2roducernapitppcylaql,..".After he went to the restroom, a lady who was in
the IPECIP %k%gi- Na4uNigValiSdArfilaBef -00a7412ROGYMO0133401115B-2.
Probably, that's when he developed the film."
YAMASHITA's demonstration was equally suspect. The blindfold he used.was his
own, a black cloth filled with cotton padding. Blindfolded, he was able to read
cards and dice with total accuracy. Complex figures he was able to reproduce using
a pencil. However, during the demonstrations,.the,pneln9ted.th.e..trhi?,clairvant?
telChaYiOW"fl'eld'Ofsvigio i
il.-Ai s Shown-ifi the diakiam on '
.P AM), he was.able to-see clairvoyantly within a-speciflc-field located directly --
below his blindfold. SUZUKI observes that his field of vision was about what one,,
would expect if a blindfolded person were looking out through a narrow opening.
? incidentally, YAMASHITA liaa unable to read objects placed behind a curtain made
of the same material as the blindfold. SUZUKI observes, "Even an opening as small
ap..0..1mm, under the, blindfold could made a, world of difference. .You must remember
he has sharp features, including a prominent nose. We suggested sealing his eyes
completely, but he said the pressure on his eyes would restrict his psychic powers."
So it was not until the ninth day that. YAMASHITA finally agreed to have his
eyes sealed completely. Needless to say, his clairvoyant powers deserted him at
that point. Magicians are able to read cards while blindfolded for the same reason.
When SUZUKI demonstrated this trick for YAMASHITA, the latter complained, "The
important difference here is I keep my eyes shut when blindfolded but you don't."
If YAMASHITA is telling the truth, I can only say that ESP is beyond My
comprehension. TACHIBANA says, "Whether we can call this ESP is very questionable."
14,,Jan,ithe last day pf tha shooting, the panel confronted KIYOTA.with all
the evidence it had gathered. Overwhelmed, KIYOTA admitted the demonstrations were
fraudulent. His confession was recorded by a hidden camera and shown later, to TV
In that sequence KIYOTA demonstrat.ed how .11q bent..tIle spoonyi0.his,_
'.hinds. That sequence is shown in photos at right . . First, he cx,adles_thq_upon, in
hiS'iii1it haiid; kra 6 'ilaPaie t PiaigistIiunils. tie
narrowest part -of the.spoon, he lends it 1-2'timet?, twisting?it by'MoVing 'his had
back and forth. This takps one second if done slowly, 0.5 secondp if done ?
g,u-7/.A 47,.,914.q.949.31.qal..111.P,Wel.-0 .ivet
atleniion of the audience for 0.5 seconds, can qualify as a psychic.
Panelist SUZUKI put on his own demonstration, adding, "Even a grandmother of 84
years can learn this trick. Once you become fairly good at it, the spoon bends
easily and you almost begin to wonder if you are not indeed psychic."
KIYOTA, after being exposed as a fraud, said, "The pressure to perform within a
limited time frame became so great I just had to use physical force. But I must
say this is the first time it has happened."
TACHIBANA is skeptical, "Since we caught them cheating this time, we have to
suspect this isn't the first time."
SUZUKI, who appeared on a Nippon Television show on ESP before, once measured
the 34.5_megahertz radio waves emitted by KIYOTA's brain. KIYOTA showed me a
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videotape of that program. SUZUKI says, "That's not unusual since we all give off
the seAPerfilYStfi r dietegsgh2OP (MOM thalAaRDESEL-017122Rat9041107360011 5421 brain
emissions. SUZUKI explains, "We boosted the emissions a million times just to
impress our TV audience."
Needless to say, the disgraced psychics offered a rebuttal. TV officials say
the Yamashita family has asked that all his scenes be cut from the show.
''';'ProcincdFURUti6,'11OW*tlthOt&taloak bas been uncovered, the Yamashita .
.family fears that .viewers will identify'hinOwith KIYOTA and has 'asked 'us t6
restructure the show."
-- 'YAMASHITA idy.t; '7 T:Ilaia* f yog, think ,ESP_is sot :.ou the
'1.661:;'.3;ou are liee 't(i'dO -66
. . XIYOTA's father. Yoshinori, who operates a sushi shop in downtown TOKYO .says,
"When our son confessed, we considered closing our shop and moving. But we have
decided to stick it out. We are told that NHK might do a program on Masuaki, if
he's lucky."
A well-known Liberal Democratic Party Diet member wondered what all the fuss
was about. It is rumored that Dentsu Inc, an advertising giant, is also interested.
YAMASHITA's father, Takemasa, is a director of Daiwa Securities Co, Inc and a
former manager of its Kyoto Branch. He has many friends in the Kansai financial
world who are familiar with his son's psychic powers. While the TV show was being
recorded, YAMASHITA put on clairvoyant demonstrations for executives of Daiwa
Securities and Sumitomo Bank.
? Comm.enting. oj. the recent. TV show, _Kyocera president INAMORI.Kazdosays,.."It-is
nonsense to try to provide scientific evidence of ESP. These demonstrations are
influenced greatly by the spiritual atmosphere. If I had been in the audience,
perhaps things woad have. gone - ?
7 , .
. .
hai-riC'ei4ed'inirliatiOns from. cr4ieges in the US and has conducted a..
, ..... ? ..??? ..? ? ? .
demonstration for-NAKAYAMA Taro-Of'tliePrithe Both KIYOTA and
.YAMASHITA experienced_an,awakepingjof..their,psycb#,..powers
visited JA ten y40 4g9, 44e ihis rpo.go..4744.,expoAed.,:,GT4LLUI9s4poon
triQk and the
born coIlaPSed,-XIYOTA continued to visit researchers at the Electric
Communications University and Defense Academy.
Some years back, this magazine published an interesting observation by YAMAMOTO
Shichihei, writer, "ESP is ESP because we are unable to believe in its existence.
These demonstrations should be conducted before an audience of skeptics.
Otherwise, they are meaningless."
Perhaps we can say the demonstrations failed because a skeptical TV crew
possessed super-psychic powers which nullified the psychic powers of KIYOTA and
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KIYOTA confessed his ultimate dream was to appear in "Shukan Asahi" which has
11:11;:si critic
PisAtiisaPsz3c/no/a6m- :sdfkm5?9fgeotisy6doe4463tto-f?lng
Photo captions:
Page 158 Buoyant KIYOTA (left) and YAMASHITA at start of shooting
Page 159- KIYOTA demonstrates how 4g .aftez
2) Bending the spoon with both hands
- 3) Restoring the spoon to Its original Op.p.e ?
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- 4 -
? . ,
SketeinEWC4fgf litklitgfrPlEtANXIWO ILIA1tkilaCtRft6a4ure2Raeogiaa33ee495+2
Can read cards placed here through gap in blindfold
Canilot read cards. placed here
Curtain of same material as blindfold
Cannot read cards regardless of placement
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