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ARTICLE FROM TM, No. 10, 1974. pp. 52-56
L. Vilenskaya
Exactly 10 years ago the Moscow publishing house "Znanie" (Knowledge)
published a short book entitled "In the World of Miraculous Discharges." Its
authors, Krasnodar Mechanic Smen Davidovich Kirlian (currently a noted inventor
of the RSFSR) (Russian Socialist Federated Republic) and his wife, Valentina
Khrisanfovna Kirlian, described an original method for photographing objects
in an RF electrical discharge that they patented as early as 1949.
At that time there were few who had any idea of what significance
consequences the appearance of this brochure would lead to; hardly anybody
guessed at the "Kirlian" effect" would become truly world famous. Ina paper
by Senior Scientific Associate Victor Adamenko titled "Rays of Life" and printed
in our journal (No. 7 for 1973) the story was told of the history of the dis-
covery made by the Kirlians, of "electrographic" photography which preceded
"high-frequency" photography, of the work on the development of the latter which
has been carried out both in our country and abroad--in Bulgaria, in Romania,
the German Democtratic Reputlic, Czechoslovakia, Brazil, the Federal Republic
of Germany, England, USA. . . Only in the USSR have tens of scientific and
scientific-popular articles been published on high-frequency photography; sev-
eral dissertations have been devoted to it, and engineering improvements of it
are protected by 20 patent authors' certificates. Currently, the "Kirlian" ef-
fect" is used in the most varied fields of science and engineering: in geology,
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in psychology, in chemistry, and in biology. Even "space" specialists from
NASA have become interested in it. However, many scientists consider that
the main field of application of "high-frequency" photography is medicine.
We have already told of research in this field by Soviet specialists--doctor
of biological sciences, Viktor Inyushin, and doctor of medical sciences, Ruben
Stepanov. And comparatively recently, in January 1974, the journal "News of
Clinical Psychiatry" carried a paper by Dr. David Sheinkin from the Institute
of Bioenergetic Analyses (USA) concerning the application of the "Kirlian ef-
fect" for diagnosis of a series of illnesses (Kirlian himself was the first to
point out this. possibility).
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Continuation RP 55 T. M. No. 10 1974, Reel No. 3, Side No. 2
It's distinguishing property, as the Kirlian's noted, is a uniform
field (in the absence of the obiet't) which is created as a result of
the dielectrics.
In any electrical discharge there are electrons and ions. The
discharge is accompanied by electromagnetic radiation having a broad
spectrum: radio waves in various bands, infrared rays, light and ultra-
violet rays. However, a high often voltage discharge also contains x-radiation
which develops as a result of the stopping of the accelerated electrons in
the electrodes. Thus, what is it that causes "high often frequency" photog-
First of all the radio waves and infrared waves drop out--they do not
illuminate the photographic film. The remaining "pretenders" I checked by
means of fairly simple experiment. Highly sensitive photographic film was
replaced in the device by an electro lumisence screen (Fig. 3). The object
consisted of an ordinary coin. An excellent image was obtained on the screen.
Justice already proves that visible light plays no special role in obtaining
Kirlian photographs. After all, it is impossible to excite a phosphor (ZnS)
with weak light (and the intensity of Kirlian lumisence is very insignificant).
Here a powerful lazer is probably necessary.
It is relatively simple to "filter out" x-radiation. It turned out
that this radiation is also irrelevant here. However, it is more complicated
to "filter out" ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet filters do not work under
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these conditions, since they are polarized in the electric field. A simple
solution was found: instead of conventional photographic film (in the initial
device) a special film insensitive to ultraviolet radiation was used. The
image was obtained in this case also. Consequently, it is electrons or ions
that are "guilty" and "high often frequency." It is not "sort them out."
An aluminum coating with a thickness of 1/2 p) that was transparent to electrons
and opaque to ions was deposited on the electro ilumescent screen. The image
did not disappear. This means that this means that we can draw a final con-
clusion: electrons "trace out" the Kirlian patterns.
Where then do these electrons come from? In a strong electric field
cold electron emmission takes place (auto electronic emmision). It is called
this because unlike thermoionic emission (the emission of electrons by incan-
descent metals) the temperatuer of the substance is not lowered when electrons
are released from it. If the curve for the dependence of current on field
intensity is taken in the Kirlian device (in the prebreakdown), it coincides
with the theoretical curve for cold-emission current. This proves that
the essence of the physical processess is also the same.
Thus, electrons are emitted the electrodes due to cold-emission.
But in the Kirlian device the objectives themselves: inorganic and living
objects serve as the electrodes, For example, in photographing the skin of
a fingertip, one of the electrodes is the finger itself (see Diagram 5 for
my article in "T. M." No. 7 for 1973). Cold-emission from living organisms!
Such a phenomenon has not yet been observed--after all, cold-emission has
usually been obtained from metals then only in a vacuum. How then do living
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organism emit electrons at atmospheric pressure and still remain undamaged in
these conditions? Here the principle role is probably played by three factors:
the use of high frequencies, the "shielding" of the metalic electrodes with di-
electrics, and the post operating mode of the oscillator.
The high often frequency current does not penetrate deep in the elec-
trodes (unlike direct current), and as a consequence the skin-effect propagates
only along the surface. Therefore, even very high voltages at frequencies of
hundreds of kilohertz are in practice safe for living organisms. At the turn
of the century Nicola Tesla--a pioneer in the development of high frequency
engineering--demonstrated to a shaken public a gripping act: he passed a
high often frequency current at a voltage of up to 80 million volts through his
Figure 1. Obtaining the images of objects in the high often frequency dis-
charge (1 are metalic plates; 2 is a dielectric film; 3 are the lines of
electric field; 4 is a high often frequency oscillator; 5 is the object).
Figure 2. Universal device for obtaining high often frequency images of com-
plex surfaces (1 is an elastic dielectric; 2 is the photographic surface;
3 is an optically transparent current-conducting coating; 4 is the dis-
charge cap).
Figure 3. Observation of images of objects on an electro illumescent screen
(1 is a teflon washer; 2 is an electrode; 3 is a coaxial cable; 4 is the
discharge cap; 5 is a transparent current-conducting coating; 6 is a glass
washer; 7 is the object which consists of a coin; 8 is a ring for controling
the discharge cap; 9 is the electro illumescent coating).
Figure 4. Obtaining images in a high often frequency discharge in a low-pressure
gas (1 is the oscillator; 2 is the coin electrode; 3 are the lines of force
of the electric field; 4 is a glass vessel; 5 is the lumesent coating;
6-is the transparent current-conducting coating).
Legend for Figure 3: A--to high often frequency oscillator
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short coming
The prinicple/of auto electronic emission is its instability. There-
fore, cold cathodes are hardly used at all in electrode devices. But at
low currents (several micro ampre) this emission is nevertheless stable.
"Shielding " of metallic electrodes with dielectrics is what creates the conditions
for obtaining stable auto electronic emission. Dielectrics are polarized, and
each of their molecule-dipole (in the ideal case in the absence of an object)
constitute an elementary auto electronic emitter. Therefore, cold emission takes
place not from a single point but from the entire polarized surface of the di-
electric. Thus, the auto electronic current is also distributed over the
entire surface and this means that in each micro channel of the discharge which
develops for ionization of air by "cold" electrons is very small.
The pulse operating mode of the oscillator is chosen for the following
reasons. First, in photographing living organisms the average oscillator power
may be small (this is necessary for the safety of these organisms), although
its pulse power is significant (this is required for the development of the
discharge). And second, to the extent "cold electrons" escape from the surface
of the object and cause ionization of molecules, a discharge cap is filled with
ionized air. This leads to. . .
[This article is continued on another page which was not provided
to the translator.}
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Continuation of the article in Capi-kapan-No. 10, current 1974, p. 52-56.
RP 52 Reel No. 3, Side 1
He discovered that in persons suffering from some illnessg"rigorously defined
change in the structure of the luminous corona was observed. It is curious
that in certain cases it turned out to be possible to register this change
even before the appearance of the first symptoms of the illness.
And what has been said above is quite sufficient to understand why
the "Kirlian effect" is gradually being transformed from an exotic phenomenon
to,a convenient method for solving many practicle problems. Of course, it is
premature to asert that "high often frequency" photography will no longer bring
surprises. A wakic confirmation of this lies in the mysterious phenomena
which have been discovered as the "Kirlian effect" continues to be applied.
Certain of these still have not been explained successfully. It is these
mysterious facts (true, only five of them--space simply does not permit a
greater number of examples to be given) that the comments of Engineer
Larisa VIOENSKAYA have been devoted.
"THE REVIVED LEAF." A plant leaf that had just been torn off
was placed in the discharge devise. The current was switched on, and a
blueish luminescence (Fig lA) appeared on the surface of the leaf. Then
several needle pricks were inflicted on the leaf. And it responded instan-
taneously to the mechanical action: A reddish luminescence appeared at the
spots of the wound (Fig. 1B). After a certain time the leaf began to wilt,
and its luminescence graudally attenuated (Fig. 1C). But then a person walked
up and extended his hands a distance of 15 to 20 cm from the leaf. The '.'healer"
literally poured fresh forces into the dying cells: after several minutes
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the luminescence of the leaf became renewed (Fig. 1D). This is how a leaf
responed to bioenergetic action...
This experiment was performed in 1972 by Professor Thelma Moss at
California University. Having taken up the study of the "Kirlian effect,"
she decided first of all to use it to investigate remote interaction between
living systems. Specifically, she was very interested in the experience
gathered during the work of the Tblisi healer Alekesi Krivortov (see the article
by A.:Khar'kovskii title "A 'Magician' Walks into the Laboratory" in "Capt.ikapan"
No. 3 for 1969). Moss was able to find people who confirmed, like Krivorotov,
the fact that they could more or less heal by the "laying on of hands."
How can one check such bold announcements? Let us assume that the
patient says that he feels better; but, afterall, "better" or "worse" are
purely subjective estimates. As far as traditional methods of research
are concerned, they are in all their objectivity fairly complex and prolonged.
Here is where the "high oxygen frequency" photograph came to the rescue. It
turned out that during a seance of bioenergetic action a clearly defined in
change in color and intensity of skin lumiscence was observed in both the
"healer" and the patient. These results were obtained in the laboratory of
Newark Engineering College by Dr. D. Dean.
However, one confusion remains: after all, the patient knows that
one is trying to help him in some way. It may be the "high often frequency"
state of the
photograph simply reflect a change in the person as aresult of suggestion
and self-suggestion? It is then that an experiment was thought up on the
effect of a person on a wilted plant leaf. In the opinion of Moss the experi-
ment confirmed the fact that the "healer" radiates a certain energy which acts
on living objects.
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"Kirlian photography may be an indicator of the interaction of
people in a wordless, invisible and probably eletrical way" wrote Moss in her
paper published in the collection "Galaxies of Life." This collection was
published in the USA last year and was edited by the well-known psychologist
Stanley Krippner. The material of the first conference in the West on the
"Kirlian effect4" were published in the collection.
Thus, here is a reliably established fact for which there is yet no
explanation. What is this "some energy" and does it really have a beneficial
THE RIDDLE OF MUMIE (mummifying substance). As^repeatedly been
noted in the literature,"Kirlian method" is an irreplaceable indicator of
psychophysiological processess that go on in the human organism. This
method may be used to register the slightest fluctuation in the state or even
the mood of an individual. For example, a person merely needs to become a
little excited or frightened, and the luminescence of his skin instantaneously
changes its color and intensity; the shape and structure of the corono become
quite different (see the paper by V. Adamenko titled "Raise of Life" in
"T. M. No. 7 for 1973). A group of students at the Moscow Engineering-
Physics Institute likewise recently confirmed that during emotional excitement
of a person a shift in the . characteristics of the luminescence
is observed.
Incidently, research in this field promise great unpleasantness to
people addicted to all kinds of intoxicating substances, Thus, this journal
has already told of the fact that with the aid of the "Kirlian effect" one
can accurately determine whether or not a driver has been drinking or not.
The Aureole of a finger changes radically immediately after "taking" even one
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no less curious. Sixty-five volunteer subjects were divided into two groups:
the members of any group took a small dose of marihuana, while the other group
took a dose of an indifferent substance. Then Kirlian photographs of the
luminescence of the skin on the tips of the fingers were made for all of the
subjects. And what happened? From the pictures it turned out that one could
determine without error who among the tested subjects was under the influence
of the narcotic. Note that neither the experimentalist who evaluated the
photographs nor the tested subjects knew which group they were in--this could
be clarified only according to papers stored secretly before completion of the
Senior Scientific Associate, Victor Adamenko performed a.similar
experiment. The mysterious substance mumie (a mummifying substance) was used
as the investigative "doping" substance. In Figure 2 at the left you can see
the lumiscence of the finger of a person in the normal state while at the
right you can see the finger of a person after mumie has been taken. The
difference is obvious. Is it not possible that the Kirlian method will help
to uncover the secret of the effect of the most ancient medicine? Scientists
have already been struggling with this problem for more years than one (see
,the paper by A. Grechikhian, titled "The Tears of Stone Giants, Mumie: Legend
and Reality" in "T. M." for 1971). And maybe the key will be found to solving
the riddle of the effect of other folk medicines also as a result of "high
oxygen frequency" photography? Which of their components act on the human
organism to change the luminescence? What specifically do the variations
in color, shape and structure of the corona characterize? These questions re-
main unanswered for the time being.
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ONCE MORE ON THE BAXTERFX. Let us turn to another experiment which
is associated with the world of plants. This photograph (Fig. 3) was obtained
in 1972 by the English researchers T. Milner and E. Smart. The left photograph
shows a living leaf that has just been torn off, while the right photograph.:
shows a wilted leaf that has already been lying for days. The energy field of
the first, as it were, "transmitted" to the second; the green "healer" literally
trys to "revive" his compatriate. This phenomenon, which is very strange and
amazing, compels us to remember again the "large detectors" which this journal
has reported on in the past (see the paper by V. Adamenko titled "Live Detectors"
in "T. M." No. 8 for 1970).
Several years ago the American specialist, the director of Research
Committee of the Academy Criminological Sciences, Clive Baxter, noted that the
fluctuations in the emotional state of a person "changes the electrical poten-
tial in the plant leaf." Later he demonstrated this kind of remote interaction
to be inheritant in other biological objects as well.
The "intercourse" between living cells at a distance was also revealed
in an experiment by a group of Novosibiska scientists under the supervision of
Doctor of Biological Sciences Viol Kaznacheev (see the jounal "Znanie-Sila"
("Knowledge is Power"), No. 3 for 1973). In itself, the experiment is simple.
Tissue cultures are placed into two quarts vessels standing next to each other.
Then one of the cultures is contaminated with viruses or killed with poison,
and at that moment the most amazing thing happens: after the first culture has
perished, it becomes the turn of the second culture, even though the possibility
of the virus entering has been excluded. Under these conditions it follows
that if the first culture dies, for example, from poisoning by mercuric chloride
which blocks the respiratory enzymes it follows that the second one also
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perishes specifically from "sufficition." This phenomenon, which is called
the "mirror cytopathic effect" by the researchers, has been officially
acknowledged to be a scientific discovery and has been written into the
register of discoveries with the designation No. 122.
Why does this occur? Kaznacheev assumes that: the cells that
have perished emit ultraviolet rays that act fatally on the healthy one.
The assumption is based specifically on the fact that for replacement of
quartz vessels with glass ones the indicated effect was not observed. How-
ever, in the Baxter experiments the person and the plant, as well as dif-
ferent colonies of bacteria, interacted with one another outside the limits
of direct visibility also. It is not exclusive that the described experiments
are in consequence of more complicated profound processes that go on in living
nature. Regretably, we still know very little concerning the sensitivity of
biological systems to external influences, of their capability of responding
to various forms of physical fields and radiations. All of these problems
still await their researchers.
THE ELECTRICLA TRACE. At the beginning of the 1960's a communica-
tion appeared in our press concerning Rosa Kuleshova from Nizhnii Tagil who had
the capability of "skin vision." She could read the letters of a text while
blindfolded, and could determine the color of objects by touch, as well as the
topics of drawings and photographs. These communications aroused great interest
both on the part of scientists and on the part of the broad public (see the
selection of materials titled "From Sensational Thoughts to Serious Research"
in "T. M." No. 2 for 1965).
Later it turned out that the capabilities of Kuleshova are far from
being unique. A. Novomeiskii in Sverdolovsa, N. Sudakov in Magnitogorsa,
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A. Shevelev in Odessa and other researchers found people who successfully
demonstrated "skin vision." Certain of them obtained good results not only
under ordinary conditions (when the recognized object was touched) but also
in those cases when the object was situated in a black envelop or in a metal
Researchers advanced numerous hypothesis in attempting to explain
such strange phenomena, but not of them received final experimental confirma-
tion. And here the "Kirlian effect" again comes to the rescue. Let us
photograph some object--for example, a signature (Fig. 4A)--in a high often
discharge; hen let us cover it with a sheet of black paper and take another
photograph (Fig. 4B). On this photograph obtained by V. Ademenko in 1968,
a barely dimmed luniscence signature shows'up, although it is hidden form
our eyes. Who knows whether or not such a "electrical trace" of an object
will lead to the solution of the problem of "skin vision?"
THE PHANTOM LEAF. Aden ko posed still another riddle. In 1966
he accidently discovered the following phenomenon: if the edge of a plant
leaf has several millimeters cut off from it, then the lumiscence will
cover the missing part, and the leaf will, as it were, remain whole on the
_Kirlian photograph (Fig. 5A). All this was so unusal that naturally it
caused doubt. Moss repeated this experiment and was convinced in the
reality of the strange phenomenon (see Fig. 5C).and the Brazilian researcher.
director of the Institute of Psychobiophysics Ernani Andrave modified this
experiment somewhat. He did not cut off but killed the portion of the leaf
and obtained the same result (Fig. 5B).
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What then are these "luminescent phantoms?" Do they not indicate
that a living organism is permeated by an energy "skeleton" which vanishes only
after the entire organism has perished?
Regretably, observations of this kind have given a reason for
individual foreign authors to state that some notorious "aura" or "ghostly
emination" is being recorded here. These communications evoked a negative
reaction in many, while the Leningrad journalists Vladimir L'vov subjected
Kirlian's work to severe criticism having defined "high often frequency"
photographing nothing more or less than a harmful "photographic trick thought
up for the benefit of the Krasnodar couple" (see the newspaper "Evening
Leningrad" of March 27, 1974).
Can one agree with such an evaluation of the Kirlian method? Even
from our brief narrative it is obvious what a magnificent instrument for
puzzling out the sacred secrets of nature this method may serve as; how
many new interesting problems it has posed for scientists...
This very month Third International Conference on the "Kirlian
Effect" will be held in San Fransico. What will be the new research and
riddles that we will find out about from the papers read by the participants
in this symposium?
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