Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
30042-0b05 4- - ^ - 9 '#
' ? Usiiigu'inysterioifs '7th sense' they b
rays ' 10 million times stronger than r y
Illy EDWIN RICH physics - a whale,ne.'
I act usi
f v
A group of amazing Chinese children haveastounded
they see
scientists by doing what even Superman can't - --the
through lead....,,. a, 71 T. the r es ar tt
ar exhaustly-e eacher s
tests. top sc eas ed that t1
>lex Ctstneae cisaracters that
wen e the tad been drawn oa a piece of v 1
oldeyd paper. ?:
_o?,t pvpnl a Nine-year-old Jiang Yan,
odor Iwr arm. Top photo shows those messages at left
writing of them at right. Amesingly On 11-ye aid
doesn't spook Engtisk..,t::. .. r ?,
Ilan w' amere m party a acs
wdy - including her pigtail. In
we test, she oorrec-tiy de-
icribed a drawing on a piece df
paper which had been folded
erln 10 million times MA: ind Inserted into a glove which
r was then wrapped around her
.,OMB- ~ r
equipmNat in_ present use, Luc W Leg Bin, an ll-year-old
Dongsu, a of eking girl, whose power pene-
an n ez F'or , ftioM The NE 3 ated a plastic container. She
in A
_ ve o dren also took two folded pieces of
_'"~ 'eves e '
h ave a:_ , _~vgv aper with the English words
rains which "typewrite?' and "perception"
ws them to send out the Fa written on them, roiled them
-- ~ R into a ball and placed them in
_.F her right armpit.
fibs'hit>ese sav_#_f+s ? Bin then wrote out the word
th~Baren acid one i perception and "tit.. In-
ve wit Ms Power tests lis I.Y, she does not read Eng-
?ffr~ mesas as w Men Hong, an LI-Y --old
contakwAs,of 'i!i from Changrhou, who could
y read words on a paper slipped
M11 her fDOL
ry __ _
from astral CaagZ- Yu 8nihua,
lab County, who can beam rays
through materials that, even
deadly radiation can't' pene-
In one -startling demonstra-J
message on a piece of paper in-
side. -
e Xion Jie, a 12-year4old girl
from Wuhan, who copied oom ,
en the first of the
children - L2- -old
- surfaced to 197$,
were convinced they t~
Lag with a form of vaned ESP, the
"sixth sense" that air
possess to a lesser del
But with further te enlists realized they r`
ing with a greater pc
"seventh sense."
Yu first became aw
power while walkli
from school with his fr
Xiaiming. Yu recalls:
"We were tussling
when my ear brushe
his coat pocket and in
iy, two Chinese c
sprang into my mind.
"I told Chen what I
ualized and he took ou
two Chinese charactA
told the brand name.'
Yn was afraid to t
ther of his discovery
he began playing
games with others in I
mountain village in D.
ty. He had them write
on a piece of paper,
then crumpled and f
"I guessed right eve
says Yu.
Air Force resear
learned of Yu and bei
Jog with him and late
other children.
..Each time I was ,inced of the a xlstenc
beyond our pres
of knowledge," said I
The Chinese belle
wbo have the power
. The only adult to
power, a 25-year-ofd
two named Mou Feng
Piety "read" five one
pieces of paper plac
lerent parts of her b Ir engquin says she i
power at the age
er parents forced h
t about it fearing
some sort of witchcr
the di
I organs. Anot
Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300420005-4
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