Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007918000200030018-5
Thoughts on Terms of Reference for Declassification Review
It is suspected that many of the current reports were classified to protect the
relationship between the program and its government sponsor. This suspicion is
enhanced by the realization that during the period that DIA was identified on project
reports as the sponsor, the large majority of the (SRI) reports were classified.
Subsequently, under contract to SAIC, a contract cut-out was used and exactly the
opposite occurred, i.e., the large majority of the reports were unclassified even though
the topics, investigations, studies, experiments and basic technology were virtually
identical. Hence, it is presumed that many of the early reports can be downgraded to
unclassified with little if any change once DIA declassifies their sponsorship of the
Classify as SECRET information regarding:
- sources and/or methods of intelligence operations.
- intelligence and/or military operational targets
- intelligence and/or military operational tasking
- names of any government personnel involved in performing against
operational tasks
- names and/or affiliations of any classified tasking organizations
Any information regarding the categories below is UNCLASSIFIED and
should be downgraded if currently classified:
- code names for the project, e.g. Grill Flame, Star Gate, etc.
- names of government sponsoring organizations
- names of industrial organizations performing R&D under government contract
- activities which deal with R&D including related laboratory and CONUS field
experiments, development and testing of protocols, development and testing
of training and training procedures except in those instances where
knowledge of these items would infer information which would otherwise be
classified or where, in the opinion of the reviewer, disclosure could cause
grave damage to the United States.
- discussion of interest, involvement and/or cooperation with organizations
and/or personnel of other countries pertorming R&D in similar or related fields
of technology except in those instances where knowledge of these items
would infer information which would otherwise be classified or where, in the
opinion of the reviewer, disclosure could cause grave damage to the Unified
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007918000200030018-5