Approved For Release 20 -RDP96-00788R000900990001-5
REVIEW ON: 31 Jul 99
REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6)
Approved For Release 2 P96-00788R000900990001-5
Approved For Release A-RDP96-00788R000900990001-5
1. (S) This report provides documentation of a remote
viewing session conducted for training purposes to enhance
a remote viewer's demonstrated ability.
2. (S) There appears to be some target correlation in the
session. This session represents this viewer's first attempt
at geographic coordinate target identification procedures.
There was a great deal of ambient room noise at the beginning
of the session. Initially, this caused the viewer difficulty
in relaxing physically and in turning his attention to the
task at hand. As the session progressed the noise level reduced
and the viewer's concentration improved. The interviewer was
witting of the target during the session (see paragraph 3, below)
and took care not to cue the viewer. The viewer did not change
his viewing modus operandi, even though he knew the interviewer
was witting.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session was modified from
that which is detailed in the document, Grill Flame Protocol,
AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. The
protocol was modified in that the interviewer selected a
geographic coordinate by free choice from a map rather than
using a preselected randomly generated target from an existing
target pool.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the viewer reference his impressions of the target. At
TAB B is available target identification data.
SApproved For Relea EI CIA-RDP96-00788R000900990001-5
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#66: This will be a remote viewing session (edited
for security).
#66: All right #11, your target for today is located
in the northwest quadron of the planet. Planet
Earth. It will be your task to describe a
particular geographic area. . and the surround-
ing area in order to focus upon that particular
area - the northwest quadron of the planet, I
will provide you with geo-coordinates. . geo-coe,
ordinates for your target are 39 degrees north,!
120 degrees west. Fix your mind on those
numbers and those directions and let your
consciousness travel to those points. Relax
and concentrate. Focus. Describe the target
to me.
+10 #66: Describe your perceptions to me.
#11: Very, very weak perceptions. Inbetween all the
noise and garbage around here. The. .
first one I had was . . it looked like the
outline of a lake or a body of water or some-
thing. Then I had a perception of looking
down into a deep ravine. (Not audible)
Then, I seemed to look straight across and saw
some, how would you describe it (not audible)
or something like that. Sticking. . sticking,
out of nowhere against the background against
the sky.
Then I looked back down at this. . canyon or
whatever it was and there appeared to be a river
or something (not audible).
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#66: Okay.
Just relax and concentrate now. Try to form
your images clear. Much clearer. Work on
that (not audible). See very clearly. (Not
audible). High altitude (not audible) large
geographic area. Focus on thatone portion
that's your target.
+15 Describe the target to me.
+20 Review the images you had. Which one's were the
#11: The strongest one that I had, I can sit down
and draw a picture of it. I felt as I was
standing at the edge of a great ravine or
something comparable to the Grand Canyon.
#66: Okay.
#11: Extremely deep, down below me is a river running
through it. And looking straight ahead there was
a lot of flat open ground but there was some
buttes behind it, not mountains or anything (not
audible). There may be mountains way in the
background (not audible).
This was from ground level. STanding on the
edge of a cliff or something looking down. The
earlier impression I had of this shape (not
audible) or whatever appeared to be from an aerial
#66: Okay. Describe. . are these two separate images?
#11: They appear to be, yeah.
#66: Okay. Keep them separate in your mind so that
you don't mix them up in your mind. Start
with the first one and describe the terrain
and the foilage, any man made objects around
this scenery?
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#11: Well, its a shore line, whatever (not
audible). I get the feeling the land is
relatively flat up to a point and then it
goes up. It doesn't seem to be a lot of
vegetation or anything else (not audible).
(Not audible) brush. (Not audible) vegetation
at all. Its just . . It appears to be flat
to a point. And then (not audible) goes up.
(Not audible).
+25 #66: Describe your location to me.
What are your images now?
#11: Absolutely nothing.
#66: Tell me again about the images, the strong
images you had and as you talk to me, let
them form in your mind.
#11: I was thinking about that first image that I
had which appeared to be some type of shore
line or something. But it might also be a
depression. A shallow depression.
Let's see, that was my first image. The
strongest image I had was standing on the
edge of a cliff looking down.
#66: Okay. Describe the area in this image.
Describe any man made objects (not audible).
#11: I don't get the feeling for any (not audible).
Zero. (Not audible).
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#11: Very start, just. .
(Not audible) deep depression. Straight beyond
the other side perhaps there might be some grass
or something (not audible) foilage or whatever.
#66: What altitude. . What altitude are you looking
at the target?
#11: Well, I feel that from where I'm standing . .
this would be (not audible) canyon (not audible)
2,000 feet (not audible).
#66: In one of your other (not audible) first
impressions, the first one.
#11: (Not audible)
Not a whole lot to it. I just. . I was up in
the air looking down at this shape, form or
#66: Describe the shape to me.
#11: Its rounded (not audible) shoulder (not audible).
#66: Do you see only a portion of this or do you
see an enclosed system?
Are you high enough to see the closure of this
or the bottom edge or corner or whatever?
Tell me about it. The shape (not audible).
4111: When I first. . When I saw it, all I saw was
just a small portion (not audible). I wonder
if that all couldn't tie in with that canyon.
#66: It may. But don't you try to do the tieing in
now. You just (not audible).
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#11: Well, I keep getting flashes of . . I keep
flashing back to this shore and then this can-
yon, this shore and the canyon.
#66: Is there anything similar between the two?
#11: Well, its hard to say.
I have the feeling that I was looking across
this, this canyon on the other side it was
relatively flat for a ways, then there was
like (not audible) or something there. Flat
and then it raised up. Now, when I was looking
at the shore of this what I felt was a shore,
or whatever, it was flat for a distance and then
it raised up.
#66: How high above this shore line (not audible)?
#11: I don't know. I think right now, I'm straight
(not audible).
#66: (Not audible)
#11: I seem to be looking down. I'm still only
seeing that portion that I saw when I (not
#66: Okay. Turn around or pivot. See where the
ends that you're seeing go. Look to the left
and describe (not audible).
#11: Nothing. Its just very, very dark.
#66: Okay. Now (not audible) to the right.
(Not audible)
Now what do you see?
#11: (Not audible) but I can look down pretty low.
#66: Okay.
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#11: Irregular shape. I almost get a feeling
of a dam or reservoir.
#66: Okay. You seem to be confining yourself to
very low altitude or you seem to be bound up
(not audible) more high altitude perspective
so that we might be able to get a broader view
of the greater geographical area. Now, it may
be that you are fixed on one view coordinate
and holding to that point. Broaden yourself
out, in your mind, draw out circles one mile
in diameter, two miles in diameter, three miles
in diameter, away from your focal point. As
you draw the circles let your vision grow greater
and greater until you see very clearly (not
audible) onemile in diameter, two miles in
diameter, three miles in diameter, from that
field coordinate focus so you can see clearly the
geographical area around. See where your images
are in proportion to (not audible).
#11: Well, I already know where my images are. (Not
In other words I feel as if from where I am, I
could draw a map of the area. It would probably
cover a good five or ten square miles.
#66: Okay. Why don't you sit up and do that.
#11: That background may be exaggerated. In fact
I'm sure it is.
The background in Page 3 is exaggerated. I'm
standing here and looking over there. That. .
They came into view separately. More like that.
And I got it distorted in my drawing because
actually this whole scene would be squashed
behind this area right here.
#66: Okay.
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#66: Now is the scene that you drew on Page 3
separate from this one here?
#11: Well, yes. In a way it is and in a way it
isn't. I saw. . this is the canyon scene
that I saw looking down which was separate
from the shore line scene or whatever.
#66: Okay. Fine. So you feel that the shore line
scene are two distinct different scenes in
your mind?
#11: Right, from an aerial or an overhead perspective
it appeared to . . appear as in. . Page 1. I
have a feeling that somehow they are connected.
With the background scene on Page 3 is the. .
Mark it "A", in fact I'll mark it "A" on both
#66: Okay. So you had the feeling that those two
things go together?
#11: Right. And I had the feeling that "B" which is
here in the canyon relates to "B" on Page 1.
Which is the canyon with this body of water
going down.
#66: Okay. What general feeling do you get about
this area? What goes on here? What's this all
about here?
#11: Well, its a . . it appears to be a scenic
area. . some type of attraction. And I also
had the feeling several times that how the
shore line and this canyon relate is that, I have
a feeling that there's a damn here at "C"
creating an artificial wake.
#66: And, a. . any man made objects around this area?
Any people in and around the area?
#11: No. I didn't notice any people. The only
man made object that I could come up with would
have been the, if there was a dam, it would have
been the dam.
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#66: Okay. Did any. . any activity of any kind?
Anything noticeable about the area?
#11: No. Other than, this type of area would
probably be a good tourist attraction.
#66: Why do you say that? Wha- makes you say that?
#11: Well, I had the feeling that I was at some
place that was very similar to the Grand Canyon-
a unique. . a unique type of geological area.
#66: Okay.
#11: Tht people would go to see.
#66: People would go to see that for the geology
of the area?
#11: Yes.
#66: As opposed to some other means, reason for
going there?
#11: I couldn't distinguish any other reason other
than its a recreation area.
#66: What type of recreation?
#11: Perhaps that's analytical. The scenery and also
this, this shore, this lake would be a good
area for recreation.
#66: Well, I'm interested in what type of recreation
the . . .
#11: Fishing, water skiing.
#66: Okay. Fishing, water skiing as opposed to . .
what other things people could do in a recreation
#11: (Not audible). I relate the recreation to the
water in the place and it would be fishing,
boating, water skiing - perhaps even if there
a river down here some where it could be running
rapEas or something.
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#66: Okay. Now in your broad overall view of this
total area here can you give me some one word
descriptions that would describe the general area.
#11: Water. Two types of water. A lake. Possibly
a river. And somehow they're connected. Deep
revene or canyon. Some unusual outcrossings in
the middle of nowhere. There seems to be . .
at the top fo this revene or canyon, there
appears to be a plateau with some unusual
formations in it and then it goes to. . then
it goes up, not necessarily into a mountain
region but there seems to be a step grade into
another plateau. . or whatever.
#66: What type of foilage is there?
#11: I had the feeling of sparse, grass. . kind of
like a . . No, I don't want to say it - a desert
type foilage. Something like you'd find in the
southwest or something. I didn't get a feeling
for a lot of trees. Mostly grass and brush,
like out on the plans or something.
#66: Okay. . What altitude, how high is this area?
Is this down in a low valley - is this up in
the mountains - is it, you know, what's the
general altitude. How would. . when you went
to this place?
#11: Ahhhh, Whew!
#66: Have any sense for that?
#11: No. Donl.t have any sense for it.
#66: Okay.
#11: My . . my most of my relation comes from
this point right here as A, B, C - the label D.
"X" marks the spot. There appeared to be an
outcropping here and I appeared to be standing
on that looking this way, looking across. .
Not even from where I took an aerial perspective;
I appeared to be hovering right over this area
#66: Okay. How do you feel about this session all
together? How do you feel about your images
and impressions. Do you have an identity -
do you think you did well; do you think you
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did poorly? Had a rough time? Had a
good time?
#11: The noise bothered me out there quite a bit.
I found myself fluctuating in and out, trying
. . having problems locking in on this thing.
#66: Based on that and in your past experience,
then how do you feel:overall how do you feel
this came out?
#11: Confidence level wise?
#66: Yeah.
#11: Fair. I'm sure the basic shapes will relate
to something even if the overall idea and the
theme doesn't.
I feel very strongly about this canyon or revene.
I feel very confident about that because I can
still visualize a picture of it.
#66: Is there anything else you want to add or
#11: No.
Except (not audible). There may be too much
analytical (not audible). But I do feel very
strongly about this revene and the background.
That's it.
#66: Okay.
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Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900990001-5
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Referral Review by NIMA/DoD
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Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900990001-5
Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900990001-5
TAHOE, LAKE, on the boundary between
California and Nevada; about 150 miles
NE of San Francisco; 6,225 feet above
sea level; area 193 square miles. The
lake is drained by the Truckee River
and is enclosed by forested ranges of
the Sierra Nevada, whose crests rise
2,500 to 4,000 feet above the lake
surface. There are numerous summer
resorts in the area. Lake Tahoe was
known as Lake Bigler until 1862, when
the original Indian name, Tahoe, meaning
Big Water, was restored.
Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900990001-5