Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000500150001-0
(Near Halfmoon Bay, on Highway 92)
Directions: SEE MAP; Take Ravenswood to Middlefield; North on Middlefield to Marsh Road; Right on
Marsh Road; take Highway 101 North (towards San Francisco); take Highway 92 West towards Halfmoon
Bay; as you travel on Highway 92 watch for a large group of greenhouses on your left; a little before the
greenhouses is a little flower and plant shop; it is safest to park in the parkinglot in front of this shop and
walk down to the greenhouses, because the traffic can be bad there; however, if the traffic is not bad and
if you are brave you may drive down 92 untill you are parallel to the greenhouses and park just off the
road. Walk over to the greenhouses.
Target: The target is this group of greenhouses. The greenhouses are located in a long valley. There are
rolling green hills on each side of the valley (running roughly from East to West). The greenhouses have
geometrical shapes. They are constructed of square panes of glass fit into either wood or metal frames.
Many of the side walls of the greenhouses are connected, and the roofs are kind of triangular shaped.
The greenhouses are surrounded by fields with green plants growing in them. Through the glass panes
plants can be seen growing inside the greenhouses. There are white doors with nine panes of glass set in
the top half of them at the ends of the greenhouses.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000500150001-0
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