Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002500030
Summary of Informatior,
The target is a mole thiat is or elderly with dark
stringy hair. He is a "grandfatherly" type and tends to 1.ooh::
through, rather than at, objects. He is slumped clown in a chair.,
He has military followers, is ar'r'ogant and ill-equipped for his
job. He is incompetent in general and is brutal and sinister.
Thera i. or has been, a transvestite associated in some way with
this individual.
He is working with rambled paper with a blue surface. The
activity resembles a map with coordinates.
There is a mystical aspect to this individual. The concept
of levitation somehow is associated with him. He has been
pampered and spoiled..
`there is a spoiled or stale food smell, apples and smoke
associated with this individual. Also a kettle. There are
_ju ctap,osi.'L.i.oned stripes, a radio playing a salty grease taste.
There are slicing sounds, birds or sea birds and gravel or coarse
sand. i-t very fragile glass-like object is present. (see diagram).
There are a series of blue "W's and a long, narrow
passageway. Ground or earth is very important.
Than a massive AOL overdrive of MIKE DROSNIN which :1 have
not been able to eliminate. In fact, my perception of h:i.m in my
session was simultaneous with him caviling the unit and speaking
with Jeanie on the 25th of July.
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002500030014-7
Approved For Release'J
2000/ 8 CIA-RDP96-00789R0025000300 "'-I
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : f IA-RDP96-00789R002500030014-7
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 j CIA-RDP96-00789R002500030014-7