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Perhaps the most significant mind-brain research in recent yeer
has been in the hemisphereic specialization. The consensus of server-mA
hundred pages and studies generally supports the postulates of domain
lef;: brain functions (lineal, verbal, analytic) and those of the rig,l.
brain (visual, spacial, synthesis). All concede the fact that our oz
cational system and the fundamental values of our culture nurture ho
ily such left brain dominance.
Synchronous or simultaneous brain wave patterns in both hemispbw
(HENI-SYNC) apparently occurs infrequently in typical human conscious'
and then for a few seconds at the most. usually,
left to right hemisphere as the dominant area almosttiniayflickeringsj
rent according to the mental task at the moment. g
By definition, hemispheric synchronization or coherence in a sta^
of consciousness indicated by EEG forms in both hemispheres which art:
simultaneously equal in amplitude and frequency. Due to the rare o:cz.
once and short duration of such consciousness, there has been litt1c>
supportive instrumental measurement until recently. The best early &r
was conducted by Elmer and Alyce Green at the Henninger Clinic, where
subject with twenty years in Zen meditative training was tested extar,a?
ly. Results showed that the subject could establish at will a he.-,ii-31'
state, consistently and over fifteen minutes in length.
Through the use of audio stimulus to evoke an electrical frequenc,
following response in the brain (FFR), and with the application of such signals sineaebeat . frequencynmodeu (d if
erential signals in each ear), research by the Institute has determine
workable methods and techniques that induces hemisphereic synchronizatic
or coherence in the human brain. This has been verified and replicate..
consistently both at the institute and other facilities.
Thus for the first time, consciousness as repreaentad and/or creat
by the HHEMI?-SYNC state can be instigated, identified, and measured.
The full scope of HFAi-SYNC consciousness is yet to be determined.
Very little is known of its characteristics, value or utility other th:t
the preliminary work performed by the Institute. There is a growing be
lief that meditation, moments of crisis, certain mental disciplines, in,
tense concentration, peak experiences, all represent varieties of such
consciousness. Conversely, hypnosis, drug-induced states, illness, an-
aesthesia, and like conditions do note Suhsequent research may subst in
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Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200060018-5
7"ht. i rd' wcnq (con .c f JGct,n~ tlt) rvcI d~
that thi
eo t.1 L4-Ci.0r'?
de ~e Q taZ:c J TTi I 6TflIE/L com aiic~ai s o can.~c(.oubfC44 a!c.e net
. -1 u 1 pTh .e a c~. a a e. rt. e o ,t e c tt e tai ~c s_`.'- n c
eunrl~.-1g p~occae a dno'.~ ;~iah:~~~~"a--n:~iiiq a~ib` ,~c~ ~----_.
In a social structure bound heavily to causal relationships through
matter-time-space, the acceptance of such as valid through personal
experience was indeed profound, disth.rbing, and extremely stimulating
to both staff and participants. It was truly a suspected Pandora's Ft~
that offered unexpected potentials in an aspect that had pre-occupied
man since his early beginnings.
With the advent of a wide interest in brain-hemispheric theory and
study, the Institute undertook to explore the hi-lateral effects of F
The natural outcome of this was to seek patterns which would "balance'
or adjust the relationships between the left and righ brain, and help
produce desired changes in behavior. Utilizing the Institute FFR pro-
cess in the binaural mode, a bi-lateral EEG on a volunteer subject was
set up whereby the dominant wave form of each brain hemisphere was die
played on a dual-trace oscilloscojle.
8i-1au/tat beat- nc ueroc 4t.L u.ta?tian_at a.tes a sub.ta .n.i-ng FFFR that C'4
.5Ync 11i0r10C1d o abn~lZ-4-7 11 fE ctrtc hET Ue.11C1 2- WeCr1Tht UAa_4 Cr-1Cb ry~t
The total meaning of such coherency is not understood as no extended
studies have been made except those begun by the Institute. Prior to
the development of the FFR method, no efficient technique was availebi,
to generate an hemi-sync state. It may be true that those in a focuses
relaxed state in prayer, meditation, or similar physically-quiet state:
may produce periods of such synchronization. Certainly, it must. occur
naturally if only momentarily under certain specific conditions in hum:
life. Exactly what these are is not yet known.
There is a partial entrainment effect, and there are indications that I
can be learned much as in the bio-feedback model. Whether the synthr'sf
signal crosses the Corpus Callosum (the nerve network between the brain
hemispheres), travels through the brain steni, limbic system - this h4s
yet to be determined. It appears that new neural pathways are establis
as a result.
The efforts of the Institute have not been designed or performed with
the intent of offering documentation to the scientific community of
the world at large, although much of orthodox scientific method has beer
utilized. Instead, such can well be the goal of other organizations anc
individuals who may take the basic findings of the Institute to prove
and present therm in other forms, in other areas of- specialization. The
Institute welcomes this participation.
For further information, write or phone: P. 0. Box 94C, Faber, VA 22938,
(804) 361-1252,
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200060018-5
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200060018-5
?RIGINSt The Institute had its beginning in t.ho Research and Developme
ivision of Monroe Industries, Inc., which at the time (1958) was inves
tigating methods and techniques of accelerated learninrj through practic
environmental changes. As a result of cert.ain findings, the decision
was made to broaden the base of such investigations and to alter the pu
pose of any such research effort. In 1971, the Institute was created t:..
conform with and expand this different appr:o~-tch.
1PREMISEt Stated simply, the Institute holds to the concept that (I)- Cc
sciousness and the focusing thereof contain any and all solutions to th
life processes that man desires or encounters. (2): Greater understanc
ing and appreciation of such consciousness can he achieved only through
inter-disciplinary approaches and co-ordination, (3)t The results of
related research effort are moaningful only if reduced to practical ap-
plication, to "Something of Value" within the context of the contemporar
culture or era.
SUMMARY: Early studies of consciousness and the decay thereof into sleF.
Erou~ get a major tool into use by the Institute.
It'was discovered that phased sire waves at discernable sound trequencie,
win en ee to create:" bra `z?~ quciica , `s. it iTirr Fie ran~jes o 'l c'tra rv.~
firuin waves oun rrt r'e vaziou; s~~iq s cif T;irrnar sec; , w c ea "" +" "'
r'rc'-cjuenvy -o owing esponse [)' w Tiin"?Ii ~TrF; ~ ern e~i ti : ira~ivt.d
ua li-stte'ning to ucFi audio wave c~imq: 9ie "T`FZ"x,7 ~rrn vacT-es" ;y~sx;;??`
.iogxca an meri a s#ale s"in`ai7iE-eF`% a-:%:~ii~1~i
With the availability of this new tool, for the first time it became
possible to develop and hold the subject into any of the various sta,jes
of sleep, from light alpha relaxation through theta into delta and in
REM (dreaming) . A generic patent on the method and technique was granted
to the originator, Robert Monroe, for whom the Institute is named.
The Monroe method and techniques were found to be able to "prociram" sleep
cycles throughout the night. of sleep.), if so desired. Variations could
is-ring adjustment of the duration of each stage of sleep during the cycle,
according to the needs and desirea of tho .incl.iviclual. The wakincg-fromn-
sleep moment was enhanced greatly over the traditional alarm clock which
had no cognizance of the stage of sleep it was invading. By prograrr.-ning
the FFR up into REM sleep for the few minutes before wake-up time, then
inserting a beta signal, the sleeper. was roused gently yet firmly, with-
out startling shock or dull sleep "hangover".
Another important milestone of Institute research into consciousness
came with the development of a "mind awake, -- body asleep" state.
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200060018-5
such ba Ag ;e W ei2iW?Q fL tqQiRE[PC;L~1 7?pgoo-
The Institute has reached the following conclusions in relatic
to the propagation and delineation of IIFMI-SYNC conscioueness,based
upon both anecdotal and bio-monitoring consensus from 4,823 experim+
among 1,280 volunteer participants over a five year period.
(1) The characteristics of such consciousness may be varied
directly in accordance with the signal or signals introduced.
(2) The re-introduction of such signal patterns evoke a rep]
cation of the original characteristics.
(3) Specific states of 1EMI-SYNC consciousness can be learnt
and re-established without the original stimulus much as the bio-
feedback process.
(4) HEMI-SYNC audio stimulus is not all-pervasive. it can bt
rejected easily either subjectively or objectively.
(5) No significant or lasting contra-indicative effects have
been reported among the participants in the experimental series.
(6) Based upon the application of specific single and multipt
audio patterns, the following characteristics of HEM-SYNC consciousrr
have been noted
(A) Deep mental and physical relaxation.
(B) Sense of euphoria, extending beyond stimulus.
(C) Single-pointed focus of attention.
(D) Increased utilization of memory patterns, at all levels}
(E) Higher suggestibility, but, with greater acceptance or
(F) Holistic problem solving and decision-making.
(G) Changes in overview, less restrictive, significantly bro
in scope.
(11) Major increase in creativity, ideas, with attendant appal.
(I) Measurable changes in muscular co-ordination.
(J) Permanent memory addition, by rote and self-synthesized
The Institute is continuing to operate experimental programs in
the evaluation of effects produced by other audio patterns yet to be
investigated. Formal papers of such effort will be presented to appro-
priate groups at a future date.
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200060018-5