PArppfove ftYW&tWV 0/08/11 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400190001-3
this -- more than in any other science - research is con-
ducted into phenomena which we cannot measure. He
shows us that, in live studies, every science is in the same
Only faith -- always present even if unconscious --
motivates and guides research and finally takes us, along a
courageous and eventful experimental path, to results
which make History, in that they express new meanings
and new measures which the soul knows by intuition. -
02468. Marabini, E. With regard to psychic surgery.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 104-111.
Notes the importance of documentation in every
aspect of parapsychological research, through technical con-
trivances suitable to the phenomenology of the subject.
Thanks Dr. Naegeli for his important contribution. Criti-
cally examines the phenomena produced by surgeon healer
Toni Agpaoa. From this analysis arise serious doubts as to
the authenticity of the modalities used by the "healer"
during the execution of his operations (also excluding the
possible therapeutic action which could be a consequence
of these performances). Expresses hope that successive in-
vestigations may explain the questionable points. - DA
02469. Servadio, Emilio. The 20th International
Parapsychology conference. Metapsichica Rivista
Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971 (Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 112-115.
Servadio, who together with Dr. Cassoli, represented
Italy at the 20th annual conference of the Parapsy-chology
Foundation, meeting at Le Piol in August 1971, comments
briefly on the most important reports presented on the
present condition of parapsychology in the most advanced
countries. - DA/R.A.W.
02470. De Boni, Gustone. In defense of the spiritistic
hypothesis. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Para-
psicologia, 1971 (Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 116-122.
At the meeting at Campione, the author, who to-
gether with Mme Saint Clair, undertook the defense of
Spiritism against Animism, presents two famous cases
which constitute two elements of evidence in favor of sur-
vival: The Whymant case (direct voice in ancient Chinese)
and the Rosalie case (materialization observed by Harry
Price). He concludes, against the opinion of Prof. Bender,
in favor of the spiritistic hypothesis. - DA
cautions that the first contact of the novice with a
phenomenon should not he marred by inveterate prejudices
which would hinder him from finding the way to the ob-
jective truth. - DA/R.A.W.
02472. Liotta, Antonio. The Latin American Center of
Parapsychology at the Anchicta Faculty of Sao Paulo.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 132-138.
Brazil is a nation where the ethnic and economic con-
ditions create deep contrasts and violent psychic emotions.
For these reasons Brazil appears as "the land where para-
psychology ought to find the most fertile soil." Relates his
experiences at the Latin American Center of Parapsychol-
ogy (C.L.A.P.), which is managed by Jesuit Fathers, and
was founded for the purpose of solving the problems
presented by parapsychology to psychiatry and psychology,
by devising new terms and new methods for collecting,
selecting, and cataloguing the results. The C.L.A.P. will be
the first university faculty in the world where graduates in
medicine, philology, and philosophy will have the pos-
sibility of specializing in parapsychology. - DA
02473. Sparta, Francesco. Parapsychology and
spiritism in Brazil. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di
Parapsicologia, 1971 (Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 139-141.
The author, an eminent anthropologist and "pars
magna" of the Latin American Center of Parapsychology,
reports on the situation of parapsychology in Brazil, ex-
plaining the anthropological causes of the particular posi-
tion of this land with regard to psychic research. He
points out the difficulties met by the Center in completing
their equipment although the main edifices are already
built, and they hope that soon they will be in a position
to start experimental work, considering also the great dif-
fusion of devotee spiritism in the population. - DA
02474. Ryzl, Milan. ESP research in the U.S.S.R.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 142-149.
Reprint of almost all of the 4th chapter of the.
author's book Parapsychology, recently published in
Italian by Edizioni Mediterranee. The chapter concerns
the researches carried out on ESP in Soviet Russia, about
which Ryz1 also spoke at the recent meeting at Le Piol.
Dr. Ryzl, of Czechoslovakian origin, is well informed about
the work in parapsychology behind the iron curtain. - DA
02471. Inardi, Massimo. An important moment for
parapsychology at the Second Modena conference.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 123-131.
In the meeting at Modena organized by Prof. Rossini,
the agenda of the day was "Parapsychology and Psychiatry."
This event is singled out by the author because it is the
first time in Italy that parapsychology was the object of
the official attention of Medical Science, which on. this oe:
casion was represented by an audience of qualified profes-
sors. The author points out, moreover, that Dr. Cassoli has
taken into consideration three kinds of phenomena which
he places, for the moment, outside the limits of the ex-
perimental field, several of which, however, are of great
interest because there exists a possibility to acquire the
tests necessary for their acknowledgment in the future.
The author directs our attention also to Dr. Cross's "Some
Aspects of the Paranormal Phenomenology," which concerns
healers, voices of unknown origin on recording tape,
haunted houses, and "out of body" experiences. Dr. Crosa
(Editor: Alexander Imich)
02475. Gulak, Jan. Lowering the anxiety levels In per-
sons undergoing biocnergotherapy. Psychotronika,
1985, 6-9. 10 refs; 2 tables
Anxiety, a contributing factor in somatic illnesses, can
be a brief or time-extended phenomenon independent of
circumstances. The author, himself bioenergetically gifted,
aimed at lowering anxiety in his patients. He hypothesized
that there will be a difference in patients' anxiety level
before and after the treatment; each treatment lasted 15
minutes. Seventy-three persons (56 females and 17 males)
were given C.D. Spielberger and J. Taylor's questionnaires
14 days before and 21 days after the treatment. In com-
putation of the results, Kolmogorov, Smirnov, and Student's
tests were used, the first two yielding p = .01, the last one
Approved For Release 2000/08/11 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400190001-3
T. "PT 7-1
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this -- more than in any other science - research is con-
ducted into phenomena which we cannot measure. He
shows us that, in live studies, every science is in the same
Only faith -- always present even if unconscious -
motivates and guides research and finally takes us, along a
courageous and eventful experimental path, to results
which make History, in that they express new meanings
and new measures which the soul knows by intuition. -
02468. Marabinl, E. With regard to psychic surgery.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 104-111.
Notes the importance of documentation in every
aspect of parapsychological research, through technical con-
trivances suitable to the phenomenology of the subject.
Thanks Dr. Naegeli for his important contribution. Criti-
cally examines the phenomena produced by surgeon healer
Toni Agpaoa. From this analysis arise serious doubts as to
the authenticity of the modalities used by 'the "healer"
during the execution of his operations (also excluding the
possible therapeutic action which could be a consequence
of these performances). Expresses hope that successive in-
vestigations may explain the questionable points. - DA
02469. Servadio, Emilio. The 20th International
Parapsychology conference. Metapsichica Rivista
Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971 (Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 112-115.
Servadio, who together with Dr. Cassoli, represented
Italy at the 20th annual conference of the Parapsy-chology
Foundation, meeting at Le Piol in August 1971, comments
briefly on the most important reports presented on the
present condition of parapsychology in the most advanced
countries. - DA/R.A.W.
02470. De Boni, Gastone. In defense of the spiritistic
hypothesis. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Para-
psicologia, 1971 (Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 116-122.
At the meeting at Campione, the author, who to-
gether with Mme Saint Clair, undertook the defense of
Spiritism against Animism, presents two famous cases
which constitute two elements of evidence in favor of sur-
vival: The Whymant case (direct voice in ancient Chinese)
and the Rosalie case (materialization observed by Harry
Price). He concludes, against the opinion of Prof. Bender,
in favor of the spiritistic hypothesis. - DA
02471. Inardi, Massimo. An important moment for
parapsychology at the Second Modena conference.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 123-131.
In the meeting at Modena organized by Prof. Rossini,
the agenda of the day was "Parapsychology and Psychiatry."
This event is singled out by the author because it is the
first time in Italy that parapsychology was the object of
the official attention of Medical Science, which on. this oc-
casion was represented by an audience of qualified profes-
sors. The author points out, moreover, that Dr. Cassoli has
taken into consideration three kinds of phenomena which
he places, for the moment, outside the limits of the ex-
perimental field, several of which, however, are of great
interest because there exists a possibility to acquire the
tests necessary for their acknowledgment in the future.
The author directs our attention also to Dr. Crosa's "Some
Aspects of the Paranormal Phenomenology," which concerns
healers, voices of unknown origin on recording tape,
haunted houses, and "out of body" experiences. Dr. Crosa
cautions that the first contact of the novice with a
phenomenon should not he marred by inveterate prejudices
which would hinder him from finding the way to the ob-
jective truth. - DA/R.A.W.
02472. Liotta, Antonio. The Latin American Center of
Parapsychology at the Anchicta Faculty of Sao Paulo.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 132-138.
Brazil is a nation where the ethnic and economic con-
ditions create deep contrasts and violent psychic emotions.
For these reasons Brazil appears as "the land where para-
psychology ought to find the most fertile soil." Relates his
experiences at the Latin American Center of Parapsychol-
ogy (C.L.A.P), which is managed by Jesuit Fathers, and
was founded for the purpose of solving the problems
presented by parapsychology to psychiatry and psychology,
by devising new terms and new methods for collecting,
selecting, and cataloguing the results. The C.L.A.P. will be
the first university faculty in the world where graduates in
medicine, philology, and philosophy will have the pos-
sibility of specializing in parapsychology. - DA
02473. Sparta, Francesco. Parapsychology and
spiritism in Brazil. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di
Parapsicologia, 1971 (Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 139-141.
The author, an eminent anthropologist and "pars
magna" of the Latin American Center of Parapsychology,
reports on the situation of parapsychology in Brazil, ex-
plaining the anthropological causes of the particular posi-
tion of this land with regard to psychic research. He
points out the difficulties met by the Center in completing
their equipment although the main edifices are already
built, and they hope that soon they will be in a position
to start experimental work, considering also the great dif-
fusion of devotee spiritism in the population. - DA
02474. Ryzi, Milan. ESP research in the U.S.S.R.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 142-149.
Reprint of almost all of the 4th chapter of the
author's book Parapsychology, recently published in
Italian by Edizioni Mediterranee. The chapter concerns
the researches carried out on ESP in Soviet Russia, about
which Ryzl also spoke at the recent meeting at Le Piol.
Dr. Ryzl, of Czechoslovakian origin, is well informed about
the work in parapsychology behind the iron curtain. - DA
(Editor: Alexander Imich)
02475. Gulak, Jan. Lowering the anxiety levels in per-
sons undergoing bioenergotherapy. Psychotronika,
1985, 6-9. 10 refs; 2 tables
Anxiety, a contributing factor in somatic illnesses, can
be a brief or time-extended phenomenon independent of
circumstances. The author, himself bioenergetically gifted,
aimed at lowering anxiety in his patients. He hypothesized
that there will be a difference in patients' anxiety level
before and after the treatment; each treatment lasted 15
minutes. Seventy-three persons (56 females and 17 males)
were given C.D. Spielberger and J. Taylor's questionnaires
14 days before and 21 days after the treatment. In com-
putation of the results, Kolmogorov, Smirnov, and Student's
tests were used, the first two yielding p = .01, the last one
roved For Release 2000/08/11 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400190001-3
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"signals," i.e., those of what the author calls the "real ego."
It is, therefore, possible to affirm that in facing the
regressive movement necessitated by conditioning and exter-
nal reality, the "interior area" has various reactions; one of
these can appear as a paranormal emergency.
Therefore, in spite of all, the inner part of human
personality aims to accomplish its own subjective ex-
perience compared with the outside world. At the same
time it does have an objective base, common to all human
beings. This can be experience according to universal-
knowledge forms (H. Margenau, A. Huxley) or archetypes.
This means that there is a priori an interior quality that is
objective; and as a consequence, it has a metaphysical na-
ture. All these considerations--and more--are supporting the
return of a "culture of interiority." As concerns parap-
sychology, all of the above lead us to take into considera-
tion a triple root in the existence of psi phenomena: (1)
the living being's virtuality; (2) the existence of a terminal
in paranormal phenomena; and (3) the possible existence of
an extra-physical starting source (a metaphysical one)
having parameters in common with all human beings, conse-
quently, it is necessary to investigate this possible "starting
source" and, above all, the most interesting and odd con-
tents of mediumistic psi phenomena. - DA/R.A.W.
03594. Ravaldini, Silvio. The De Boni case. Luce e
Ombra, 1988 (Apr/Jun), 88(2), 97-106.
During a s6ance held by the medium D. Fidani in
Rome, a message has been received, signed by the previous
Director of this Journal, who died two years ago in Sep-
tember, Dr. Gastone De Boni. In order to obtain further
proof of identification, we sent the above message to the
Italian Graphological Institute together with one we
removed from the notebook he was using when alive. Of
course, in the letter enclosing the two writing samples, we
did not mention that perhaps they belonged to the same
person. After having fully examined the two letters, the
Institute confirmed they were written by the same person.
No mistake was possible because, as they added, the writer
was affected by Parkinson's disease. In the very last years
of his earthly life, Dr. De Boni was affected by the above
disease, but we can assure all those who are reading this
that nobody informed the researchers working in the In-
stitute that the messages were coming to somebody we
perhaps knew. We can add that Dr. De Boni's daughter
who was present at the s6ance was impressed by this fact.
- DA/R.A.W.
03595. Masi, Felice. Magical events are paranormal
events. Luce e Ombra, 1988 (Apr/Jun), 88(2), 107-115. 9
The author, as a scholar of psychology, parapsychol-
ogy, and anthropology, explains why, in his point of view,
magic events observed among primitive populations are
nothing else but paranormal events, similar to those
studied by parapsychology. As a matter of fact we see
that: (1) the nature of the phenomena occurring in the two
fields is the same; (2) in both cases the result is between
mind and outside action; (3) both belong to the uncon-
scious; (4) they both spring out of it when the unconscious
is enabled, through proper rituals, to emerge and operate;
(5) in both cases the phenomena obey not physical, but
psychological laws, and firstly the principle of synchronism.
Parapsychological events therefore are different from magi-
cal ones because the latter, in their external appearance,
show the traditional and cultural image of the people with
whom they occur. - DA/R.A.W.
03596. Trajna, Carlo M. Life, death and activities of
the "Father of Voices." Luce e Ombra, 1988 (Apr/Jun),
88(2), 120-127.
The author provides a short history of F. Jtirgenson's
life which was full of different, and sometimes traumatic,
experiences in Russia, Italy, Israel, and Estonia. A sup-
posed paranormal phenomenon that happened during
JUrgenson's funeral service is described. His face appeared
on a TV screen and was photographed with a Polaroid
camera. - DT/R.A.W.
03597. Simone, Giorgio di. Converging mediumistic
messages. Luce e Ombra, 1988 (Apr/Jun), 88(2), 128-152.
18 refs
The author analyses the most important convergences
between recent French mediumistic messages and those
received from the "A" Entity during Italian s6ances by
means of a medium in talking-trance. It is a graded and
necessarily brief approach to basic opinions concerning
earth experiences--matter experiences--the fusion in God of
the spirit--the rationality of the other world--the mystery
of God--the non-existence of evil as principle--all this
through the enunciation of constants, that is to say, of
concepts concerning the other dimension that are similar
among themselves within the best mediumistic communica-
tions both in the past and today. For example, how the
disembodied see our world, how it is possible for them to
give help to humans, the nature of postmortem lethargy,
the self-judgment, the ideoplastic suspected to create sen-
sory or psychic illusions, the risks involved in mediumistic
communication, and so on. For the above considerations,
the author consulted the books written by the French Jean
Prieur, who was the interpreter of the presumed com-
munications beyond the border and mostly of those regard-
ing the presumed mediumistic intercourse between Marcelle
de Jouvenal and her dead son "Roland," and those where
Mrs. Jeanne Morrannier wrote the messages of her dead
son "George." - DT/R.A.W.
03598. Giovetti, Paola. Jung and paranormal
phenomena. Luce a Ombra, 1988 (Apr/Jun), 88(2), 153-161.
This article presents the Italian translation of an im-
portant biography of C.G. Jung, edited by Rizzoli Editore,
and written by the German scholar Gerhard Wehr, with
the title: Jung. It is the first complete historical biog-
raphy of the great Swiss psychologist. The book points out
very well the constant interest Jung had in paranormal
phenomena, his personal experiences in this field, and his
philosophy of life, in which these phenomena figure
largely. - DA/R.A.W.
03599. Ferraro, Alfredo. "Drop-in" and living com-
municators. Luce e Ombra, 1988 (Apr/Jun), 88(2), 162-
165. 2 refs
The author, after having said, as an introduction, that
spiritistic phenomena have no scientific credibility (even if
he does rationally accept them), describes a "drop-in" case
with a living man as the main actor where a realistic ob-
jective confirmation is followed. Such a case taken as an
isolated ,t example would only have been very interesting
but nothing else. But, after a brief span of time, a similar
event having analogies with the previous one occurred with
the same medium. The main difference was that whereas
in the first case the subject was sleeping, in the second
one, while the phenomenon was taking place, the subject
presented a perfect alibi as confirmation of his mental
watchfulness. After having been made aware of the fact,
the subject in question was not at all astonished because
he told the author it was very similar to the one he had
had years before when he was in a coma and awoke with
Approved For Release 2000/08/11 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400190001-3