Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CI - D
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600290001-5
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#08: Yeah, it's's's as if it hit sideway into
the ridge, as if it were (mumble)... As a result of the
impact the aircraft is, folded, not quite all the way
+19 but folded almost in two. And it's flattened against the..
the point of impact. The...
+22 #03: Okay, let's move slowly above the wreckage, above crash site
of Army 711, move-slowly above it. Draw a circle on the
ground with a radius of 15 miles from the crash site. When
you have completed. your- circle describe the prominent terrain
features within that radius, within that circle to me.
+24 #08: There's.a, uh,.continuing impression of a very, very, almost
exaggerated-dark high ridge in the clouds, about 8 miles
south of the crash site. There's something... there's some-
thing... something, uh...something west.... Let me try another
#03: Go ahead. Take your time, work on it.
+25 #08: It's a terrain feature that's, a dark wooded area,
about 25, 30 miles. It's the direction that I can't get.
It's's between north and west (mumble), wherever
that is, west, northwest,. whatever it is.. And it's, uh,
different from the surrounding area. It's dark and it..if you
follow the point of that it leads right to the, to that ridge.
#03: Distance?
#08: From the sky it would look like a big, uh, dark arrow or
#03: The distance?
#08: The what?
#03: Distance.
#08: About, uh, 25, 30 miles.
#03: Okay.... What is your relative altitude as you are describing
+28 #08: Well, you see that in a, that's in a lower portion. In
other words...that's why it's distinct. It looked like a,
like a little forest, unique little forest, was closer to
the ground. could probably see both...I don't know.
#03: All right #08-
#08: Maybe 2500, 3000 feet from over the ridge, not that high.
If you found the ridge at 1200, 1500 feet over the ridge you
could see it...
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#03: At this time I would like you to hold your position over
the crash site-and look for the sun coming up. Put the sun
on your right side, while holding your position over the
crash site....
#08: Damn problem is that there is no sun.
#03: All right, let's put-
#08: (Mumbling)...
#03: If there was a sun-
#08: Yeah.
+32 #03: -ask your higher self to help you put that side to your right.
#08: Okay. If there was a sun.
#03: And then describe the terrain to me. Surrounding the crash
site, the terrain surrounding the crash site. If there was a
+35 #08: Okay, two things that happened there... The crash site is
on the reverse side of the slope..which strangely enough is
the north side. Just over the abuttment and the ridge is a
huge...precipice that is lit up by the sun. Across from the
crash site is a much bigger mountain. In fact most of the time
it's partially hidden by clouds.. Between the crash site and
that mountain, which is an expanse of about two or three miles,
there is an expanse of two or three miles. And there's colors
of, and yellow. It's as if it were on a painting.
When you asked me to put my, the sun to my right there were
lines that went north and south and east and west as in a
grid. The sun was about two or three degrees..over the west,
axis, and I don't know what that means. The east...
#03: Very good #08. Now holding your position over the crash
site I want you to find terrain feature called Piedra Blanca.
Find the terrain feature called Piedra Blanca. Describe it
to me.....
#08: Oh, maybe I'm all wrapped up with that huge mountain that's
three miles or five miles south of the crash site, and it
forms a gulley with the crash site. But that's the only
thing that comes out in, that has been persistently lit up
with. blues and yellows and whites, whereas the crash site
is dark and shady. And kinda get that outta the way here and
see if there's anything else to you..feature......
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+40 #08: That'd be your Piedra Blanca I...looks like a white spire.
It's about-ten miles north of the crash site.
#03: Very good.,..
#08: Maybe less......
+42 #03: At-this time #03 I have no more, no further questions. And I
would like you to take the opportunity to explore...and report
whatever you would like to report about the area and the
crash site.
#08: Okay, (mumble)...
I have nothing further...
#03: Okay then. I'd like you to remember the impressions you
had of looking from the crash site to Piedra Blanca, and your
overhead view for a drawing. And so we'll take a couple
minutes and come back to earth and stretch and so on, then
we'll prepare to draw here.
Okay, so at this point you've done your drawings and we will
now get you to narrate, and you have free license here since
you're an author and poet and so on.
#14: I don't know, we oughta charge him for that license.
#08: Hasn't been certified, flying, Okay, in sketch number one
what I found was, as I went to the crash site, not too much
difference from my previous sessions, except I saw more of
the aircraft, uh, under this bulge of a ridge, which is appar-
ently part of a smaller mountain at the crash site. And it
appeared folded.. The problem is it's hidden from an overhead
view. Uh, you have to be almost at eye level to the side of
it to decipher it. And for some reason it's on the dark side.
Where I have higher mountain at the bottom of the page..
That's exactly what it is. It's a huge ridge that's, uh,
very light, very blue, the top of which is almsot in the
clouds, and there's often clouds over there.. And it's very
well lit up. And between the higher mountain and the crash
site is a huge gulley which I've estimated about three miles
wide. This is all lit up, and you can see quite well. It's
on the other side, the north side of the crash site, and the
abuttment or projection that hides the wreckage. Okay?
Uh, I was.looking for terrain. features within about a 13, 15,
18 mile radius. What I did was start from the crash site and
spin out. And what I got was this, uh, wooded area, which is
different from anything in the vicinity. And seemed to me as
if it were about 18 miles away, and it- the edge of that black
forest tree, which doesn't seem to belong there at all, seems
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#08: to indicate a direction towards the crash site. And this is,
this was, uh,.I found this before you asked me where was
Piedra Blanca. And Piedra Blanca I found about 10 miles north
of the crash site. And that explains sketch one, unless you
have any other questions.
#03: Okay. One other question is- you said this wooded area didn't
seem to belong there. Did you get a feel for the kind of
#08: Yeah, well it- I was looking for a feature that's different
from what you find in the area. In other words, this is all
very mountainous and most of it is very, very bleak until you
start going down the mountains, then it turns to somewhat
green, but not heavy, heavy green until you get to the very
bottom. And this stood out because it looked much, much
darker, it looked like what I would call a black forest, a
strip of forest, that seems to be out of place in that area.
So it may be a feature that might help.
#03: Okay.
#08: Then, uh, I don't understand my,. uh, the meaning of my
sketch number two, which I've labeled the sun sketch. I was
trying to, uh, pinpoint where the sun would come up and so on.
And when I first- all my impressions were with my body.facing
in underneath that ridge looking at that, at the wreckage.
So. when you asked me where east was it took me some time to
kinda stand up, go over, and turn around. And these grids,
or this graph type thing would not go away. Like I say, I
don't understand it. I don't know what's- if it has any
meaning at all. It just seemed that with a perfect north,
east, west, or north, south, east west, uh, graph that the sun
for some reason was at an elevation of about two degrees to the
east from this graph.. I don't know what that means, if anything.
And I have nothing further.
Okay. And you have a type of confidence level here for your,
uh, impressions and so on? I mean, uh, how do you visualize
this session? Pretty good? Pretty bad?
Oh, it was all right with me. I don't know how the info is.
Bo Derek- one to ten?
Oh, it was good. It was a good session for me.
Terrific. Only other question I have for you is- how about
the noise and so on?
No, I wasn't bothered by anything.
Terrific. Okay. Okay, go ahead.
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#08: This is sort of an after the fact report, in view of the fact
that we're talking about the cooling period. And I..almost
forgot to mention that the impressions that I received while
I was cooling down and I was trying to do away with the
impressions that the numbers three and seven, seven three,
three and seven kept cropping up, as.if they were involved
in the-.or were, those numbers were a factor in the.finding
of the aircraft, or the future finding of the aircraft. And
I didn't pursue it because I was concentrating on cooling
down. But it, it, uh,.surfaced at least three times before
I was able to put it out of my mind, so to speak.
Uh, anything else?
You don't feel that those were, um-
I don't.
I thought they were part of an aircraft.
They were part of an aircraft?
An aircraft number.
Terrific. Okay. So this will be the end of the tape.
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Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-60788R000600290001-5
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