Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002600310002-8
For example, Caroline Watt from the Psychology Department at
Edinburgh d i d as study on "Defensiveness and PET". Results
indicated that individuals who were rated as highly defensive
following a Defense Mechanism Test tended to s5c:::c.:)r?c below chance [::)I"1
ESP measure. Conversely, those who were rated as low defensive
individuals tended to have above chance ESP scores. Indicative
that there is a relationship between defensiveness and PSI
si7ra?c. Ego, stress, and an inability to relax can detract from
the viewing .1st:: the
1:7r?'c7t:::fc:. and ~1;:, h?~c::: overall outcome of information.
i::i ;:it l") z?f t o 1 ci :::; a..t d :I. c 3::i CS)'t' creativity indicate that emotionally
stimulating targets provide powerful