to
have been used as a weapon at various
times. The most celebrated instance was
the irradiation of the US Embassy in Mos-
cow during the 19150S, '60s and '70s. It has
never been made clear whether the Rus-
sians used the signal as a weapon or for
surveillat}ce, but a television documentary
screened; last year reported a high inci-
dence of cancer amongst ex-Embassy staff
and suggested that disorders of the blood
and nervous system could also have been
caused by the signal.
The women at Greenhar Common sus-
pect that m more than one type or frequency
of radiation is being used against them.
They say, that the symptoms vary from
time to time and seem to reflect what takes
place on the base. Large numbers of
women have complained of sudden feel-
ings of extreme tiredness shortly befog:
major events such as the departure nl
cruise missile convoy and on other occa
sions when their activities might hav,
proved particularly awkward for the force
using the base.
have conducted a number of res..
around the base in cooperation with you;
nalists from other organisations. Reading
taken with a wide range signal strengti
-..540d jnrr,"+:ICPC in rh~
irarers>1CIRed -
background signal level near one of th,
womens' camps at a time when the.
claimed to be experiencing ill effects.
On another occasion, previously lov
signal levels near the camp rose sharpl:.
when the women created a disturbance jug
outside the perimeter fence of the base
Whether this indicated an attempt to sUL)
due the women by electronic means
merely the use of a radar surveillance sys
tem it is impossible to say.
- The signal levels measured were wci
above normal background levels but L,i
within official safety limits. However
there is evidence from a number of source
that low levels of electromagnetic radio
Lion can have harmful effects especiai .
where exposure takes place over a lcli._
period of time.
British Defense officials have dec:.
that any form of electronic signal is hc,
used against the protesters.
-courtesy, Eleciro!ic?s
Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000500620034-8
Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000500620034-8
Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000500620034-8