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For Release 2000/O M EiDP96-00789R002200490001-4
Final Report April 1989
By: EDWIN C. MAY, Ph. D.
Director of Cognitive Sciences Program
Prepared for:
The data presented herein are proprietary to the client and shall not be duplicated,
used, or disclosed In whole or in part for any purpose without the expressed written
consent from the client.
333 Ravenswood Ave. ? Menlo Park, CA 94025
ved For I elease2h00%08%d9o 3812Ao4R6~9e`"03d~ 6'9'R002200490001-4
Final Report April 1989
Covering the Period 1 May 1988 to April 1989
Director of Cognitive Sciences Program
Prepared for:
The data presented herein are proprietary to the client and shall not be
duplicated, used, or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose without
the expressed written consent from the client.
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333 Ravenswood Ave. ? Menlo Park, CA 94025
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LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................ iii
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................... iii
I OBJECTIVE .................................................... 1
II BACKGROUND ................................................. 2
A. Remote Viewing ............................................ 2
B. Fuzzy Set Analysis ......................................... 3
III APPROACH .................................................... 4
A. Remote Viewer ............................................ 4
B. Target Material ........................................... 4
C. Experiment Protocol ........................................ 4
D. Analysis Technique ......................................... 5
IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................... 10
V CONCLUSIONS ................................................ 19
REFERENCES ........................................................... 20
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1. Viewer 372:
2. Viewer 372:
3. Viewer 373:
4, Viewer 372:
5. Viewer 372:
6. Viewer 009:
1. Universe of Target And Response Elements (U) .............................. 8
2. Figure of Merit (FM) Summary-Intelligence Simulation (S/NF) ................ 10
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(S/NF) The objectives of this experiment were to:
? (S/NF) Demonstrate the potential of a novel
intelligence-collection technique, known as remote viewing,
0 (S/NF) Determine the degree to which the technique used to
analyze remote viewing results is applicable.
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(S/NF) SRI was asked by the sponsor to participate in an experiment
conducted during the latter half of August, 1988,
The primary objectives were (1) to demonstrate
the remote viewing and (2) to apply fuzzy set
analysis to interpret the data.
(U) Remote viewing (RV) is an apparent human ability to gain access, by mental means
alone, to information that is secured by shielding, distance, or time.1-5 * At least three elements
are necessary to conduct an RV experiment:
(1) An individual, called a viewer, with RV ability
(2) Specific target material (not available to the viewer at the time of the
(3) An analysis technique to determine the degree to which RV occurred
In a typical laboratory protocol, a viewer and a monitor-an interviewer who is also unaware of
the target material-are sequestered at time To. At To + 5 minutes, an assistant selects the
intended target from a large pool of potential targets (e.g., a list of locations within a half-hour
drive from the laboratory) using a random procedure. At To + 30 minutes, the assistant is at the
selected site and, back at the laboratory, the viewing begins. At To + 45 minutes, the viewing
ends and the assistant returns to the laboratory. To provide feedback, the viewer, monitor, and
assistant return to the selected site and review the RV data.
(U) To determine if RV occurred, similar experiments are conducted using a newly
selected target for each trial. Usually, the trials are done with target replacement (i.e., each
target is returned to the pool and may be selected again by the random process).
(U) References may be found at the end of this report.
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B. (U) Fuzzy Set Analysis
(U) Since 1972, SRI has developed many procedures to determine whether information
has been obtained beyond chance expectation.6-8 In the current method,9 the targets and
viewer's responses are described as fuzzy sets of descriptor elements (e.g., presence of water).
The outcome of the RV experiment is measured by a figure of merit, which is related to the
accuracy and reliability of the viewer's description of the target.
(S/NF) When RV is applied to intelligence collection, the analysis
procedures differ considerably. In laboratory experiments, much is known
about the target, but in intelligence applications, very little target
information is known. Thus, the analysis technique must be modified in
order to assess the "correct" RV response elements before confirming
evidence can be obtained.
(S,/NF) Long-standing difficulties in applying the RV phenomena to
intelligence applications are at least twofold. In a lengthy response,
those elements of genuine intelligence significance must be identified a
priori. Second, even excellent examples of remote viewing do not
necessarily imply intelligence usefulness. Therefore, RV-derived
intelligence data should be used in conjunction with information obtained
through more conventional channels.
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(U) SRI conducted a 26-hour RV experiment beginning at 1008 on August 24, 1988.
The viewer provided data in four different work periods: at 1008 and 1500 on August 24, and at
0910 and 1120 on August 25. The details of the experiment are described below.
(S/NF) SRI selected Viewer V372 to participate in this experiment
because of his* 10-year experience as a viewer, and because he produced
good results in the first experiment in this series, conducted in May,
B. (U) Target Material
(S/NF) The SRI team was given the code name of the experiment, a time
window during which the experiment would be active, and a photograph and
Social Security number of an on-site individual. Other than this, all
aspects and details of the experiment were withheld from V372 and SRI
* (U) To keep the identify of the viewer confidential, we refer to the viewer with the
pronouns he and his regardless of the viewer's gender.
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(S/NF) Four sessions were conducted to provide information. The
times and circumstances were as follows:
(1) 1008 August 24 V372 was asked to describe the location and
details of an event in progress. Details about pertinent
personnel were also requested.
(2) 1500 August 24 V372 was asked to describe details and
activity at the site demarked by the presence of the
sponsor's on-site representative.
(3) 0910 August 25 V372 was asked to expand upon his
descriptions from the previous day.
(4) 1120 August 25 V372 was asked consolidate the information
from the previous scans and to provide his concluding
(S/NF) During each session, V372's responses were tape-recorded. He
was encouraged to draw details whenever possible. Drawings are contained
in Appendix A, and Appendix B contains verbatim transcripts of all four
sessions. (Because of technical difficulties, most of the taped record of
the second session was lost. Since the remaining data are intact and
since the drawings from the remaining viewings are complete, this gap is
not significant.)
(S/NF) After all raw data had been delivered to the sponsor, V372 and
SRI personnel
D. (U) Analysis Technique
(S/NF) As discussed in Section Ii, quantitative analysis in an
intelligence setting poses problems. Any analysis of remote viewing data
must be accomplished within the context of a mission statement. An
analysis designed only to demonstrate RV is inadequate to enable an
intelligence assessment, and vice versa. Under another program,9 SRI
developed a generalized analysis technique that allows for an a priori
mission statement. An overview of that technique follows.
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? (S/NF) ek is an element of a target. For example, an element
(S/NF) The most important aspect of RV data analysis is the
definition of both the target and the RV response. For this analysis, all
target and response information is defined as the fuzzy sets T and R,
respectively. Each is described below.
(S/NF) The target is defined as a fuzzy set of target elements
T[ek, ?k, wk] :
? (S/NF) Rk is the membership value of element ek. It
represents the degree to which ek is present at the target.
for example, might have a membership
value of 0.6, indicating that is 60% of
the target material. Determined subjectively, ?k is always
a value from 0 to 1.
? (S/NF) wk is an arbitrary weighting factor for element ek. This
factor accounts for differing missions by assigning the
SG1A importance of elements relative to each other. The
is very
SG1A important, for example, and might be assigned a weight of 5
when compared with which might have a
weight of 0.5.
(S/NF) The RV response is similarly defined as a fuzzy set of
response elements R[ek,Rk,wk]. The membership values for response
elements, however, have a somewhat different meaning than those for target
elements. Membership values, ?k, represent an analyst's assessment as to
the degree of presence of ekin the response. For declarative statements,
?k= 1 unless a viewer volunteers a specific or implied importance of ek to
the overall target. A degree of interpretation is allowed for
nondeclarative statements by letting ?k< 1. The response weights, wk, are
identical to the target weights.
(S/NF) we define accuracy as the percent of target material described
correctly by a response. Likewise, we define reliability (of a viewer) as the
percent of a response that is correct. The figure of merit is the product
of the two; to obtain a high figure of merit, a viewer's description of a
target must be largely correct and contain few extraneous images. In
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fuzzy set terminology, these quantities for the jth target/response pair
are as follows:
Accuracy, = a,
2: wk (RjnT)k
Reliability = r =
Z Wk TJ.k
Z wk (Rj n T)k
Zwk Ri,k
Figure of Merit. = MJ = aJ x rJ
The sum over k is called the sigma count in fuzzy set terminology. The sigma
count is defined as the sum of the membership values, ?, for the elements
of the response, target, and their intersection-that is, Rj, Tj, and
(Rj n Tj) , respectively.
2. (U) Target and Response Data
(S/NF) The universe of target and response elements is drawn from the
August, 1988, experiment. We define three element categories: functions,
relationships, and objects. These categories are weighted 1.0, 0.75, and
0.50, respectively.
(U) Table 1 shows the universe of target and response elements and the formal definition
of T and R. All scans were considered together, rather than scan by scan. The various scaling
weights are shown in parentheses adjacent to the appropriate factors. The relative weights are
derived from SRI's best assessment of the operational utility of each element. The response
membership values, R (g), were determined from the raw data (see Appendices A and B). The
target membership values, T(?), were determined by SRI personnel during a site visit in
September, 1988. All elements, however, were determined by an SRI analyst post hoc in order
to allow a more accurate assessment of reliability. Elements derived from the response were
taken literally. Those elements having no corresponding element in the target (i.e., T(?) = 0)
were assigned the average weight of elements present in the target.
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Element Type
* (U) All figures are to be taken as indicators of qualitative correspondence. The drawings and
photographs have been selected to illustrate the correspondence.
(S/NF) Table 2 shows the figure-of-merit analysis for the
experiment using the fuzzy sets defined in Table 1. The target was the
target-response intersection is shown as IT n RI, and the sigma counts of
the target and response sets are shown as ITS and IRI, respectively. N
is the number of elements that were identified for each category. All
quantities include the relative weights shown in Table 1.
(S/NF) The weighted accuracy total of 0.80 (i.e., 80% of the
identifiable elements at the target site were correctly described by V372)
agrees well with the qualitative correspondence shown in Figures 1 and 2.*
Figure 3 shows V372's drawing of a plan view of the target area, which
appears to match the experimental situation almost exactly. The figures
of merit show that, since the first experiment in this series, V372's
ability to sense functions and objects has increased modestly, and his
ability to sense relationships has increased by a factor of four. The
relatively low value of 0.57 for the combined (weighted by the category
weighting factors) target elements is consistent with the elaborate nature
of V372's response (see the original response in Appendices A and B).
Table 2
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L, t
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&Aoa four
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? C WAJ D FO to t- A-R. i .
? SPEciFI!-At`'''1 A iD ovr~ "'C~ITC
OT A4 1 L.D
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uf'6s-JcR a 0'-
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(S/NF) After SRI personnel had been debriefed about the target, a
second long-term participant, V009, was asked to view the same event. He
was told to provide whatever information he could about an event that had
taken place approximately two weeks earlier. Viewer V009 was told nothing
else about the nature of the target or target event, and he worked without
an RV monitor.
(S/NF) Since this was an ad hoc test, not intended to be part of the
series, we have not conducted a formal analysis of V009's response.
Qualitatively, however, V009 appeared to do as well as V372, given that he
remained in session, unmonitored, for only 20 minutes. Figure 6 shows one
part of his drawing response that captures V009's theme. Interestingly,
V009 also appeared to be confused by the multitude of potential target
material in the immediate area. He drew an airport and recognized that it
was not the intended target.
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(S/NF) Viewer V372 was asked to use RV to describe the activity of
during August 24 and 25, 1988. He described approximately
80% of the identifiable target elements correctly, and 71% of his
responses corresponded with the intended target. Although 29% noise
remains, if this experiment had been an actual operational activity, the
noise probably would not have been a significant distracting factor,
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1. Puthoff, H. E. and Targ, R., "Perceptual Augmentation Techniques (U)," Final Report,
SRI Project 3183, SRI International, Menlo Park, California (December 1975) SECRET.
2. Puthoff, H. E. and Targ, R., "A Perceptual Channel for Information Transfer Over
Kilometer Distances: Historical Perspective and Recent Research," Proceedings of the
IEEE, Vol. 64, No. 3 (March 1976) UNCLASSIFIED.
3. Puthoff, H. E., et al., "Advanced Threat Technique Assessment (U)," Final Report, SRI
Project 5309,. SRI International, Menlo Park, California (October 1978)
4. Jahn, R. G., "The Persistent Paradox of Psychic Phenomena: An Engineering
Perspective," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 70, No. 2, pp. 136-170 (1982).
5. Puthoff, H. E., "RV Reliability, Enhancement, and Evaluation (U)," Final Report, SRI
Project 4028-1, SRI International, Menlo Park, California (January 1984)
6. May, E. C., "A Remote Viewing Evaluation Protocol (U)," Final Report (revised), SRI
Project 4028, SRI International, Menlo Park, California (July 1983) SECRET/NOFORN.
7. May, E. C., Humphrey, B. S., and Puthoff, H. E., "An Automated RV Evaluation
Procedure (U)," Final Report, SRI Project 7408, SRI International, Menlo Park,
California (May 1985) SECRET/NOFORN.
8. May, E. C., Humphrey, B. S., and Mathews, C., "A Figure of Merit Analysis for
Free-Response Material," Proceedings of the 28th Annual Convention of the
Parapsychological Association, pp. 343-354, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts
(August 1985) UNCLASSIFIED.
9. Humphrey, B. S., Trask, V. V., May, E. C., and Thomson M. J., "Remote Viewing
Evaluation Techniques (U)," Final Report-Objective A, Task 4, SRI Project 1291, SRI
International, Menlo Park, California (December 1986) SECRET/NOFORN.
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Remote Viewing Response (Transcript)
August, 1988
(This Appendix is Unclassified)
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Viewer 372
August 24, 1988, 10:08 a.m.
M: OK this is session number one, viewer 372, and this is one of four sessions looking
in on an event that's been in progress since the 15th. We're looking for a
description of that event including some information about the location, possible
details of any equipment and some idea of personnel involved.
V: The first impression I'm getting is, what I'm going to do is use a pencil and then
darken it in afterwards,
V: getting an impression of a, like a semi-circle that's open over here and there's some
kind of a square block or something standing over here. This is really large. I feel
like its kinda laid out on the ground in some way. Coming off of this semi-circle
type object are like hairs. Don't know what those are. Maybe some kind of a, I'm
trying to look at the end of this thing (see second drawing) and I'm getting what
appears to be two extremely heavy thick crustations of some kind like two forms
that encase a small hole, hole is not a good description, they encase a, some kind of
very specific wire or something, I feel like its really tiny but its imbedded in this like,
I want to say crustation, its wrapping or, very dense wrapping, its like this a, actually
there's a couple of them.
M: A couple of these objects?
V: Yeah, call those object B, the first part of the drawing is object A, the one with the
hairs coming out of it. This is a, this goes back into something, it isn't very large,
maybe, well I don't know, say two meters, two meters long. Its out of scale here
because I think its size left to right up and down is maybe six by four centimeters
which makes this look like a dot in here, very tiny. A little tiny core material that
goes back into something. This outer wrap is, I get the feeling, very dense and the
inner wrap is less dense, almost like the inner wrap is somewhat disposable and the
outer is fixed. I'm gonna put disposable with a question mark because it feels like
it. Actually this disposable is an interesting thing, I'll write that down here. How do
you spell it?
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M: I know what you mean.
V: We'll check the spelling before I darken it in.
M: We're not in our spelling mode right now.
V: Yeah we're not in the spelling mode. Actually this is totally separate. I'll draw a
line between the two. Anything above it seems to be, lets call it a ground focal area,
its specifically laid out for a something, for, I want to say collecting something but
that's not correct. Its laid out for catching something, for lack of a better word, its
shaped so that everything going to these different points are a, arriving all at the
same time. Going back over to this thing ah, I'm gonna draw a third thing, I've got
an A, I've got a B but I've got a third thing that looks like a but its not laid out on
the ground. Let's call B up here B 1 this is B2. It looks like the A object in that its
round but its like totally, the ellipse is not open, and all these little hairs go around
the outside, kind of a collector here or something. I keep trying to think of a
different way of presenting this, I'm not sure of the appropriate, I keep trying to
cover it and I come out with a, almost like the inside of a building but its not, its
connected like a web or something. I keep wanting to do this (draws circular
motion) and then wanting to do that (draws arrows shooting off).
V: This is clearly a shape but then it can also be defined, this is a, if I had to define
movement within this I would define it as going out something like that. I feel like
there's a whole lot more detail than this that I'm not capturing, that's what I'm
trying to do, I'm trying to get my head together on the detail. These collector hairs
or fibers are a, real specific, they probably have something to do with B l, they
either feed into or out of B l. Also I'm getting a really strong impression of a, some
other things, like one thing I'm getting a strong impression of is what I call extreme
short durations. We're talking observing something that's faster than like the flick
of an eye. Its like quick observations. And we're also talking about a three step
something. Its like three step or more function. Its like they're rapid succession.
Boosted, magnified, enhanced, focused. There seems to be a step missing in here,
if you were to call these successive steps there's one missing, its almost like, I'll
insert it here, double boosted and over here triple boosted, something like that.
Over here I'll draw this, I'm trying to describe this, this cutaway of B l, it a, what
I'm trying to do is a, an exploded view of this thing, I have no idea if its gonna work
or not. I think the way to do this is to draw it sideways so it looks like a cutaway.
What we're talking about is B l.
M: This part back here where its connected to something?
V: Right, where its connected to something. Coming out of this a, essentially thick
dense stuff, back here it gets thicker, the outside dense stuff gets even thicker, and
then this stuff, the less dense fill type stuff, it gets really thin, its this kind of shape,
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and this comes right on down to a, almost like its a pick-up of some kind, it goes
down this real fine core, and I really don't, I keep trying to get back in the
direction of the arrow and I keep running into a lot of problems. Its simple but its
complex. Very simple but very complex. Lets call it some kind of gun. This has
got, I find myself wanting to do these kind of lines, they get closer together at the
end. Like some kind of wrapping. I keep wanting to make something come out the
end of this thing. But, you know, I just can't see anything coming out of the end of
this thing. Its a, there's some real complex thing about this too that I'm not paying
attention to, its like there's, this thing is like a frame a whole complex block of stuff
wrapped around it, lets erase this two meters on B 1 and call it a, two feet, it might
even be smaller than that. Its very thick or a, very dense versus thick. I'm trying to
think of some other context to put this in, a where it is, where its located, what kind
of building it is, a, I feel like I'm getting more of a conceptual thing, you know, the
a whole picture, I'm getting parts and pieces of it. Then like another part, I'll draw
another line across the page, I get an impression of a, like a narrow, kind of a long
narrow type, don't want to say tube, but I don't want to say, don't want to say tube,
don't want to say tunnel, its like a ah, channel, a long narrow channel, and, this is
like, up here on this end is an enlarged driver, lets call this a combined driver of
some kind. You come down here, this is like a receiver type thing, it puts something
out, I keep trying to envision what that is but I'm not sure. This combined driver
has got some kind of tubes going into it. All these spider legged tubes. Its this
receiver booster I'm getting a better feel for, its almost like a circle, its real dense,
real dense stuff around it, and then its got lines, and I want to draw fine lines, its
almost like its got a spider web, this is, I want to make this ghost like core suspended
by fine lines, for lack of a better term. Spider leg tubes carrying fluid. This
combined driver, you could say there's four or five of these. Like stacked, like
building blocks. This is a, I feel like I got something inverted here, something's
backwards or I fastened the back ends of the pieces together, it probably is not
exactly as depicted, that I got the essential parts but its put together the wrong way.
I also keep wanting to put this in the ground. (long pause) I'm trying to think of
buildings and stuff and I'm getting a lot of overlay.
M: It looks like you have some kind of detailed, small, something that you've zeroed in
on here and the larger context could wait till the next session.
V: Yeah.
M: I did have one question. What's the scale of this.
V: The A object? The scale of this is probably the size of a football field.
M: And then is the rest somehow connected?
V: Somehow connected, yeah, I'm not clear on how that is yet. What's confusing me
is I'm getting these hairs coming off this thing and I keep wanting to call hairs
coming off this thing, you know the B2 object.
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M: These two aren't the same, A and B2?
V: No, A and B2 are not the same. A is like a large field of some type and B is more
like a grouping of small collectors. I'm getting lots of ovals, that's really apparent.
I'm getting ovals inside ovals inside ovals, I'm getting dense material layered with
less dense material, I'm getting fine wire, and then wrap that entire mess in a really
complex amplifier of some kind. I think we're talking about two extremes here,
one is an extreme of simplicity, I mean the simplicity of it is incredible. Then we're
looking at the other end of the spectrum where controlling the simplicity is
extremely complex, very, very complex, you know controlling it and amplifying it.
Its very much like if you were to, if you want an absolute diamond pure wave front
delivered at a target, for instance, a thousand miles away obviously transmitting the
wave front through the media called air is going to really screw it up badly, so what
you do is send it anyway and you have a receiver at the thousand mile point, and its
backed to the transmitter, this is really buggered up, demodulated in a certain way
so that when it reconstructs itself here it will look clearer when it does, so there's
this rapid communications that takes place and the transmitter puts out what
appears to be totally incoherent wave front, its not even a wave front any more, its
just pieces, but when it arrives, because of the way the effect the area has on it
when it arrives in there its diamond perfect. That kind of simplicity. The wave
format is easy. Its the delivery of it that's terribly, terribly difficult in terms of focus
and amplification. A wave front is not a good example but there's definitely
something coming out that's really simplistic but the physics of it is really, as
simplistic as it is, its extremely difficult and complicated. That's it.
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Approved For Release UReLOA:"P -00789R002200490001-4
Viewer 372
August 24, 1988, 3:00 p.m.
M: OK. This is session number two with viewer 372, August 24, its three o'clock.
During this session we agreed to use a photograph of a beacon and the beacon's
name as a way of further enhancing our contact with the target situation. So at this
point I'm going to show the viewer the picture of the beacon. His name is
and his social security number is on the back. So we'll use that
photograph as the sort of contact for this session. OK. You're on.
V: (long pause during which viewer draws complicated set up shown in part A of
Session 2 drawing) (White noise begins at this point and drowns out the voice
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Approved For Release fJf4/WAnJM-00789R002200490001-4
Viewer 372
August 25, 1988, 9:10 a.m.
M: OK, this is Session Number Three, Viewer 372. This is August 25, at 9:10 in the
V: And, I think what I'm gonna do on the sheet one is I'm gonna draw a perspective of
this temporary building like ground layout. Some kind of ground layout.
V: So to do that I'm gonna turn my paper over and put "top of page" on one edge here
so everybody knows this is the top of the page. And, perspective-wise I get a feeling
of a double-sided taller building and this is like part of the larger building.
And,that's back here, so I'll put in a....another building here like this and I get the
feeling like there's a slight rise behind it and like this.. .ground kind of does this sort
of thing, turns and goes that way and then I get the feeling like there's a, I don't
know that this stuff is but it's like this kind of design and ground and then there's a,
I want to put windows in the buildings but I can't. More like block house type, real
low. I get a feeling there's like long, tall pipes or something, something black, long
lines, black stuff coming in like this and there's some duct connecting these two
buildings. There's more stuff coming out this way. It's like black pipe or
something, it's just strung out kinda like spaghetti. I'll put a car in here so there's
perspective on size. That'll be a car. Something else over here, uh, I get like a fairly
flat area out here, and there seems to be some kind of mountains or hills back here.
Uh, there's an airstrip in that direction. Call this the prime of two locations. I
don't know what this thing is here. It's sort of like an air traffic controllers' tower,
little antennas coming off the, but I don't, I don't think I would call it an air traffic
controllers' tower. It just feels like it. All very solid building, I keep wanting to do
this in the ground over here. I don't know if those are just tracks from people
turning around cars or, that's an interesting pattern I keep wanting to do here.
Probably, uh, 35 to 45 personnel. Uh, temporary and permanent building mix.
This is, I think this is probably a temporary building right here. Black hoses or
cables. There's something else over here and I don't know whether it's tanks as in
containers I'll put questions marks in here I'm not sure. Mountain range on the
horizon. Hot and dry. I'll call this Building One, and I'll call this Building Two,
and, uh, Building One is, uh, what's this. Uh, bay areas with computer terminals,
recording device, say photographic. Building Two has got some kind of uh, special
one-of-a-kind equipment. So, here's an outline.
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M: OK.
V: I dreamed it up last night.
M: Did you?
V: Yeah. The, uh, I'm, I'm trying to think of what the business end of this little
humper is. And, uh, about the best that I could come up with is, I get the feeling
like I'm looking at a bunch of mirrors, some kind of polished metal mirrors and,
this is going to be really complex the way I'm gonna draw it, but it's really very
simple. I'm not sure I can draw it the way I wanta draw it, that's the problem, so,
just bear with me a little bit. Its like an ovaloid, and then, there's mirrors in this
thing that are shaped something like this, and they rise to a, to this central platform.
Now, that's kinda like looking down from the top.
M: OK. Does this kinda go into a depression, is that why.... OK.
V: Yeah, right, exactly. Now this is the from top, uh, let's see, we'll call this View
From Top of Top Half. This where it gets a little complicated.
V: There's a bottom half to this sucker, and it's almost identical and, let's see, it's, and
this is like the bottom half. Yeah. In the middle of this thing, I guess it sorta sits on
this flat area. That's not right. It looks flat from the outside but if you look on the
inside there's like a this kind of a thing. Seems to be a depression in the middle of
M: Urn, hum. So I'm not sure I understand. This, this is looking up from the bottom,
you're underneath it, or...
V: Well, it's hard for you to see the perspective and it's like two halves separated. In
the, the bottom half curves up to the flap and the top one curves down to the flap.
M: Curves down, yeah, OK.
V: So that it's like when this clam shell thing was brought together...
M: Oh, OK.
V: ...the center piece almost touches...
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V: ...but the outer edges come like, you know, in an oval or ovoid or whatever you
want to call that. And these outer edges are like interlocking, theres like a lip that
goes around the outer edge of one half.
M: Urn, hum.
V: And interlocks on the inside edge of this one. So...
M: OK, I see.
V: ...so it's almost hermetically sealed...
M: Yeah.
V: ...when it comes together.
M: So these two would kind of like fold together like that.
V: Yeah.
M: OK, got ya.
V: Yeah, so you can say, you know,
M: Yeah, um, hum.
V: Edges interlock.
M: Yeah.
V: And, what this is, this is really interesting, because what this is, is these are really,
really shiny polished sections of metal, and really hard.
M: Yeah, OK, be sure you label that.
Approved For Releaseyoloi Ub6$g IIFR9P96-00789R002200490001-4
Approved For Release OaffA--=MI 6-00789 R002200490001-4
V: Yeah, I'll say very polished very hard metal. Now, where the creases of these come
together we'll call these, all these different lines are creases. Where those creases
come together, I'm gonna have to go with a different page, I'm gonna do the edge
now. The edge of this thing. Then we have a, it does that and a bottom piece that
does this. I better do a see through here. Where these creases come together are
these like apertures that look something like that. And the center of this, this
aperture comes out like this and then there's a, fastened over that whole thing is
that part whatever it was from yesterday. I don't know if that makes any sense.
M: Urn, hum, yeah, I, I think, and then you're saying one of those comes out at each
one of these?
V: Yeah.
M: The whole way around?
V: Yeah, it's like, uh, spokes.
M: Yeah.
V: You got all these spokes.
M: Yep, um, hum.
V: So you got a flying saucer with spokes. Now...
M: Or a high tech wagon wheel.
V: Yeah, a high tech wagon wheel that's what it is. I'm gonna pull a circle and it's
gonna say see third drawing. Now. Back here where you come into these flat areas.
This is starting to look gross) Uh, we'll call this Part A, third drawing. Part B is, uh,
cut away at the center section. And the center section essentially looks like, that
being the top, this being the bottom, and I think this is where I was getting that
symbol from yesterday.
M: OK.
V: It's the heart of this thing.
M: Um, hum.
Approved For Release IAN/W,~-L',75Al-W6-00789ROO2200490001-4
Approved For Release 3fLOA:~Wp,RfY-00789R002200490001-4
V: And the symbol is like the old nuclear symbol, but it's like propeller patterns. Like
this and this, like really heavy duty stuff in here. I mean really heavy metal type of
stuff. And then this comes out in a very narrow little neck like this. And then this,
this whole thing as it comes out is like this entire case stop has been, you know, this
this part here...
V: ...is like inside a really hard shell, like a, like a giant pill, a metal pill. And this
comes down like this and you got the. It's starting to look really strange, you got
that spoke comes out like this.
M: Um, hum.
V: And it does something like this.
M: Now that's like a cross-section.
V: That's like a cross-section, Part A, Part B is like. Now. Looks like a giant
pumpkin. A little fancy metal pumpkin. There's something else, there's like a
double band that then comes around the outside of this entire thing like this.
V: And then there's some kind of an apparatus that fits out over this nozzle. I don't
think there's one of these at every crease. There's only a few of these. But I feel
like there's more of the central fibers than depicted.
M: What are you calling a central fiber here.
V: That's that...
M: Oh, OK.
V: The little, dark, dark, black thing.
M: Yeah, right.
V: There's more of those.
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L. /A 5,5W
V: And that the whole idea has to do with like two or three of these going off in this
direction. Sort of a flying saucer with guns. That's what we'll call it, flying saucer
with guns. And that these are kind of grouped and there's, there's, uh, these do
something. Actuality of this, somehow or another this section, I'm gonna call it
section, this section is some way currently terminated. And this is all the business
end of what I was drawing yesterday and this then this is like part two of a
three-part section. It's a flying saucer with nipples, I don't know what else to oall it.
M: OK, I don't quite understand when you said this is part two of a three-part, are we
talking about a, this object here.
V: Yeah, what we have is for lack of a better way of describing it, we have a block,
blocky-type of device that I was drawing yesterday.
M: Yeah.
V: Call it a block device.
M: OK.
V: And that somehow feeds into this...
M: OK.
V: ...thing, this...
M: OK.
V: ...with nodes.
M: Right. Got it.
V: OK?
M: Um,hum.
V: This is a, we'll call this the saucer. Saucer device. And then that feeds into, uh,
Part Three.
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I must be doing good work. So, we'll call this diagrams.
And Part Three I'm gonna try to add but I'm not sure exactly what Part Three is
I feel like I'll walk into a Part Three.
That's it for now.
All right.
B-13 IE
Approved For Release iN('U001~08/~8Q??S IA!~AF-00789R002200490001-4
Approved For Release UUEA.O-fff,5-00789ROO2200490001-4
Viewer 372
August 25, 1988, 11:20 a.m.
M: OK. We're ready to begin Session Four. August 25, 1988, and we'll, this will be
the wrap-up session, pull all the loose ends together...
M: ...see what we get in terms of the overall view. Any, a couple of things that we
hadn't concentrated on are, um, you know, the overall activity, the people
involved, that sort of thing.
V: Urn, hum.
M: You get any impressions on, on any of that stuff, urn...
V: Right.
M: ...put that down.
V: And, and you could say also end result.
M: Yeah, sure.
V: Specifics around experiment.
M: Um, hum.
V: OK. Uh, let me start off with some pretty basic statements. One is, uh, the
experiment has to do with, uh, at least I, this is my impression, collecting data on
short wave front effects. Uh, what does that mean, I don't know.
Approved For Release '2 S TS"L` Al FRJ[7P56-00789RO02200490001-4
Approved For Release M4L0A.3VpfElj-00789R002200490001-4
V: My impression is that, uh, I keep seeing like, uh, a graphic representation of a huge
spike, like a frequency line.
V: And the frequency line, uh, is really high frequency, you know, we're talking like
up in the EMP range. Electromagnetic pulse range, I mean this is, all that covers a
big spectrum too. EMP range of under, under 10 angstroms. We're talking about,
a wave front that's almost, wave front equals plasma-type effect. We're talking
about, uh, I keep, this, this term short keeps coming in, but it's, it's a multiple use
word. So we're talking like short or extremely short duration. We're talking about,
you know, aside from short wave, very short duration.
V: Urn, um, I'm looking for a right term to describe the, the wave front. And, it
precedes all other effects. In other words, it's the first one there, the speed of light.
But it's not, not photon type, it's something else, that travels the speed of light, or
very near speed of light. Power of output is, see I'm not a physicist, so I don't
M: Urn, hum.
V: But it, it's really high.
M: Urn, hum. Um, hum.
V: But, I'm trying to find a way of expressing it in laymen's terms that will make sense.
Power of output high enough to turn, uh, metal molecules to vapor. That's pretty
high. Vapor or plasma. Uh, target is multi-layers of different, uh, metal densities,
with electronics sandwiched in between. Uh, feeling that the, uh, feeling some of
the electronics are, I'll call them transfer sensors. Urn, are away, um, immediate
test site. Uh, are collecting data on wave front effects, um, but, but they're doing it
in like a step fashion. This just pops up in my mind I'm going to put it on this sheet
over here. Here's, uh, interesting a peace symbol. I get almost a peace symbol
layout of a, this is the target. I'll do it this way. That's the target. This direction is
the wavefront emission, that's not right. Let's throw that out of here for a second.
And we'll do it this way. Wave front emitter, and we'll make this the target, and
then I'm gonna put an X where all the sensors are. Now the, its like, its not a real
narrow thing. It's more like this effect. And what all these sensors are for is to
analyze this front as it goes through the sensors. And the target is pretty much
really just a, a different way of analyzing that. These are more sensitive to other
things. The little X sensors are more sensitive to other things. Call these, uh,
sensitive to, uh, more specific elements of wave front effects. And then this target
down here is, uh, more general, effect test. It's like an overall evaluator. See these
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V: A code name.
M: Um, hum.
V: What's the code name?
M: There's a code name for it, yeah.
are more, more job specific. The X's and the actual main target is more of a
general overall type tying. The people are also. You say you had a project name
for this?
They're trying to magnify analyze. Magnify. You know, you only use that
word eight billion times in one career. Anyway. You get the gist. They're trying to
magnify, uh, analyze, uh, increase, focus, optimize, wave front energy. Sort of a,
I'm, I'm gonna put this over to the side. Sort of coming to a balance in out-focus
versus how strong the output. It's almost like one has to be done at the expense of
the other.
V: The more strength they want to add to it, the less focus they can do. The more
focus they want to add to it, the less strength they can do.
V: And, and then that, of course, varies range and effect. Also, I'm getting a, I'm
getting the, I'm getting a feeling that, that, um, we're gonna, we're gonna call this,
uh, the old symbol that I've been using. I'll draw it on the top of the page. I'm
gonna conceptually try to break out what this symbol is, or means. Cause I think
it's at the crux of the whole system here.
V: OK. What I think this means, say this mean, that, uh, I'm getting like an implosion
versus an explosion. It's like there's an object that looks something like this. And
inside of it is something else. What's happening here is we're getting something like
this kinda stuff. What's happening, is, is, this stuff is coming down on this core and
what's causing it to do that is part, uh. I gotta label these. Part A is coming down
on Part B. What's causing it to do that is Part A is being hit with Part C. This is
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Approved For Release fjMQHSjIr 1 C V 00789R002200490001-4
being bombarded with Part C. Part C is that big square box. And it's coming in
here and it's impacting with A. And A is imploding versus exploding and the result
is, uh, I've got to do this right, an expulsion of D on a element of D. And D is going
up and hitting those, remember those polished surfaces?
M: Urn, yeah, sure.
V: D is bouncing back into, D is bouncing back into B again. Now, what's happening is
it's like feeding on itself and it's, it's creating this huge plasmic-type effect. So we'll
say turning to plasma. And then that, in turn, is filling this chamber with this
plasma and it's coming out here and it's hitting these like the ends of that real thin
wire and it's having an electrical or physical interaction out here. I mean this
plasma is, is really having an effect with, with this thing whatever that is. And that's
creating a really specific output right here. Smaller than laser-like, I, I, you know,
that, like a laser beam but not. It's even more refined than a laser beam. And this,
this output E, out here, this output E is what's going out hitting those targets. And
focusing this E is really difficult. I mean there's a lot of fibers and it's coming out
but it tends to spread and, uh, depending upon what the spread is, is how strong it
is. So there's this, this constant trying to focus, you know, bend, manipulate. And,
and, I'm not so sure that these, these mirrors, I'll label them mirrors, call them
metal mirrors, uh, they may not be manipulative. I, I see them moving.
M: So they may be manipulative.
V: They may be manipulative. In other words, they can focus or refocus or defocus or
whatever this D is, is bouncing around.
M: So you wanta they may be instead of may not be.
V: Yeah, I'm sorry. And what's really hard with this whole thing is it's all, you know,
high, high speed computer-controlled stuff all done with predesigned programs that
are, I mean, they're operating at lightening speeds. And all this dynamic is taking
place in, you know, 200 millionths of a second and this is trying to capture it and
focus it and, and build on it and pulse it out through this little thing at E and the E is
a mass of these things that comes in too wide and it's gotta be focused back down.
V: And so, so this entire, this entire goes on for like three one hundredths of a second.
Discharges. And then the other problem is this thing gets super hot. They, what,
we'll call it the the, generator, this, uh, oh, you know what I did I? We'll, this, this
generator, whatever it is, is further complicated in that, uh, it gets really hot, so
there's a cooling problem. Uh, there's focus problems as a, you know, as a,
ancillary to the, the heat build up. There's a collection problems. We'll call that
maintaining the plasma. And then, and then, also the thing that, that actually that
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Approved For Release "WLHJ f 1"1 C V-00789R002200490001-4
comes in here from C, that I labeled C, that C has also got a problem in that's pulse.
So it has to be, uh, timed with, uh, discharge pulses. And, let's see, uh, I'm still
trying to get a feel for what kind of output this is in terms of energy.
M: Urn, hum.
V: And it's real difficult cause I don't, I don't know any of the terminology.
M: Um, hum.
V: I do know that, ah, I do know that, I'll go over here and make notes on the sensor
thing. Most sensors don't last very long. I think that this inevitably eats the
sensors, you know I mean, just does them in. Secondly, uh, it's a singular test.
There are enormous amounts of data are collected for, uh, future analysis. Uh,
sensors are ground buried. Uh. I'm gonna put capital letters on this thing, I mean
big letters that, uh, constant mirror tuning going on top and bottom, um, but instant
to instant, whatever that means. I don't know what that means, that's important.
V: Keep wanting to separate top and bottom halves. I don't, I don't what else to add
to this thing.
M: Well, we've focused a lot on, on the detail of the apparatus I think, and some on,
on the buildings and I'm wondering maybe if might be important to take an even
more general view. Do you have any idea, or do you get any impressions of where
this might be going on? Is it going on in the United States, is it going on in another
country, or is it going on in space, or what's, do you have any, any feelings about
V: Yeah, I think it's, uh, uh, it's an earth bound experiment. It's, uh, of some
distance between parts, uh, what this predominantly, what they're predominantly
doing here, I think, I think their concept is developed, let's say concept is
developed, and this is a testing to fine tune the system. In other words, what they're
doing is debugging it.
V: That's what they're essentially doing. They've proven the concept can work,
they've shown that it can do exactly what it's meant to do...
Approved For Release YOIf8Td" 8 S?lfR!r r 6-00789ROO2200490001-4
Approved For Release iQ,Qp d0?%: rOO789ROO22OO49OOO1-4
V: ...and, what this is, is they're, they're now juggling the programming and playing
with the, the possible parts or pieces in an attempt to fine tune it. To get the best
balance or equilibrium between output versus focus versus energy versus this versus
that, and they're creating greater and greater distances.
M: Urn, hum.
V: In other words, they're actually pulling further and further away from the target.
M: Um, hum.
V: They're, I keep getting this ro, almost automatic inner-rotational thing that's
happening between parts of this thing. Where one part bolts on the other and
they're in constant communication and, and, one is saying more A, more C, more
V: Reduce D, and, and the other one is saying you got that, what's happening now,
that sort of thing, and the entire time this is happening, there is also a target, a
specific target, a general specific target, a general specific target, that's smart.
There's an actual target that's being subjected to it at the same time simultaneously,
from which data is also being collected so that when they're, they don't even know,
in other words, it's, uh, it's like you need, you need three separate components of
information. You need information based on what the different parts are doing
simultaneously. Based on what they're doing and their effect on the target, in the
sensors around the target, the original controlling-type device the modifies what's
happening. So, it's like it needs information from three locations in order to
decide what to do next. In order to optimize what's happening in three different
locations. It's uh, it's not like your typical gun, you know, where you pull a trigger
and you get one effect. It's more like you're dealing with three different locations
and three different effect simultaneously and trying to bring them all into balance.
M: Well, that leads me to another question about the actual function of this and I can
see a couple of different things and I was wondering whether you had any more
specific information about the function, I mean it could be a weapon system, it
could be a propulsion system that actually propels a large mass of something some
place, or it could be a kind of energy sending system. Or, it might one of a bunch
of a whole bunch of other things that are....
Approved For ReleaseYO'Oi t6g AA-'6R6-00789R002200490001-4
Approved For Release 8 - ?I~J J06-00789R002200490001-4
M: Um, hum.
V: ...to generate B...
M: Urn, hum.
V: ...a form of energy.
M: Urn, hum.
V: B form of energy is then interacting with the target.
M: OK.,
V: And it's doing damage molecularly to that target.
M: OK.
V: And the problem is that the B format is terribly difficult to control.
M: OK.
V: A is barely controllable. And there's so many aspects to A that they're learning to
control A and they are observing for the first time the real effects on B. In other
words, the wave front is producing for the first time ever, they are now seeing what
the effects of that are.
V: So they are now trying to optimize the, the impact power of that wavefront so they
need to play with A and B simultaneously to tune them one to the other.
V: The effect the target is absolute devastating. I mean, it turns metal to vapor. You
know, it just alters it molecularly to beyond recognition.
Approved For Release 2UNt9N('IMP-00789R002200490001-4
V: My feeling is, my feeling is, that it's using, it's using one form of energy we'll call
Approved For Release i
M: Urn, hum.
V: And I think that creates a secondary problem that it does the same thing to sensors.
M: Urn, hum.
V: So, they're constantly replacing sensors while they're testing this, and it also eats an
enormous amount of electrical current and they, they store that for the testing in
these big capacitor-type things, uh, I think that's like an initiator. Like it gets the
ball rolling, so to speak. Uh, it's, it's a really, it's a simple device. Till you try to
control it and it becomes extremely complex. And, uh, if, if I had, and it certainly
is projecting something in a, in a really violent way, but it's a very cohesive simplistic
thing that's projecting and one of my problems is I hesitate to say that it's some kind
of a ray or something. It's more like a wave front, and... it's not like, you know,
laser beams are very narrowly focused. Those are, that's what I would call like a
death ray. Then you have projectile launchers that fire rounds of bullets or
impact-type implements that destroy things and blow up and create huge amounts
of heat. And it's definitely not that. It's more like a destructive wave front and it's
very short lived and really intense, I mean, super, super intense. And it's so violent
that passing it through air is not a good, a difficult thing to do. Uh, I think that
basically might have to do with its short wavelength. You know, that air is the cause
of it. As a matter of fact, it, it, that, that's part of the consideration. And, uh,
there's peripheral effects from it. It's so hard to control that I don't, I don't think
they can get it down to a very narrow beam, or maybe they don't want to. I keep
getting another impression. It's like a psi impression, but I don't know if this is
concept or idea, or visionment, or just plain overlay. But I keep getting this thing
that looks like an old World War II mine. It's a round ball with spikes sticking out
all over it.
M: Hum.
V: And it's not very big.
M: Urn, hum.
V: It's a meter across and it's floating in just black, you know, it's like the old Sputnik
satellite, that's what it looks like. But I don't know what that has to do with this. I
feel like it's, it's some way connected, though, something to do with this testing. It
might be, uh, conceptually dealing with it in some way. That's essentially it. You
gotta fly with this.
M: I do, huh?
V: You gotta live with this. Yeah.
.. B-21
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Approved For Release U IV/Q$/OC~A~l~Pd6-007898002200490001-4
M: OK, well, thanks a lot.
V: I'll darken it in.
M: OK.
Approved For Release 2
Approved For Release fjtqeiO&:,-L I m I CD-00789R002200490001-4
Remote Viewing Response (Drawings)
August, 1988
(This Appendix is Unclassified)
Approved For Release 2 / 8 RDP96-007898002200490001-4
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002200490001-4
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002200490001-4
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