Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-FBI
Pc6- 0079 92 .Q1 5
/(U) Technical Protocol for the MEG Investigation Edwin May
5 Aug 91 Wanda Luke
(U) An effort to replicate an earlier finding regarding changes in the
central nervous system as a result of a remote visual stimulus.
/ (U) Target and Sender Dependencies in Anomalous Edwin May
Cognition (Draft) 2 Dec 91 Nevin Lantz
(U) Proposal for an experiment to improve the quality of anomalous cognition
by categorizing target content.
/ (U) Phenomenological Research and Analysis Edwin May
01 Jan 91 Progress Report)
/ (U) Research of Anomalous Mental Phenomena Edwin May
1 Nov 91 (Progress report)
/(U) Phenomenological Research and Analysis Edwin May
12 Nov 91 (Final Report Draft - SOW Task 6.5) Wanda Luke
,/(U) Phenomenological Research and Analysis Edwin May
06 Jan 92 (Final Report - SOW Task 6.5) Wanda Luke
(U) Task 6.5 included attending professional conferences, replicating
experiments, developing protocols, recommending database applications and
storage retrieval systems.
(U) Anomalous Cognition in Lucid Dreams Edwin May
20 Dec 91 S. LaBerge
(U) Proposal to determine if anomalous cognition is possible in the lucid
dream state.
,,-(U) Phenomenological Research and Analysis Edwin May
15 Feb 92 Wanda Luke
(U) Interim report for SOW Task 6.2 (Basic Research), 6.3 (Applied Research)
and 6.4 (Methodology) for period 4 Feb to 31 Dec 1991.
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200170004-5
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200170004-5
V"(U) Phenomenological Research and Analysis
20 July 92 (Progress Report)
,,/'`(U) Phenomenological Research and Analysis
30 Nov 92 (Interim Report)
(U) Interim report for SOW Task 6.2 (Basic Research), 6.3
and 6.4 (Methodology) for period 23 July to 30 Nov 1992.
Edwin May
Wanda Luke
Edwin May
Wanda Luke
(Applied Research)
/(U) Phenomenological Research and Analysis
Edwin May
9 June 92 (Progress Report)
/ (U) Phenomenological Research and Analysis
Edwin May
30 Sept 92 (Progress Report)
`/ (U) Phenomenological Research and Analysis
Edwin May
16 Nov 92 (Progress Report)
V(U) Phenomenological Research and Analysis
Edwin may
16 Dec 92 (Progress Report)
,/(U) Phenomenological Research and Analysis Edwin May
3 Feb 93 (Final Report) Wanda Luke
Nevin Lantz
(U) Report covers period 4 Feb 1991 to 30 June 1992 and includes efforts on
target dependencies, enhancing detection of anomalous cognition,
magnetoencephalograph experiments and other activities.
/ (U) Institutional Review Board (IRB) Meeting Garrison Rapmond
22 January 93 SAIC
(U) The IRB reviewed 5 proposed experiments and recommended changes (also
copy of presentation vugraphs).
a/ (U)
Anomalous Phenomenological Research; Current
Edwin May
Status in Russia 3 Feb 93 (Unedited Draft)
APPENDIX Anomalous Phenomenological Research;
Current Status in Russia Volume II The Effects
of High Frequency of E&N on Biological Systems
3 Feb 93
(U) Results of study of anomalous phenomenology reported by the FSU. Review
of Russian work in anomalous perturbation, electromagnetic field effects,
novel waves and particles.
(U) Travel Report: The Third National Scientific Wanda Luke
Meeting of The Chinese Society of Somatic Edwin May
Science (CSSS), Beijing, China 23 Mar 93
(U) Report of papers and personal discussions at the indicated meeting.
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200170004-5
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200170004-5
Phenomenological Research and Analysis
05 Apr 93 (Progress Report)
Edwin May
Phenomenological Research and Analysis
23 Apr 93 (Progress Report)
Edwin May
Earling DeGraff
Phenomenological Research and Analysis
Wanda Luke
30 April 93 (Interim report) Edwin May
(U) Interim report for SOW Task 6.2 (Basic Research), 6.3 (Applied Research)
and 6.4 (Methodology) for period 30 Dec 1992 to 30 April 1993.
/(U) Anomalous Phenomenological Research; Current Edwin May
Status in Russia - Anomalous Mental Phenomena Laura Faith
30 April 93
(U) Copies of pertinent FSU research papers on anomalous mental phenomena.
v (U) Phenomenological Research and Analysis Edwin May
30 Jun 93 (Progress Report) Earling DeGraff
(U) Anomalous Phenomenological Research; Final Edwin May
Report 30 Jun 93 Wanda Luke
(U) Final technical report for SOW Tasks 6.2 (Basic Research), 6.3 (Applied
Research), 6.4 (Theoretical Issues) and 6.5 (Methodology) for period 20 Mar
1992 to 30 June 1993 and reports on progress in biophysical measurements,
data patterns and correlations, anomalous cognition and anomalous phenomena
/ (U)
Phenomenological Research and Analysis
Technical Proposal
16 August 93
V (U)
Phenomenological Research and Analysis
Technical Proposal
28 Sept 93
Proposals to extend work in response to contract modifications.
Phenomenological Research and Analysis Edwin May
10 Sept 93 (Progress Report) Earling DeGraff
Phenomenological Research and Analysis Wanda. Luke
1 Oct 93 Edwin May
Interim technical report for SOW Tasks 6.1 (Basic Research), 6.2 (Applied
Research), 6.3 (Methodology) and 7.0 (Quick Reaction Capability) for period
30 April 1993 to 30 Sept 1993 and reports on progress in improving contacts
with researchers in FSU and PRC, biophysical measurements, anomalous
cognition and anomalous phenomena experiments and feasibility of applying
fuzzy set theory in anomalous phenomena research.
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200170004-5
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200170004-5
(U) Phenomenological Research and Analysis Edwin May
31 Dec 93 (Progress Report) Douglas MacGowan
/(U) Phenomenological Research and Analysis Edwin May
29 Sept 94 (Final Report) Wanda Luke
Christine James
(U) This is the final deliverable under the contract and presents results of
contractor efforts on biophysical measurements, data patterns/parameter
correlations, theoretical issue, applied research and research methodology
and supports
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200170004-5
Approved Fir eJeas 01/03/07: CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200170004-5
JJ 0 CLu w sums
U)(SRI Prop) Psychoenergetic Research: Suggested
Approaches, 1 May 78
H. Puthoff
R. Targ
E. May
(U) Document identifies and discusses key areas of psychoenergetic research and
indicates those areas for experimentation and analysis most likely to provide
answers to critical questions.
/(U) Experimental PSI Research: Implications H. Puthoff
For Physics, Jul 79 Russell Targ
Edwin May
(U) Results of continuing experiments at SRI on "remote viewing"
V(U) Phase I: Hardware Construction and System E. May
Evaluation C uA P01 G. Hubbard
(U) Development of a reliable, computer-based random number generator with graphic
display capabilities.
/(U) Fuzzy Set Applications in Remote Viewing
Analysis, Dec 87 Beverly Humphrey
Edwin May
Jessica Utts
Thane Frivold
Wanda Luke
Virginia Trask
(U) Application of fuzzy set mathematical techniques to the problem of remote
viewing analysis using two analytical methods developed for that purpose
\/(U) Meta-Analysis of Forced-Choice Precognition
Experiments, Dec 88 Edwin May
(U) Results of a meta-analysis of forced choice experiments published in English -
language parapsychology journals between 1935 and 1987.
v(U) An Effort To Improve Remote Viewing Quality
Using Hypnosis, Oct 89 Nevin Lantz
(U) Report details a 3-year effort to improve remote viewing quality utilizing a
hypnotic trance to increase the amount of target-related data produced by the
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200170004-5
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200170004-5
7(U) Screening For Remote Viewing Talent, Dec 89 Virginia Trask
Nevin D. Lantz
Wanda Luke
E. May
(U) Results of a multi-level screening effort of 256 candidates to identify
potential high-quality remote viewers.
,/(U) Observation of Neuromagnetic Fields in
Response to Remote Stimuli, der 90 i)~c &~j Edwin May
Wanda Lake
Virginia Trask
Thane Frivold
(U) Replication of an earlier SRI study of the response of a single subject's
central nervous system to a remote and isolated flashing light.
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200170004-5