Approved For Release 2003DP96-00788R000900110001-1
REVIEW ON : 31 Jul 99
REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6)
Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00788R000900110001-1
Approved For Release 2003SEC,IE-TDP96-00788R000900110001-1
1. (S) This report provides documentation of a remote
viewing session conducted for the purpose of orienting a
remote viewer to an applied remote viewing protocol.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions during this session
had absolutely no correlation with the geographic area selected
as a target. The target coordinate is located at the confluence
of the Peshtigo River and Armstrong Creek. This is a remote
wilderness area in Northeastern Wisconsin. It is heavily wooded
and surrounded by several large cedar swamps. The viewer's
mood was very positive prior to this session. During the
session, the viewer seemed to be very relaxed and the des-
criptions of his images were very vivid. The viewer stated that
he felt tired and drained at the conclusion of this session.
This viewer has expressed feeling drained after each remote
viewing session utilizing geographic coordinates to locate the
target. This post-session feeling of being tired and drained
is not unique to this viewer. Another viewer has expressed
the same feeling at the conclusion of his geographic coordinate
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in
the document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote
Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings
made by the viewer reference his impressions of the target site.
At TAB B are descriptions and a map of the target area.
Approved For Release 2003// ~KJP96-00788RO009001 10001 -1
Approved For Release 2003 L9 -TDP96-00788R000900110001-1
TIME #7.5: This will be a remote viewing session (edited
for security).
#14: Well, we'll get started here. I am opening
up the outer envelope and looking at the inner
envelope with a set of coordinates. For the
record the coordinates are:
45 degrees, 33 minutes, 35 seconds, north
88 degrees, 29 minutes, 0 seconds, west.
There's your envelope.
The time is now 1500 hours and read the
coordinates, look at them, go to that location
and tell me what you see.
#7: I can't help it, I'm seeing. . there I go with
the sentence again. Strange, moon-like landscape.
Impact like pattern.
Vertical projects rounded on top. Could be
three inches high; could be hundreds of feet,
I don't know.
+01 I'm seeing a dominant mountain. Its big. It
stands out from the others.
Very high. Haze or snow around the top.
Vertical ornate spires.
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+02 #7: Ha ha ha. I don't know.
I don't know.
+04 Attractive, dark haired woman. Dressed
strangely. Dressed strangely. Oh. . .
#14: Can you describe how she's dressed?
#7: Sub. . Sub. . Several of them. Like big
kerchief or something wrapped around at the
waist. Simple short sleeve, nondescript top.
No color. Don't know what its got to do with
where I am.
#7: Well, it took three times, the . . large
knife like ancient sword, I mean spear that's
large knife shape. Instead of a spear point,
its got the big knife on end.
Can't be that far west.
#14: Don't try to analyze it, just let what comes
+07 #7: This is overlay, overlay. Seeing Asian shaped
ancient building. You know, curled up on the
corners. You know, curl up, curl up, can't be.
I don't get it.
I see clouds upside down.
#14: Are you still at the coordinate location?
Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA - 8R000900110001-1
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#7: I see a big mountain over there. Same one.
I'm a few miles off the same spot. How in
the hell could I see those clouds upside down?
Could be reflection, huh?
#14: Could be, maybe you're upside down.
#7: Well, yes.
No. The mountain's right side up.
Sculpture. Eagle. Eagle. Eagle. Wings
spread out. Facing me. Don't move. Must
be sculpture. Eagle east of . . east, is
that right? Yeah. Eagle facing east and
east of mountain. I think there is. . it
must be water. I see water several miles east
of mountain.
Underground. Deep underground. Big tunnels.
I don't know where it goes. Oh, its vague.
Oh, it just keeps going down deep. You could
drive down. I don't believe any of this.
I'm overwhelmed by size of something around me.
Gigantic. Feel small and insignificant. Huh!
+15 Big dish. I'm above ground. Could be radar,
could be I don't know. Real big dish. Like
(not audible) big.
What's all the noise?
#14: The telephone men.
#7: Huh?
Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-R P9. -0 7888000900110001-1
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#14: The telephone crew.
#7: God, what'd they do, just discover a telephone?
Did I get anything?
#14: I don't know.
#7: I'm tired.
#14: Well, do you want to try to put some of your
impressions down on paper?
#7: I'm trying to remember what I saw.
#14: Well, let me go throw a little light on the
subject here.
#7: I remember a lot of conflicting stuff that
didn't make any sense at all.
#14: Well, that happens a lot, you know, things
don't make sense until you put it together.
#7: Do you have one of those soft tip pens, felt
#14: All righty. Let me find one. This one might
have some ink left in it. The one I was using
is getting kind of dry.
#7: Let me see.
#14: The first thing you described a moon-like land-
scape with an impact pattern.
Next was dominant mountain?
#14: Yes. Well, did you get the thing, you had
projections arond a dome top.
#7: Rounded top or something? Yeah, I got it.
#14: Okay. And then next was the dominant mountain.
One that stands out very high or differently
from all the others.
''T IRE Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CI 88R000900110001-1
Approved For Release 2003/i ECL P96-00788R000900110001-1
#14: Then you went to a mysterious dark-haired
#7: Hmmm. (Not audible)
#14: Well, we've got the description, but one
thing. . .
#7: Woman? Women.
#14: Women?
#7: Yeah, I had a lot of them.
#14: Now, the thing of it is, see if somehow you
can put down . . . you said they were dressed
strangely. See if you can . . .
#7: Ahh, I'm tired.
#14: Draw somehow, how they appeared. In the
strange dress.
#7: I can't do it. . it seemed like the stuff was
wrapped around.
Let's give this up.
#14: Well, kind of describe it the best you can
as you go.
#7: Long, long black hair, simple nondescript top.
I think I remember a big hankerchief shape
wrapped around. . .
I know I can't draw.
#14: Next you had a large, knife-like ancient spear
#7: Its not that far west, but . .
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#14: An Asian shaped building.
#7: Only a . . you know.
#14: 1 want to see you draw this one, now. Upside
down clouds. Ha ha ha
#7: I don't know. It could have been. . could
have been reflections.
#14: Then was . . .
#7: Underground.
#14: No. The eagle.
#7: Now, that's your God damned eagle, not mine.
All I've got to say is that's one heck of
an eagle.
Okay, I can't. . . How in the hell do you
draw a tunnel?
#14: You mentioned being overwhelmed by something
gigantic next to you. Is there any way you
can describe that? Or was that just a feeling?
#7: It was just . . just. . maybe I was inside a
gigantic room that you could put buildings in.
But that was so ridiculous I didn't say anything.
#14: Then you mentioned a . . you found yourself
above ground shortly after that. You mentioned
a big dish.
#7: Oh yes. (Not audible) It could be overlay.
But there's a gigantic dish pointed back
roughly towards the big mountain I saw. Come
Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-IRJ81R000900110001-1
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to think of it, it could have been on a
mountain. It was on a mountain. And I
felt the thing was pointing west. I never
did see the west side of the mountain so it,
you know, the mountain is west of everything.
Did I tell you I'm awfully tired?
#14: Um hm.
#7: Really rung out. Did I say anything else?
#14: The only thing we didn't touch on were vertical,
ornate spires.
#7: Oh, I drew them there, I don't know what. .
almost like in parts of Asia, Bali, or somewhere
in there, I don't know.
#14: Yes. I know what you're talking about anyhow.
Thailand or some of those. . .
#7: I've never been to Thailand but yeah. Very
slender and tall and ornate. That's what it
reminded me of. I don't. . you know.
I guess that's about it then, huh?
#14: Yes. End of session.
Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIAIJLPR000900110001-1
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Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900110001-1
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Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900110001-1
Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900110001-1
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Approved For, Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00788R000900110001-1
Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900110001-1
Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900110001-1
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Approved For Release 2003/09/11: ClPR 18tGWV8M EibUM1A(iaGM
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