Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000300550002-7
f?r?I(i::31i::: 1:1 ..... Pra:aa:fl::::t::..r 870 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . ........... -1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I.tiii-? Soviet /'er'.s1. c !"1 of 'I:I?1iii? stealth bomber aircraft was devoid
of a "fuel filtering si:'oy s't:.efPln as described for the US vF:?r"sii's:i t:ar'1 p !'li:ar
did the Soviet aircraft have an (electronic) jamming system. The
Soviet aircraft was darker in color, had a picture 't::{ak:i ot:1
ability, but d i d not engage in as many flights. The Soviet
aircraft was designed from an "older system";
.I.'t.:~::, light scanner
appeared to criss-cross f"ather" than scan
a spectrum in an
encompassing manner.,
The Soviet design slopes up from the tail to the nose and
provides a "flat, squished, appearance." The paint texture is
rough "matte" and c:iar?'k c?!r..ay..?.?bI"'owi"1, and so1YiIfi?1tNhat grey green in
color. The body of the aircraft flares q seeps and curves
bac:::1?:::; the leading edges are perceptibly rounded. There is an
iris-type i:at:1paI"'a't'.us.?.. 't':I"1at opens and closes at the rear of the twin
Si zarti,}r1t?ass? (?i micro-processor helps fly the aircraft along with
other sophisticated equipment that provides data related to
countermeasures sett:::h as frequencies ...
and 1'" a:t c::t :I. iia't:::l. c::?!"i patterns. The
the aerodynamic criticality of ?f ?t':lit::?
aircraft :i. siii dependent upon the
slant of 't:tit?::?? wings having the capability of moving forward and
downward. In ;:a subsequent sFir?siiis.:ii:f.on1 , Source 003 Si t '
I"'t c:l :i. t::: siit't:'. ?::?. i::t a
notable absence of guide wa. ress p controls were electronically
operated via a sys'I:ef1'1 that reminded source o an electric eye.
Source 010,
Sc:uIc:::e does not admit to the existence of Si sSoviet prototype
except for the existence of a scaled 111odal being used Si n a test
has ...
phase. The Soviet model .I .
as flat and wide body with rat leading
edge that starts ?fr')?')m ?L?.iie nose of the a:i.r?c.::r'?ra?f:'t::. It is propelled
by two engines and makes use of a liquid gas uIiCSier" pressure that
allow :i't:: to function out of the a't.:mosi:ah'1er?e? ..The Soviet space
program (agencies related thereto) are responsible for the design
and development of the aircraft.
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000300550002-7
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000300550002-7
S ESsLON : 21 AUG57, c 23 - 0927 hr5
AOL rYtctchi rt indicates a dual purpose, Iikc a cross betwecn( an $R-71 o.rd
The concept of Phis o)rcrcaf} is radical and advanced. It is hi9-tec6 and
stcdAlk-l,kc, Iis1 purpose is t4 ot-~. -n:~nd;=du side c the car-ths Qtmosphcrc.
For f t-sl signs of this Vehicle keep an eyc. on -ike S gcgc 1 scarC~-a .c1_ c-ti n
Z fee i fat 1hc;/desu3n and 1es1'ir c c this veh~clc is not being Condudded by
the peoptc or a5er-ry that' c#ra r 5pon.siblc for the design of Cxpcrirrtcntal aircrtcV -.
I t IS bcir 3 designed and c u ~ 5 ..:xa rur+n , a - S - P d c - csearc -
s acc 5huif 1c.
y err
air; Ae,
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00Q300S50002-7
Approved For Release 20031Q4/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0300550002-7
1J?1 t t,.1 C c`2_
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W I,V15S T ~f~ in LOc',~0 tt'AV
Form XqOpX9lf18 AF9 OO 9,OO,O3OO55OOO2-7