Approved For Release 201 I i~l -RDP96-007888000901010001-1
REVIEW ON: 3I Jul 99
REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6)
GRID, ~~ L1-~TVi~
Approved For Releas -RDP96-007888000901010001-1
Approved For Release 2 DP96-007888000901010001-1
1. (S) This report provides documentation of a remote
viewing session conducted for training purposes to enhance
a remote viewer's demonstrated ability.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions during this session
did not correlate with the randomly selected target. The
geographic coordinates selected for this target area are
41 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds North, 112 degrees, 30
minutes, 00 seconds, South. These coordinates are located
near the center of the Great Salt Lake, Ogden, Utah (see map
at TAB B). The viewer was relaxed and confident at the
beginning of this session. The images he was describing
seemed very vivid and at the conclusion of the session the
viewer expressed a fair degree of confidence in his success.
The viewer described some very interesting locations, However,
none of these descriptions seemed to correspond to the area
or activity around the Great Salt Lake.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in
the document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote
Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the viewer erference his impressions of the target site.
At TAB B is a map of the target site.
Approved For Relea _ A-RDP96-007888000901010001-1
Approved For Release _ - P96-007888000901010001-1
#28: This will be a remote viewing session (edited
for security).
#47.5: 811 right, #29, the time is now 1500 hours
and I'm now opening an envelope which contains
another sealed envelope with geographic
coordinates. I'll read off the coordinates
to make it a matter of record. The coordinates
41 degrees, north.
112 degrees and 30 minutes, west.
Go to thatlocation and tell me about what you
+O1 #27.5; I see what appears to be a large aircraft.
And. kind of a There's a group of
large aircraft. Its I see large hanger
structures, runway.
I see what looks like large radomes of some
sort; like covered radar dishes.
Some kind of a its a military airport.
Its very desolate around there. Its really
out and away from things.
+05 #27.5; I see something that looks like a dam close
by. Very high walls, stone. Man made stone.
A valley. Very, very wild country.
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There's. mountains surrounding one side
of the runway. Its like nestled in a valley.
One end of the valley is the. is the dam.
But there's an airport there, a military
#47.5: Can you get an image of what type of aircraft
we have down there.
+07 #27:5: Could be B-52's. Because the engines are swung
that way. It looks like there's some C-130's
- turbo props. Very clear pictures of the
aircraft. I see in the background behind the
aircraft T see. I see a tremendous mountain
range, snow capped. The runway runs southeast
and northwest. Its a crossing runway. It runs
almost due north at a about a forty degree
angle than the other runway. There's a. .
Country is very picturesque. Very rugged.
Where the airstrip is, its flat. Desolate.
I see what looks like a For some reason,
I see a rocket or something sitting by a
building. Its a very, very tall rocket like an
ICBM, a big one. That is so pretty there. I
feel like I'm very far away. The dam is within
thirty miles of the air base. There is some
significance to the mountain there. There's
a mountain there but there's. I get the feeling
there's something, something built into the side
of the mountain.
I see big concrete buildings in the mountain.
Huge. You can walk under them.
There's a There's an old west type town
very close to the air base. Its Its pre-
served, its like a tourist place. Like those
. its a famous old west town.
you go back to the mountain. Go inside
complex or whatever it is and describe
you see? Any feelings you might have.
Its incredible the size of these buildings
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and the caves. I see a lot of blue
lights. A lot of blue electronic equipment.
#47.5: Are there other people there?
#27.5: A lot of people are.
#47.5: Can you discern what their activity is or
what they are doing?
#2:7:5: Vacationing.
(Not audible) Its, I get a strong feeling
that its strategic, strategic significance.
I think the Air Base might be the target but
the mountain is connected to the air base
some way. They're all connected.
I get a feeling of a big command post. I get
the feeling like they got U-2 activity on this
base too. They fly U-2's out of this base.
They do some experimental flying. Rad -- Ah,
planes with radomes;in them. Picket planes.
Let me draw some of this now.
#47.5: Okay, do you get any feeling for where this
might be or what type. is it an Air Force,
Army, Navy base?
+15 #27.5 Its Air Force. For some reason, I feel like
part of our Northern Defense System. I keep
thinking that its part of the Northern Defense
System. Its got like a key to it like .
+16 Some of the most rugged country in the world
too. Its really. I get the feeling like I'm
pretty cool standing there. So, the temperature
is cold.
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1 +~
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+17 #a`7:5: For some reason, I keep thinking Dakota or
there. South Dakota. It doesn't make any
sense. I don`t know any air bases up there.
I want to draw the .
#47.5: Want some more light?
#~-7 -. 5: No, this is fine.
For some reason I get a feeling that the air
base looks like this.
Taxi ramps off to the side. All the buildings
are over here. And somewhere up here are
mountains. Very rugged mountains. And over
here are mountains. And these mountains up
here are the one's that are significant. Where
the significant mountain is.
#47.5: And those are the ones to the north.
#27.5; In the north, right.
#47.5: Here you go, this has got softer lead in it.
#27.5: It looks like a hill. With a Iow flat building
with a big formal entranceway, Like this.
Windows. Maybe three, four stories tall. And
right here is a rocket. Just a looks like
an ICBM type rocket. You know, no wings or
anything like that on it. Just sitting out
here on a pad of some sort.
Flat roof on the building. Page 2.
And the, you see these on Page 3, I'll draw the
. in the mountain I see like a whole collection
of things. But I see like the corner of what
looks like a building suspended on I don't
know, some kind of a some kind of a support
and there's a person standing next to it and you
know he's dwarfed. by this thing. That's
inside a cave.
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#27.5: And this is a building. You'd almost want
. You almost can't conceive the size of
this thing. Tts like inside this cave. I
#47.5: If you'd like a cigarette, help yourself.
I see a room in there, in one of those buildings
and the room is. is a circle of windows on
the left, in a circle, next to the edge of the
roof. It has like an angular counter type thing
coming out and going around. And there's a
almost like a circle of consoles. These are,
you know, some kind of a something to do with
communications. There's dials and knobs on
there. A bunch of seats back in behind the
#~T:S: That's about it. Short and sweet. I feel like
the air base is the target but somehow that
mountain is associated.
#47.5: I'm not finished with you yet.
I think this is an absolutely super session.
#~7.5: I see planes with these radomes on them.
You know, with the wings coming out of there.
I can't draw a plane very well today, but with
the radomes. And the I don't know if they're
U-2's or not but they're long narrow planes.
Very high tails and long droopy wings, very
large, looks like almost engines off the DC 10.
Up under the very long wing, planes. And what
appeared to be some, some form of experimental
aircraft which I can't draw, I just feel like
they're experimental though. I see 130's and
B 52's and I just feel like very strongly that
this air base is a key component of our Northern
Defense System and that the mountain has some-
thing to do with that.
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#27.5: Very large engines on this plane. Super.
almost like its a the air base and
everything is all part of a Northern Air
Defense System.
#47.5: NORAD or something?
#27:5: Yeah. And that they have a lot more going
on there. Like its a communication center.
Its part of the Northern, the Dew Line Defense
System. Dew Line, yeah, Dew Line Defense
These are props. Prop planes with the radomes.
#47.5: Well, how do you feel about the session?
#27.5: Feel good.
#47.5: Confident then?
#27:5: Yeah. Yeah. I couldn't get back to the dam
for some reason or other. There's a dam in
the area but I don't think its significant.
#47.5: Well, we've got a description of it here,
within thirty miles of the base.
#2~.5: Yeah, within 30 miles. And there's an old
western type town that's been preserved
as a tourist trap within thirty miles as well.
#47.5: All right. End of session.
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Approved For Release 2003/09/11 :CIA-RDP96-007888000901010001-1