Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 20SIA:RDP96-00788R000900670001-0
REVIEW ON: 31 Jul 99
REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6)
Approved For Release ,%D R TlA-RDP96-00788R000900670001-0
Approved For Release SE9,R TCIA-RDP96-00788R000900670001-0
1. (S) This report provides documentation of a remote
viewing session conducted for training purposes to enhance
a remote viewer's demonstrated ability.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions during this session
did not appear to correlate well with the target. The viewer's
very first statement seemed to be the most accurate. He
described "a body of water. . like a bay." The target (see
TAB B) was located within tidal mud flats just off the coast
The viewer mentioned that he had
an Asiatic feeling about the target area, but stated that it
was not in Asia. This viewer also mentioned that he felt as
though he were "flashing from one place to another." The
viewer may have been viewing two separate remote locations
during this session. Ambient room noise during this session
was very aggravating for this viewer. It sounded like someone
was rolling a two-ton safe with square rollers across the
floor directly overhead. "I've got a super headache from
concentrating through it." The viewer made this statement con-
cerning the noise. The interviewer suggested terminating this
session prematurely because of the noise, but the viewer insisted
on its continuation.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the viewer reference his impressions of the target site.
At TAB B is a map of the target location.
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900670001-0
Approved For Release SIDRE'TcIA-RDP96-00788ROO0900670001 -0
#14: This will be a remote viewing session (edited
for security).
All right, #19.5, the time is now 1205. I'm
opening up an envelope with a set of coordinates.
The coordinates I have here are:
+07 #19.5: I get a very strong sensation of . . . feel very
much at ease at this location. For some reason /
I feel very comfortable at this location. I see
a body of water. . . like a bay.
+08 I see a great. . I don't have a feeling for
size, but some kind of an arch. Couple arches.
+09 I see a road. . . looks like a six lane highway.
Its part of the arches for some reason.
I'm having trouble concentrating with that
noise upstairs.
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900670001-0
Approved For Release DP96-00788R000900670001-0
#14: Go back to your first images where you felt
comfortable, relaxed and were describing a
body of water that appeared like a bay.
#19.5: That's what I keep trying to do and I can't for
some reason.
I'll just have to try to relax; try to get my
mind off that noise.
#14: I wonder what the Sam Hell they're doing up
#19.5: Dragging furniture around up there or something.
Damned aggravating.
I'm, for some reason, I'm getting double images.
I seem to see some kind of cables. Some kind of
support cables. They have to do with the arch
or group of arches. I see some . . Whew!
I keep getting flashes of some kind of a bridge.
Very, very high bridge.
That's really overlayed with all kinds of garbage
for some reason.
#14: If the noise and stuff gets to be too much, why
don't we just go ahead and stop the session.
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#14: Okay.
+19 #19.5: I'm getting . . .
Getting patterns of some hills.
Its really aggravating.
I seem to be at like two places at one time.
I'm in a place with water, in a place with a
bridge, like the . . For some reason, one
minute I can see the bridge there, the next
minute there's no bridge there, its something
different. I can't . . Its a bridge. Its got
like the say its a suspension bridge; its a large
suspension bridge. I feel like I'm flashing from
one place to another.
I see the end of a . . . I see some flat metal
as an end of a pipe or something sticking from
it but I'm having trouble associating that to
a bridge for some reason. I keep seeing this
large suspension bridge. Looks a little bit like
the Golden Gate Bridge but I don't think its that
large. For some reason, it doesn't, doesn't seem
to fit the pattern for some reason. Then I get
this thing like on tracks with a flat piece
of metal in a tube. And . . there's some kind
of a dish type circle associated with it.
I get an Asiatic feel, but I don't think its
Asia. In fact, I know its not Asia. Its . . .
There is a definite oriental flare to the local
architecture. I don't . . I'm getting a lot of
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overlay but there's an oriental flare to the
architecture in the area.
I keep flashing to the suspension bridge over
What appears to be a form of track or suspended
track like you're looking down a long railroad
track and you don't know where it kind of
goes together in a distance.
I sense there's heavy population here. I'm
kind of flashing in and out of that comfortable
feeling. I don't know if I'm at two places for
some reason. It feels like I'm at two places.
I have the sensation of very strong psychic
acitvity. Its very, very strong. Like I'm
comfortable to be there for that reason.
I see like these tall. . I see that tall support
type structure again. I see more than one. Maybe
two or three. It has something to do with the
And the flat metal in the tube. I see sort of
like a . . I'm trying to view at the top and I
. . I keep, I get sort of a pattern but I keep
flashing from water to the suspension type bridge.
For some reason.
I better sketch what I got. I had a lot of
interference with the noise.
I've got a super headache from concentrating
through it.
#14: Yes. Well I. . that's why I suggested perhaps
we should (not audible). Where abouts is your
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UVWX 1+1 A-RDP96-007888000900670001-0
#19.5: Right between my eyes.
#14: That's funny. I often get one about here.
#19.5: Yeah.
There was a . . sort of get some kind of a
. . that kind of a pattern like a bunch of
arches and all.
#19.5: Yeah, like that. I don't know if its . . I
couldn't see it as being an entire bridge but
it looks a lot like it.
And somehow related to the arches I saw like a
very definite six lane highway. A modern freeway.
I saw some, I guess one of the patterns I saw was
this type of pattern with some kind of a steel pin
type thing going through it. I saw sections of
suspension cables like this. I guess we better
label these. Mixed arch is "A". Super highway
"B". Pin was "C" and this suspension cable's
"D", all on Page 1. Its almost like I was seeing
bits and pieces of the Golden Gate Bridge or
Page 2, there was water. I can't draw it. There
was just a lot of water.
I saw something that looked like a flat piece of
metal in the shape of I guess kind of a really
weird looking "H". On Page 2. And there was
some kind of a tube coming up. That kind of a
design. Like it was a stanchen or a. . some kind
of a support. Base plate type support. That's
That's "A" on Page 2. And I saw what appeared to
be like a railway type thing going away and just
kind of breaking up as it went away. That's "B"
on Page 2. I don't think it was a railroad but
it looked like a split ladder with curved edges.
And there was . . .
You mean something like this?
02 D
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#19.5: Yeah, a lot like the suspension, but I didn't
get. . . I felt like these were solid parts.
#19.5: That they weren't cables for some reason. I
just felt like they were solid. And, I got the
feeling like Page 3, I got an oriental feeling
because it had. . I saw a lot of roofs with that
oriental peak at the end. I don't know how to
draw that.
You know where there seemed to be a series of
roofs and a building. Oriental type look.
Boy, I'll tell you. The noise around here is
ridiculous today!
Try to do some serious work and it just gets
too bad.
But I didn't feel like it was Asia. I just felt
like there was an oriental flavor to the
And outside of that, I felt like there was some
type of psychic activity there. Very strongly
I felt that. I think that;s what made me feel
so comfortable.
There was some kind of supports - put that on
Page 4. They were like giant "M's". Two of them
or three of them, maybe. Yeah. They were very
high. Very large. Maybe 15 stories tall or
higher. I feel like they were solid and that
they were supports but they weren't solid as I've
drawn them for some reason. I couldn't see
through them. For some reason. Maybe I was in
the wrong way to look at them or something.
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#19.5: I guess we can just terminate this. Well,
we've got the guy standing on the porch.
#14: Well, he's left there, but we can close this
#19.5: Yeah, let's close it up. This is useless.
#14: Do you want to wrap up the session?
#19.5: Yeah, let's wrap it up. I can't do anymore.
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